Wednesday, April 26, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Does that look like $75,000 of your sales tax money has been spent in that shell of a building listed on the BIG 2.0 grant awarded by the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation on 409 E. Levee?

And would you sink another $125,000 of sales-tax generated public money on that investment?

On December 17, 2021 Felicia Fruia Edge – yeah, Luke Fruia's daughter – received $75,000 from the Musk Foundation then the money ran out. So like everyone else, she and her husband had to wait until the next round of money appeared.

Well, the Fruia-Edges are going to the BCIC well again tomorrow with a request for an additional $125,000, but with a different twist. This time they appear to want it for use in the 409 13th Street address for 409 Curio, a business on a two-story that has been in operation since Mark Clark had the 409 Gallery in 2005.
The BIG 2.0 grant guidelines say that there are "no exceptions" to the requirement that the recipient of the grant has 12 months to have the business up and running. Let's see. The grant for the Levee street address was issued on Dec. 17, 2021. Obviously, with the clock still ticking on the project grant, it has been a year and five months and they have not complied with the BCIC requirements.

There have been no completion of the project, and now the same applicant is trying to get another $125,000 and there isn't even a roof on the carcass of the 409 Levee site. In fact, there is no existing 409 address to begin with. It's  actually 1257 E. Levee. What's going on here?

What actually happened, insiders say, is that the initial $75,000 that were approved for the Levee Street property was used for the 409 13th Street instead. That building, with a short-term apartment upstairs, already has an occupancy permit. The $125,000, apparently, will be to do something with whatever you want to call those roofless archeological ruins on the corner.

The BCIC opened up the grant process again for the people who didn’t receive the full amount and required the March 20, 2023 deadline with no exceptions.
But if there's a bond between them and other grant recipients it's SJA.  (Fruia-Edge is a St. Joseph Academy alumnus and Pena's kids go there) So maybe those rules don’t apply here. Even through Fruia-Edge appears to be in obvious violation of the BCIC rules (which seem to change from day to day), CEO Peña has the "discretion" of placing the rules aside for her, but - apparently - not for other applicants.

If Fruia-Edge now gets approval for another $125,000 on this month’s meeting, it will make her the only participant to get the whopping full amount of $200,000. 

No one else who applied was approved and were told there was no more money as late as December 2022. 

They are such bods that Peña promoted 409 Curio on her personal Facebook page so everyone knows to go to a location that doesn’t have a restroom or a roof. In the post, she invites readers to go to 409 E. Levee "or visit at 409 E. 13th St." 

Clark had restored the building's two floors in 2005 and operated it until 2018 and left it fully functional when he moved to Corpus Christi. Fruia-Edge also bought the corner lot, which is really 1257 Levee, but and listed as 409 Levee when she got the $75,000. Now wants the additional $125,000. 

And you remember the 409 13th St. address which is really 1257 Levee. That's where Arturo "Turi" Treviño and commissioner Pedro Cardenas hosted the Geriatric Wrestling World Championship de Lucha Libre where they had all the cars towed because they parked illegally in a private parking lot caddy corner to the property. 
Same location. 

According to interim CEO Peña and the city permit department, in order to get the grant you must first activate the 1st floor and be fully operational and the second floor has to be used but has to have a sprinkler system and an elevator. 

The place has neither roof nor walls. It’s a POP UP second-hand store for the St. Joe buddies to hold their garage sales and call it vintage. But you can put lipstick on a pig and it is still a pig. It’s a ropa usada.

The BCIC announced the available money on March 3, 2023 – a Friday – in the evening, at 5:25 pm. Remember that the deadline on March 20, 2023 Monday at 12 noon. You had to have applied for the grant and have been approved by March 20,2023. 

That only gave everyone 10 business days to get everything together that included permits and an itemized project summary beforehand and to make an appointment with BCIC Community Development Manager Miriam Suarez and with Peña – the latter who just happened to have gone on vacation for Spring break March 11-March 20,2023. 

Her assistant Suarez took 2 days off for "personal time" on March 15-16. So how would anyone be able to submit anything if no one was there to receive it? 

Now over a month later the only person allowed and approved for the full grant is no other than Fruia- Edge. Her "edge" in this grant process may be that she is a St Joseph Academy alumni who graduated in the same class as Cardenas, Treviño, Nurith Galonsky,, Trey Martinez ( Tony Martinez's son), and Michael Limas.

As far as can be seen, the BCIC board and administration believe that only mere mortals have to follow the guidelines. The Rich are different and have the guidelines changed when it suits them and see the BIG 2.0 grants as their personal ATM compliments of the unwashed masses.


Anonymous said...

As long as we have a D.A. that goes after graffiti artist pts with the full extent of the law these people will keep doing what they want! The Brownsville residents pay for it anyway! The best thing to do is stay away from all these new places downtown and buy and eat in the mom and pop places that make Brownsville great! The people that work hard day in and day out to make ends meet not stealing from the citizens! BOYCOTT

Anonymous said...

who put them there? if there is a new group of elected officials the organization needs to be overhauled immediately. change the rules so everybody can have a fair chance, now the only ones that qualifiy are the rich and famous.

Anonymous said...

Disgusting. On so many levels.


Anonymous said...

San Bene o que. Ratas.

Anonymous said...

A "grant" appears to be the way the well off ask for a handout from the poor. Mamones!

Anonymous said...

Have you been inside?? It’s clear they spent it in the interiors. I’m curious to see what they do to this other section for the Curio’s next phase

Anonymous said...

Maybe BCIC should ask for receipts to see what the money is being spent on. Bet you they have no receipts, cause that place looks like they haven't invested a dime into it.

Anonymous said...

Gracias a Dios that Juan has the cojones

To expose these con artists

Haber DA Saenz pongase las pilas y pidale un par a Montoya

Anonymous said...

A grant is a grant is a grant - NOT a loan.

Does not have to be paid back.

Nothing says any one applicant cannot keep applying. They're within the rules. If slow in performing the work, well, there could be extenuating circumstances you are not privy to, Montoya.

Put money to work, I say!

Anonymous said...

Funny how you bring the St Joe Mafia and connections to light, yet you bash Susan Ruvalcaba who clearly as compared to her opponent Tino Villarreal is in that group. He is a St Joe grad, works at St Joe, is best friends with Cowen and Pedro. Had his event at 409, Tony Martínez Law firm and 1848 BBQ, same circle. So Juan is it about change (cambio) or change (dinero) with you?

Anonymous said...


This is "nickels and dimes" compared to PUB and BND fiascos.

125 million PUB and 25 Million BND.

Wonder about BISD scams?

Where's the FBI?

St. Joe mafia just small change.

Anonymous said...

Like most everything else around here the da sucks all the elected officials suck along with all their families, compadres comadres cronies and voting friends. this town is for the rich and famous.

Anonymous said...

Pretty sure Felicia fruia is on BCIC board or was at one point

Things that make you say huh

Google it

Jorge Green said...

I don’t know about the details of this transaction but I know these people. Anybody that knows them or knows of them will tell you the same thing without exception. John and Felicia Edge are some of the best people I know. Their contributions to local causes far exceed the amount reportedly awarded. I have no doubt that there aren’t nefarious intentions. There’s no way that they would do anything illegal or unethical.

Anonymous said...

The Fruias twisted Linda Macias and Mark's arm to get the deal

Look at the meetings for yourself to see how Macias defends them

Running for office and already in the pockets for $$

Anonymous said...

These folk that get the grants share the money with those that approve the grants.I scratch your back you scratch mine. This is why politicians seek their positions.

Anonymous said...

Get rid of this mess up crap of rats helping rats. These leeches know nothing is going to happen to them as long COB has the current commissioners and idiot mayor. The COB need Jessica the fake to continue these money pits to continue. Jessica will apply for her new business in Cameron Park selling wigs or extensions. Let's keep the tradition of idiot commissioners.

Anonymous said...

Chicken feed for these folks. Wonder why they even bother. Greed?

Anonymous said...



Stanton, Susan, Bryan and Lopez!

Anonymous said...

It is obvious that only certain people with political connections can receive this taxpayers funded money to do as pleased. Pura pinche rata de dos patas en Brownsville politics.

Anonymous said...

According to the information given in this article, BCIC seems to operate in a very mysterious way. It appears to be like a non guarded ATM machine for the well connected/ elite citizens of Brownsville. If im not mistaken these shenanigans have been exposed in other stories in the past. . If this is true, why is this entity allowed to continue to give away what amounts to be tax payer money to the RICH? Are not these grants available to all BROWNSVILLE citizens(businesses) not only a select few. Something smells extremely rotten here. Once again i ask , why does it always seem like its the same people(names) involved in these shady deals. Those names mentioned in the article keep making the rounds when it comes to embarrassing and infamous incidents around town. Once again Brownsville continues to be the laughing stock of the RGV.

Anonymous said...

Going way back to the murdered Bill Mowbray days, the old man Fruia has had suspicion all around him. Everyone suspects he was having a fling with Suzy Mowbray and was the architect of the crime that landed her in prison for the murder of her husband. Since that time, old man Fruia became the benefactor of the dealership. He’s always been a hot head caught at times screaming at employees at the top of his lungs while trying to put out a tranquil persona when customers are around.

His daughter, Felicia, seems to be a good person, but hanging out with the old man has probably wore on her a bit to where she picking up some bad habits, like taking advantage of opportunities when no one is looking. Unfortunately for her, this time the Rrun-Rrun caught her in the act of becoming a chip off the old block.

Anonymous said...

Fruia-Edge has also been charging 956 Coffee Co $3000/mo to "rent" in Curio 956

Anonymous said...

don't call it a grant call it by its real name a pidiche loan and see who applies. the rich and famous pidiches using money provided by low income residents NO TIENEN VERGUENZA PIDIENDO PIDICHE GRANTS.

but, ya al' voted for them and looks like its gonna happen again and again and again and agin and again

Anonymous said...

its only a way the rich can get richer getting funding from the poor and calling it grant money, when its acutually a hand out from the poor and passing throught the hands of cocos so the poor can't qualify to borrow their own money.
another way RATAS make money.

Anonymous said...

To all these self entitled elitist's, Use your own money to play your "Keeping up with the Jones"games. Get a loan or work harder, if you even know how to do that. On another note, when I donate to a cause, I don't put it on "Blast" for FB friends or anyone to view. Good Character is doing the right thing when no one is watching.( not shady shenanigans). I will not support a business that all these people have. Have your own clique support you.

Anonymous said...

The only ones that will benefit from the Gutierrez warehouse rebuilding is the Farmers market vendors who dont pay a penny for selling their products on city property. And now, they will have free storage space and the city will be responsible for the maintenance and insurance matters of this building for them. Another pet project, What a bunch of bullshit.

Anonymous said...

April 26, 2023 at 4:33 PM

Anonymous said...

Mr. Fruia worked his tail off since he was a young man and that is what got him his dealership. He is a good man who does no one wrong, and those of you who put him down are just a bunch of jealous idiots who never got anywhere in
life. if a court of law found no grounds to even accuse him of any wrong doing, how can a stupid idiot make sure comments about him? Ask Frida's son what happened to his stepfather. Where are both of those idiots? Live Luke out of this!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I was denied from the state GLO home repair program because I make tooooo much money I make 30k a year. Estas RATAS make millions and will get approved for more funds they make over MILLIONS a year.


Anonymous said...

Brownsville is so corrupted with their politicians that it will never progress the way McAllen has grown. I stopped voting because of these rats are only there to get themselves and friends richer. They don't care about the city's progress like streets maintenance and proper drainage issues only how to cheat the system to receive grant money for their personal businesses. And lets not forget the countless politicians past and present who dont pay a penny on property taxes on their personal homes and personal businesses because of the "Historical designation " bullshit. And they expect their constituents to pay their fair share on property taxes. Pathetic to the max.
