Thursday, April 13, 2023


At top, the four hopefuls minus Ahumada...and below, 
The two women in the fray Jennifer Stanton and Jessica Tetreau
And now for some comic relief
So how is Pat going to get his write-in protest vote on the ballot?


Anonymous said...

Ventána con la Tetreau 🤗

Anonymous said...

Joto de Erasmo can’t even LEAD his was way out of mommy and daddy’s home. How’s he going to LEAD Brownsville as a mayor ??
Joto has accomplished absolutely nothing in his life. Puro rely on people n his parents.

Anonymous said...

Jessica is going to win this one. People are starting to understand that she is missing link that connects the city and county finally working together.

Anonymous said...

A bow tie, jeans, sneakers, and a jacket. No les digo hay anda con la nalga enrastra.

Anonymous said...

That's an underwhelming foursome.

Sad we can't get decent candidates.

I'm out. Not playing the game this round.


Anonymous said...

Erasmo El Payaso Castro

Anonymous said...

The only cowboy about Cowen in them boots is when Cowen steps on dog shit getting into his car.

Anonymous said...


doomed, we're all doomed
we're doomed, doomed I tell you
doomed if you do, doomed if you don't
doomed, as doomed can be
your doomed, you're all doomed
nostalgia is always doomed and dooming

how to vote:
pick your nose if el moco comes out:

white you know who to vote for
blue you know who to vote for
red you know who to vote for (likes fights)
brown you know who to vote for
green don't vote

das how much this election (mayoral) is worth...
you guessed it:

Anonymous said...

Brownsville's best?

pos si, apa. No somos McAllen, ni Harlingen!!!

Four more years of junior high politics, clowns at City Hall. Ask yourself: Would even Matamoros considers these four stooges? Pos, no. Como?

Anonymous said...

Brownsville should be ashamed and apologize to the rest of the Valley for posturing these four useless "Nobodies." For the love of God, recruit professional people already!!! None of these shitters would make it in McAllen and that should be the first regional test. In San Antonio, Austin or Big D? They would all be City Hall custodians!!!


Anonymous said...

Don't forget who ran on not serving on boards as a commissioner and currently chairs GBIC.

Don't forget who encouraged residents to come back then voted against renaming Fronton St.

Don't forget who continues to receive money from city vendors and PACS $$$$$$$$$

Don't forget who ran on a slate last election and together caused the biggest fraud in Brownsville's history with PUB Tenaska.

We need to vote these families out!


Anonymous said...

Pat anda cambiando el cheque!!! Puro mugrero para alcalde de este pueblo. De todos esos pendejos y pendejas no se hace uno. Esto nunca se va a terminar hasta sacar a todos esos putos corruptos. Hay mucho dinero de por medio y todos quieren su mochada. El pueblo tiene que hacer algo. Se tiene qué organizar y empezar a buscar candidatos honestos( pero se les tiene que apoyar.). Debería de haber juntas donde pueda juntarse la gente y nominar candidatos, hablar con ellos y luego escoger el mejor. Que realmente represente al pueblo y arregle los problemas de la ciudad. Y que no tenga necesidad de ROBAR. Yo se que hay gente que quiere cambio pero tiene miedo o vergüenza de hablar. Aquí en este BLOG puede empezar el cambio. Poco a poco , menos hablar y mas accion. Nomas que alguien se anime y empiece a dar ideas. Sin juegos ni bromas y chismes. Todo en serio para el bienestar de Brownsville y mas importante de nuestras familias. Adelante con el cambio!!! QUIEN DICE YO???

Anonymous said...

Where is the NONE Of The Above button! Damn.

Anonymous said...

Jessica the flake has not told what she has done for Brownsville but has jail experience. Does Jessica know where PUB is located and hiding the hundreds of millions of dollars in the new administration building from Tanaska? Not voting for this flake.

Anonymous said...

What happened to Jessica? She no longer looks like an ostrich. She looks like can transvestite. Peor tantito.

Anonymous said...

is Erasmo Castro playing the dumb Mexican in this race. three Anglos and Castro. Uh, yes, Erasmo is the dumbass Mexican. dresses like an illegal alien new to American clothing.

What a focking disgrace.

Somebody yank his brown ass off the stage.

Brownsville is going Whitey.....

Anonymous said...

all the comments here are 100% negative and a no vote for all candidates for mayor. QUE DESGRACIA for browntown. And the shit goes on and on and on.

can the citizens stop the voting for mayor until a really good bunch can show up??? attorneys?

Anonymous said...

April 13, 2023 at 12:24 PM
don't own a ranch, so its gotta be dog shit, he don't own no cows nor horses, well maybe a mechanical horse.

Anonymous said...

The De la Vega family is with Jessica!!!

Anonymous said...

(Onta Pat Ahumada)

Probably somewhere,drunk as hell.


Anonymous said...

Let's revolt
Don't give anyone the 51%
Leave the mayor ballots blank!

Anonymous said...

Good luck and God bless Brownsville with these Fantastic 4. God oh, mighty!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

sorry ass group of wanna bees and all they want is to enrich themselves, their families and voting friends. NOTHING ELSE!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Browntown is and will still remain a shit stain on the map of Texas.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The thing that I admire about Jessica Tetreau is that she is a product from BISD and UTRGV. Something that her opponent do not have. As a current student of UTRGV. I will probably support her to be our next mayor.

Anonymous said...

Is it me or is it every time I see John Cowen picture I get some sort of diarrhea. He shouldn’t be running mayor but instead be the poster boy of how to lose your hair in five days.

Anonymous said...

Erasmo stop pretending to be straight. We know you’re gay because of that bow tie.

Anonymous said...

Jessica [Tetas] Tetreau is a piece of shit. This lady cant fix one f'ing road. Allows businesses to get away with caliche parking lots just look at how dusty Hwy48 is. Transmaquila should be ashamed of themselves. Fucking rocks everywhere. . .Jaime J Zapata, Coffee Port, Robindale, Central all need fixing. . .this bitch serves the .25% of residents here and ignores the other 99.75%. She's the only candidate that's being protested for her policies.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bet you all these a- holes acted like they all cared . That they were there for Brownsville. They were unrecognizable. Ofcourse they’re gonna do that. All politicians do that, especially ours . They know the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.$$$$$$. JACKPOT!! Its a cascade of promises and how each one of them is going to make Brownsville great. If you believe that you still believe in Santa Clause. All these losers are failures. We have all seen them at work all these years. The only ones that benefited was them. Here we go again, same story, more failures and same indifference from these losers.

Anonymous said...

La caballada esta flaca.

Anonymous said...

a pitiful group of candidates ----- pity our city---the good and decent people do not want to run.....

Anonymous said...

All of you who don't have the balls to even serve this city should shut the fuck up. Why do you think we have JUST these choices ? Because you whiners won't take a stand and throw your hat in the ring. GTFOH

Anonymous said...

Since when do turds float to the top? Sad for Brownsville!

Anonymous said...

If this is the best Brownsville has to offer , I'll just stay home. No need to waste my time going out to vote for one of these bozo's. All democrats, need I say more!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Jessica is going to win this one. People are starting to understand that she is missing link that connects the city and county finally working together.

April 13, 2023 at 11:00 AM
Oh please, she is all about herself. I watched her when they had the ceremony to turn on the Christmas lights at the zoo. She pushed her way to the front near the podium, pushing the kids out of her way and to the back so she could get her picture taken up front. She literally pushed kids out of the way and then started preening herself for the pictures and the news. Good thing for her the children can't vote, their faces said it all. No to Jessica.

Anonymous said...

Becareful people all this negative talk is understood but there are one or two candidates hopefully hoping you all don't vote and there counting on that.So stop bitching and vote for someone👍

Anonymous said...

April 13, 2023 at 10:34 PM

You go first moron. and if you do you'll be rewared with all OUR tax monies we give to the city and some extras. Like hiring all your family as department directors at 250k a year, a brand new car, insurance for all you familia, gas allowance, credit card, cell phone all free, eat at emilia's FREEEEE, internet free, pay no property tax forever, remote control so you won't get a red light at every traffic light, one month paid vacation to a destination of your choice (flying of course) but out of harlinchon, 50% discount at JCPENNY on all clothes now is your chance to us chones JOTO...

Anonymous said...

John Cowen really likes to use the word "um" and "uh" a lot. Stanton thought mentioning Harley Davidson as an accolade summed up her whole image as a candidate. The goblin queen talks a big talk but she should just bury her head up Elon Musk ass like the ostrich she is. Erasmo Castro in my opinion is a clown, I mean clearly you can see with his attire. But I'll vote for the clown because I'd like to see someone mismanage this sinking ship we call Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Jessica by a nose .haha

Anonymous said...

My vote is for Jessica Tetreau

Anonymous said...

juan i would like to see a run off battle between Jennifer Stanton vs jessica Tetreau now that would be something to see maybe just maybe. Well may the best one win for the future of Brownsville and perhaps then the new city commission might want to hire a REAL City MANAGER. I dont think Helen Reddy can can handle this task at the City. Juan also BTW any news on POSSIBLE BPUB REFUNDS BEFORE THE ELCTIONS OR IS THAT JUST A DREAM? JUST ASKING EL PORTER HOMIE.

Anonymous said...

I see 18 wheelers with her ads all over town. Where she get la lana from??? Is her vote already owned. DOOMED AGAIN.
people that know her, go ahead and ask where's the lana comimg from???? ask!!!

Anonymous said...

regardless I will vote for blondie nice todo

Anonymous said...

Test all of them ask them:
what is infrastruture
what is underground sewer lines
what is Pvc OR ABS, CLAY
what is water mains
what controls traffic lights
what are the 3 signals of traffic lights
what is asphalt and is used for what
what do you do if severe flooding strikes

don't even ask about hurricanes they all leave to hawaii, at our expense of course.

if you answer only uno you got my vote!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Who is Santon? what does she stand for? Can stir up the bullshit at the city and PUB? Is she worth my vote people would like to know is she the new blood we need?.She needs to make video on elrun runn. People don't let voter apathy on these candidates control you not to vote that's what they want.

Anonymous said...

Speak person for bad plastic surgery, horrendous hair extensions, botox and ugly makeup 💄

Anonymous said...

de perdida buy some good t-shoes idiota.

Anonymous said...

We all know where the “lana” is coming from…..a vote for her is wasted. More tenaska, more live united, more trips to South America, more dream brownsville, more BTX , more liberal left propoganda.

Anonymous said...

Why does el pinche gringo have two big bottles of water and everybody else has one big and one small? why? why? poque es gringo o pidiche? why?

Anonymous said...

April 14, 2023 at 2:56 PM

Unfortunately no one in that panel had a dick, maybe Erasmo. . .So, Maybe Erasmo knows.

However, Jessica wears a mini skirt with boots, bitch thinks she's in Coyote Ugly. Honey you just a coyote and ugly. Stanton, has no idea, shouldn't be on there. Cowen, never heard of her.

Anonymous said...

todavia no gana y ya anda vestido de payaso.

Anonymous said...

do not vote to re-elect these bozos y babosos. even to a new position its the same shit but different smell. Paint ain't gonna help, name change either, kissing ass tan poco
if it smells rat looks rat walks rat speaks rat

Anonymous said...

I see the 18 wheelers too. I think it is the Sucio Lucios. Look at where the 18 wheelers are parked. If you want to be sure the Sucio Lucios have no power do not vote for her. Think and look at the details. The Sucio Lucios will only laugh at us if she wins.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Why does el pinche gringo have two big bottles of water and everybody else has one big and one small? why? why? poque es gringo o pidiche? why?

April 15, 2023 at 1:09 PM

Are you a detective? you pay attention to details... LOL

Anonymous said...

WHO IS WHITER? A MESKIN OR A GRINGA? DEPENDS IF YOU LIVE UP NORTH northbrownsvilletx that is, than you are white as a gringo/a, if you live at las prietas or southmost than you are brown. got it?

one reason why cops here always ask you for your address not your id.

Anonymous said...

inspector cluesoo

Anonymous said...

should have asked for beer not water. water is free idiota and you want to be mayor I DON'T THINK SOOOOOOOOO

Anonymous said...

April 15, 2023 at 7:37 PM
I remember when he hated freddie fender now he goes up to sanbene for a speech pinche maricon mamon. wants to talk like a gringo texas. no la haces pinche mojado culo....

Anonymous said...

Juan, We need new people at brownsville city hall, Stanton for mayor, bryan for commissioner and linda for commissioner, hope you all win, lets change Brownsville, yes folks go out to vote for these 3 new persons if you can, we must do something new and not stay the same course. It has brought us nothing in the past and nothing will come of it in the FUTURE. Time to change those dirty diapers and throw out the trash. Juan anything about our BPUB REFUNDS from the Current Commissioners and Mayor? Just thought i remind the folks-voters about the $140-$176 million dollar BPUB scam and nothing came out of it. Que dijo el EX BPUB CEO Johnny (banana peel) Bruciak-? see you later alligator, adios and the band marches on. el porter homie

Anonymous said...

Ahole at 5:29 pm, si eres muy chingon and you are done defaming Jessica, then You have some balls and run for public office.

Anonymous said...

Ahole at 5:29 pm, si eres muy chingon and you are done defaming Jessica, then You have some balls and run for public office.

April 17, 2023 at 12:30 PM

Idiot, I'm just calling her out on her unethical and racist zoning practices. I don't have to run for office, I just wont vote for the Bish! Why don't you elect her as Brownsville's Queen, LOL. HA HA HA HA

Imagine a small town nobody, knows nothing, suddenly becomes the first Historical write in FEMALE candidate to become a Brownsville commissioner in district 2. You wish it would become a Hollywood story, it's not. She's an airhead and a moron. She lacks any bone in science and education.

Then after 12 years of doing jack f'ing shit, leaves our roads in a mess, helped squandered 175 million by voting yes everytime, and never returns her constituents calls. Once she's done with you BYE BYE! Like I said I don't have to run for office, I just wont for TRASH!
