Thursday, April 6, 2023


By John Cowen
Candidate for Mayor of Brownsville, Texas

When did the Tenaska project and related PUB rate increases happen?
We shine a light on the failed Tenaska project with a timeline of events leading up to the current situation.
(Paid political ad.)
When I ran for City Commissioner, my commitment was to bring transparency and accountability to our city. We formed the Audit & Oversight Committee within the first year of my term, which eventually uncovered the mismanagement of funds related to the Tenaska project.

Now, I ask for your support to be the next Mayor, and with your help, we can accomplish my No. 1 Priority: Lower your PUB bill!


Anonymous said...

Funny how no one is talking about the protest against trey Mendez on Tuesday city commission.

Anonymous said...

John Cowen is not the answer; he's the problem.........

Anonymous said...

Mr. Cowen, please don't be the same as all politicians who promise you the world just to get your vote. I knew your grandmother and your father and his siblings, and I know how hard she had it with so many children. I watched her walk down Adams street every morning on her way to Central Middle School where she was a teacher, I saw when their house burned down, and I saw how your Aunt Virginia worked so hard at school to reach her goals. So, in honor of your grandmother and the rest of the family, you owe it to them to be an honest
hardworking person. If your grandmother was around to see how her hard
work paid off, she would be so proud. She deserves that you keep her memory alive, as many of us have, from having been in her class at Central and seeing her struggle.

Work with the people of Brownsville, especially those who find themselves in the same situation that your Grandma did. Help us to succeed as you family has due to the devotion of your Grandma.

So, John, if you promise to do it to honor your grandma, then I will vote and campaign for you.

Anonymous said...

I take it you posted Cowen's self-written promotion in hopes of getting him to advertise with you. Nothing wrong with that.

But do check him out critically for the sake of the voters and the fate of the city.

- The Eye In The Sky

Anonymous said...

PRIORITY - the quality or state of coming before another in time or importance. : a condition of being given attention before others
According to the campaign signs, Cowen has several "priorities" like expanding the zoo and lowering PUB bill. What about Property taxes? Can anyone do anything about that? It also increased during pandemic when everyone was busy trying to survive. Fed up with all the broken promises made during campaigns and politicians that are all about self interest. Fix our city. This is not an attack on Cowen, he seems to be the best choice.

Anonymous said...

John Cowen is a Republican.

Never forget.

Anonymous said...

John Cowen voted to change name of Fronton Street to an Anglo name.

yes, he did.

Anonymous said...

This man is a joke. I will not be voting for John “Cowardly” Cowen.

Anonymous said...

No thank you I will NOT be voting for John Cowen.

guy said...

Ok. good

now commit to hiring more police officers and u have my vote.

Anonymous said...

COWEN ran on not serving on city boards yet he sits on 3 of then. #RATAS

Anonymous said...

Cowens = money controlling the people of Brownsville #VOTECOWENOUT

Anonymous said...

juan lol, Cowen will lower PUB Bills? Really what about a refund on the $140 million stolen from the Citizens of Brownsville.???? Just asking, guess NO ONE IS WILLING TO ADDRESS THAT ISSUE RIGHT? HOT POTATO? JOHN COWEN OR JESSICA LA TETAS?

Anonymous said...

Keep it going John Cowen for Mayor of Brownsville.

On another note, did you'll notice who was MISSING at the Budget Committee Meeting? None other than Carlitos Elizondo. How many meetings has he not attended? Word is he has landed a great position with the new DHR Hospital. Wish him well, hope he takes care of this position.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville voters, please dont elect or reelect anyone with "Historical designation " bullshit on their personal homes or businesses. These so called leaders should be ashamed of themselves for not paying property taxes while most of their constituents struggle to pay their fair share. It is also so ironic that these same abusers are quick to call the city so that they can fix their streets where they live or call BPD to come ASAP because someone stole their bicycles. So, please let's stop these people to continue milking the system and keep them away from any elected position.

Anonymous said...

We all know John is a REPUBLICAN 🇺🇲

Anonymous said...

Melania Trump Apparently RSVP’d “Fuck Off” to Her Husband’s Post-Arraignment Speech

Is that why she was the only family member not to get a shout-out?

why, yes.

Anonymous said...

Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott visits only Christian schools on Texas tour touting education savings accounts.

he be whitey.

Anonymous said...

The pickings are slim. It’s like who’s STENCH can you tolerate the longest.

Anonymous said...

11:08 missed a committee mtg? Did he miss a board meeting?

does it matter? If he misses? The 4 just rubber stamp anyway?
If he got a job…great for him. He’s a skilled professional in a career that is demanding with high degrees of skill and pressure…….what do the other 4 do?

Anonymous said...

If he voted for the zoo that means he kicked a lot of families that lived on 6 st and ringgold st. OUT, at cheap prices for their homes, just to bring in his family los changos... FACT


Anonymous said...

11:08 missed a committee mtg? Did he miss a board meeting?

does it matter? If he misses? The 4 just rubber stamp anyway?
If he got a job…great for him. He’s a skilled professional in a career that is demanding with a high degrees of skill and pressure…….what do the other 4 do besides “stamp”?

Anonymous said...

Time to dance -

Anonymous said...

People get this straight the PUB FRAUD Is not 140 million its way over that you have to add the interest of at least 8years imo it's somewhere in the neighborhood of $175million.If he had balls and Jessica always talking about transparency there you go bring up the interest?

Anonymous said...

Lower your BPUB bill? Keep dreaming, Cowen. The city budgets that money (revenue), even for years in advance. Rarely are utility rates lowered, especially by a city-owned utility.

John Cowen is throwing that out just because it sounds good for the campaign. He'll never be able to deliver.

And he knows it. He just wants the title of mayor, at any damned cost.

Didn't he spend more than $86,000 to win the city commissioner post?

Yes, he did.

Anonymous said...

John is the Best of the 3 evils… the fake blond is a flake… Erasmo smells n a self centered clown

Anonymous said...

It was Jessica who voted in favor of the Tenaska deal and against the audit committee. She is trying to cover up for her boss, the millionaire from Matamoros!
If she wins, along with Pedro Cardenas, they will dissolve again the Audit committee so they can keep stealing from our city!

Anonymous said...

Wow! So who was in the city commission when they voted for the Tenaska fiasko?

Anonymous said...

Voting for the gringo and fucking the gringa!

Anonymous said...

Carlitos M!!! Vas pa'l bote! Con toda la bola de corruptos que les pagaste por sus campañas!
Si el guero gana ya se te acabo la chiche y te va a cargar el payaso!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Gowen or Cowen, no thanks. We already had enough of them.

Anonymous said...

Nurith Galonsky is responsible for the biggest fraud in Brownsville's history. She was PUB Commission when Tenaska happened and approved the items. John and Nurith ran last time togeyher. They hold hands making money $$$ off the back of Brownsville reaidents.

The cowenw and Galonsky have no business in public office $$$$$$$ #CHECKTHEFACTSS

Anonymous said...

Any story Montoya, on the Mendez protest? Inquiring minds want to know.

Anonymous said...

OK, and then? So? The PUB/Tenaska theft still happened and everyone involved got away with it and the citizens still got screwed. So you were good for nothing, and probably will be good for nothing. Not voting for you.

Anonymous said...

The only time Cowen and Tetreau were vocal and outspoken during their terms was when they voted to change Fronton Street to Mcnair. They look out for themselves and their RATS.

Anonymous said...

Cowen is not the answer he is part of the problem. We need new blood. I haven't heard any candidate running for office mention making right the wrong that was done to the people of Brownsville regarding the BPUB fiasco with the Tenaska Project.

Anonymous said...

The longer in office/committees and in multiple committees the better chance of becoming corrupted.

Anonymous said...

April 6, 2023 at 9:26 PM
it was a robo commeetteeee.

Anonymous said...

Juan with all these comments i am thinking maybe the new outsider lady might be the answer to all our problems, maybe its time to try something new as for all these current elected officials we already know what we got, NOTHING, AS YOU ALL CAN SEE NO ONE WANTS TO ADDRESS THE ABUSE OF THE BPUB SCANDAL BE IT $140 MLLION OR $175 MILLION WITH INTERST, REFUNDS OR CREDIT ON MY PUB BILL. IT IS A HOT POTATO BUT NO ONE WILL ADDRESS IT AS I SEE IT, ESPECIALLY NOT COWEN OR JESSICA . SO THAT LEAVES ERASMO AND THE NEW KID IN TOWN. GOING WITH THE NEW KID IN TOWN. THATS MY 2 CENTS WORTH.

Anonymous said...

Cowen lower my pub bill, give us back our money $140 million with interest. period

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many post Jessica published? probably all of them, then she calls her little fan-persons and tells them what to type, evil she is, and she is no good for this city much less politics, it's funny how her sister doesn't even like her, let that sink in for a minute!

Anonymous said...

John's resume destroys Jessica's! Does Jessica even have a resume? what does it say? waitress at AK's, sancha, home-wrecker, line snifer, and domestic violence partaker - the blonde hair is fake, just like everything else, John Cowen for mayor!!!!

Anonymous said...

John is a great man with great morals, my family and I will support John in this coming election.

Anonymous said...

The Cowens are part of the problem. These families recycle the same people over and over again to make $$ for themselves.

Just like the Lucios Hernandez Galonskys Sorolas..


Anonymous said...

@. April 10, 2023 at 7:12 PM

Let's add the Vela's to the list.

Anonymous said...

Must have a land targeted (enrichments) some where. wait and see, IF HE GETS ELECTED. check you deeds go to the court house and pay your property taxes its critical. all this happened 100 years ago and now looks like it might happen again.
