Thursday, April 27, 2023


(Ed.'s Note: We asked a couple of the elected officials pictured on COB mayoral candidate Jessica Tetreau's Facebook page whether they had authorized her to make it appear as if they were endorsing her candidacy over the other candidates and pretty soon it became clear that they hadn't. But to a casual reader of social media, it appears as if they were. IN the montage of photos above, it appears she's gort the backing of a majority of the Cameron County Commissioners Court. In love, war, and now politics, all's fair, we assume. Like her or not, this gal's got chutzpah!)


Anonymous said...

Jessica Tetreau would be Godsend for local Mexicans. They say her main opponent - shifty Jowen Cowen - is a straight-up Republican who will be the pro-Anglo missing link at City Hall.

Get rid of timebomb Cowen & devious Galonsky and live better.


Anonymous said...

Oh, come on, man!

Everybody knows Montoya has the hots for Tetreau. But she likely fears his package is not "big" enough.

If you ever see them side-by-side, you'll see what I mean. Women need to "feel" it.

Anonymous said...

Farewell Transmission - Texas’ plan to fix its power grid is a disaster.

Republicans in Austin are pushing fake smoke & mirror laws they say will improve the state's electrical grid.

They lie.


Anonymous said...

Jessica Tetreu is DESPERATE. She has taken pictures through out the years because as a City Official she is invited to events, But NO ONE LIKES HER, TRUSTS HER OR HAS OR WILL ENDORSE HER. Those are old pictues. Look at the one with Congressman Vicente Gonzalez. Vicente wife wasn't there at that event when Jessica showed up in tank top. She was rubbing her tits all over him and when she laughed she would jump up and down so that Vicente would stare at her titts hoping he would give her money from his campaign for her campaign. She did that to all the elected men that day. She does that a lot. She wears skimy outfits in hope she lands a rich man. Jessica is an embarresment.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:40 AM

You insipid slut! What the fuck do you know about women??? Jessica Tetreau is Brownsville through & through, mugroso. Oh, tell us - your wife is a former nun fired by Bishop Flores 'cause she wouldn't go down.

ha ha ha.

Pukes like you know nothing about real women. Go and fuck yourself, vato apestoso!!!

Anonymous said...

The Super Model. La Jessica needs to move to Hollywood n come out in pictures or something. El Valley is small time for her. La 10.

Anonymous said...

Birds of a feather stick together as the saying goes. All these guys do the same thing when it’s election time. Remember,PERCEPTION is very important to them. Whether they like each other or not, they all have to play the game. “I scratch your back you scratch mine” type of agreement. Also amongst “them” they all understand that sooner or later you’ll return the favor. Whatever it might be!!! There must be a handbook that these “elite” group of people follow. Its incredible how these people follow it ( handbook) step by step —— galas, fundraisers,city functions, Sombrerofest, Taste of la Frontera, Charro days fiesta, etc. And lets not forget their PHOTO SESSIONS. Its all an elaborate plan to maintain the same group of people running the city and county. And the sad part about all this, is that we allow it to happen.

Anonymous said...

galas, fundraisers,city functions, Sombrerofest, Taste of la Frontera, Charro days fiesta, etc. And lets not forget their PHOTO SESSIONS. Its all an elaborate plan to maintain the same group of people running the city and county. April 27, 2023 at 10:54 AM

All these events require money, good clothes, and time. It is a job for them for social networking. We should do this too but we lack the money or the clothes or the time. We are very busy with chores.

Anonymous said...

Jessica Tetreau-Kalifa, the hardest working mujer blanca regordeta in Brownsville!

Anonymous said...

Pura rata miro yo alli, JUDGE AND 2 COMMSISSIONERS, lol Benavidez ya retire no or let me guess theyre gna name the dancy building after you or Garza LMAO.... Trevino hope you get indicted frckn THIEF........

Anonymous said...

You people should be proud that we have a star and a very popular person living here. Her charm just flows out without any effort her beauty is undeniable and unapproachable she is eloquenthy afiuent and well-spoken a loquī, vividly expressive and eloquent is beyound reproch. Obviosly she is the most ravsihing beauty here. She is magnificent, charming, stunning and lastly pulchritudinous.

Anonymous said...

Oh shit , a collage of Ratas

Anonymous said...

April 27, 2023 at 9:40 AM
complain about la almuada that picture was taken 40 years ago if you seen him you won't recognize theoldfart.

Anonymous said...

Joey Lopez - empty suit. Disneyworld, Joey? You remember - when you went and spent your cash and then called BISD for more?

Oh, you forgot?

ja jaja ja a-ha ha ha ha


Anonymous said...

******I’ll vote for the home girl not afraid to get her ojete sudado for votes con la raza. She working real hard for it and deserves the votes. A for effort.

April 26, 2023 at 10:27 PM ******

Home Boi, you are welcome to the home girl's sweaty ojete. You can also stir the salad bowl and eat its fruit but there is no way in hell that I will vote her. May the best rata win.

Anonymous said...

The pictures tell me that everyone in them wants to be politically correct.

Anonymous said...

Jessica is going to be the next Mayor of Brownsville

Anonymous said...

In order to get rid of the corruption we need to start voting for new comers. Down with the same old same old. Vote for true change. And quit placing so much emphasis on the political party. All the corrupt candidates in this area are Democrats even Cowen.

Anonymous said...

Jessica Tetreau and Cowen have done nothing for the city. Where were they during the BPUB scam? Give new comers a chance. Let's see what they have to offer. But all you guys continue to vote for the same corrupt people and expect positive change.

Anonymous said...

No POs Wow, puros Ratas in this pictures, why can candidates stand on their own two feet or no vale madre? just asking.

Anonymous said...

April 27, 2023 at 3:44 PM
hahahahahahahahaha jajajajajajajajajajaja

Anonymous said...

Joey Lopez even took his parents on that trip. Yes,he paid the money back but only because someone blew the whistle. His face even looks like that of a 🐀.

Anonymous said...

April 27, 2023 at 3:44 PM

I wish I could write like you.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Jessica, the real questions is? WHAT HAVE YOU REALLY DONE FOR BROWNSVILLE IN THE LAST 8 YEARS? Any thing Positive?

Anonymous said...

Jessica and Planning & Zoning are despicable. . .Our whole area that was Residential is now Industrial, no notifications, no due process, just a hammer and a nail. . .ya get what ya get and ya don't throw a fit! Yeah, well fuck you Jessica!

You're giving concessions to these Trucking companies, from Mexico, unethical Mexican Trucking companies? Who Idle their trucks all day, all night next to people's homes. This is the corruption in Brownsville people have to deal with when they have unethical politicians like Jessica. . .she did research, none of it scientific or dealing with ethics, her entire research was. . . how can we fuck the people who live on Aubuck rd, Lester rd, and other areas on Old PI rd. Lets make it so uncomfortable, we'll make 'em leave. Fuck you Jessica!

This is the kind of bitch that'll give a blind person a dollar and say it's a hundey. Jessica, you need to place some regulations. . .these companies need to pave their 15 acre lot and place Blast proof walls because explosive tankers parked next to people's homes is unacceptable. These companies caliche dust falls on us. . .falls on the people who live on San Mateo rd, San Miguel rd, San Luis rd.

Anyone living around these roads, I insist you call this bitch up, especially if you're down wind from STN, TVS, or is it Montinex, or is it Jaiero Estacion, or the other 3 LLC's (I cant remember, to many to count) in this little building at 7015 south padre Island highway.

I hate you Bitch!

quick note
No other politician is getting hate like her and there's a reason for that. The Brownsville PD has an entire book on noise complaints from STN(San Luis, Tamaulipas, and Nuevo Leon Trucking Company), she's a liability to the city. NONE OF THIS IS GRANDFATHERED! Go gas light someone else BITCH!

Anonymous said...

What's up Montoya think I'm lying about the Trucking companies, Tetreau, and Zoning? You should print what I wrote about this. I hope she wins because I'm going to be a sharp fucking thorn.

Anonymous said...

April 28, 2023 at 5:29 PM

April 29, 2023 at 5:32 PM

The City of Brownsville and its mayor and commissioners do agreements with business when nobody is looking. Behind the scenes they sign documents that the staff doesn't think are important. Later the documents and the agents of the companies knock on the door and bring up the original documents signed 20 years ago.

Examples: Space X ( who can control this company when the City gave them permission to destroy nature)

Antennas ( all over the City but approved by previous Mayors and Commissioners)

internet cable ( right now a big achievement of Trey Mendez but in the future it will be a big problem) Spectrum (could not do much about it even though they painted the company in a negative light)

Zoning MAFIA ( they decide what to do: commercial, residential, etc)

Anonymous said...

Juan is the blue dress jessica tetas is always wearing el blue dress de la Monica Lewinski? just asking for a friend. el porter homie
