Friday, April 14, 2023


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis speaks at with State Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo (2nd from right)

By Mark Sumner
Daily Kos

Last October, Florida State Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo issued an extraordinary warning. 

Based an analysis of Florida residents, Ladapo asserted that being vaccinated for COVID-19 resulted in an “increased risk for cardiac-related mortality” in the month following vaccination. Even more astoundingly, that analysis claimed that mRNA vaccines represented a “substantial” risk for both all-cause and cardiac-related deaths for men between 18 and 39. 

According to Ladapo , there was an “84 percent increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related death” for men in that age group following vaccination with an mRNA vaccine. As a result, the state of Florida officially recommended against men getting vaccinated for COVID-19.

Since that announcement, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has repeatedly backed Ladapo’s recommendation. The numbers from that state-controlled Florida “study” have become standard fare for anti-vaccine claims from Fox News to Robert Kennedy Jr. Kennedy even had Ladapo on his anti-vax podcast to promote a book Ladapo authored in which he scoffed at the “panic and fear” of other public health officials when it comes to COVID-19.

However, right from the start, Ladapo's colleagues were highly skeptical of both his findings and his recommendation. Now the Tampa Bay Times demonstrates that there were very good reasons for that skepticism. Because to get the numbers he wanted, Ladapo altered the results of the study, leaving out what it really discovered: “The risk associated with COVID-19 infection clearly outweighs any potential risks associated with mRNA vaccination.”

This is the conclusion of the study as published by Ladapo.

As the
Tallahassee Democrat reported back in January, that “84 percent increase” was still there in the earlier version of the report, but there were only 20 cases of coronary events in that age group across the study, making the whole number too small to be statistically significant. 

For scientists who evaluated Ladapo’s version of the report, the evidence was clear that he had committed “reporting bias by cherry picking results; focusing only on evidence that supports his stance, ignoring contradicting evidence and failing to appropriately acknowledge the limitations of his own data set.”

To find something he could use to “prove” mRNA vaccines were dangerous, Ladapo scanned the tables, found one number where deaths within a certain period for one small group were higher, and singled it out as a cause for alarm. He did so even though it was obvious that the number he was selecting was based on a sample size so small that it amounted to no more than “noise” in the results.

Not only does the Times version show how Ladapo deliberately altered the conclusion of the report to highlight the false fear he wanted to create, to better highlight the results, Ladapo removed a whole set of data from the study: the data concerning what happened to Floridians who became infected with COVID-19.

In order to support the anti-vaccine claims that both Ladapo and DeSantis had supported, the state surgeon manufactured a false claim that mRNA vaccines were dangerous. In doing so, he completely ignored the obvious – COVID-19 really is dangerous.

Ladapo’s recommendation wasn’t just wrong, it was malpractice that has almost certainly resulted in numerous deaths, not just in Florida, but everywhere his false claim was repeated. It may not be possible to charge Ladapo and DeSantis with murder. That doesn’t make them less guilty.


Anonymous said...

what does this mean to me!!!!!

may God damn you, Toya!

Anonymous said...

story assessment: BOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!

Who cares????

Anonymous said...

Its to be expected from these morons. Its the same radical ideas and misconceptions spread by these nutcases posing as politicians (Trump, MTG,Gaetz, De Santis etc) that many people are duped into believing. But in this case , at the cost of human life!!! The hunger for power and money is now above any type of sanity. Even these so called “doctors “ are playing the game. They are sworn to protect life but yet these sellouts are now part of this radical movement. There is no decency with these assholes. And they continue to spew their lies every day. We live in a decadent world. So ,so sad

Anonymous said...

April 14, 2023 at 7:58 AM April 14, 2023 at 8:16 AM


Anonymous said...

April 14, 2023 at 7:58 AM April 14, 2023 at 8:16 AM

ya cortale joton no vales madre joto...

Anonymous said...

April 14, 2023 at 7:58 AM April 14, 2023 at 8:16 AM

vallese pinche mamon people here hate your ass joto

Anonymous said...

These folk believe their lies. They are sick in the head.

Anonymous said...

Get vaccinated then die suddenly. Blood clot or myocarditis. Your choice.

Anonymous said...

Calling out the GOP as radical is absurd, since the extreme left created WOKE, LGBTQ, BLM and the list goes on. Democrats have governed 12 of the last 16 years, therefore the Democratic government owns it all. As for the COVID vaccine it was Trump who pushed its development at warp speed. But I understand that your indoctrination prohibits you from recognizing the truth.

Anonymous said...

@6:31 AM

Republicans are behind a load of racist legislation (see Tennessee, Florida, Texas, Missouri, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia, South Carolina, etal)

Trump pushed inhalation of bleach during Covid, moron. Anti-abortion laws are all they offer now (women will vote!). Border invasions. Republican Supreme Court Assoc. Justice Clarence Thomas (dealing in bribery) now also ABOVE THE LAW. Lindsey Graham in Saudi Arabia with hand stretched-out for cash, like Trump and Trump's son-in-law Kushner.

There is a reason why Trump is also being charged by State of Georgia (hey, find me, 10,800 votes, so I win) and the DOJ (espionage).

No, Democrats are not at fault at all.

Republicans with fascism and white supremacy, which may be what you're all about, plebe. So, yeah, FOCK OFF!!!

Anonymous said...

April 15, 2023, at 6:31 AM

I do not understand what is wrong with the WOKE, LGBTQ, or BLM movements. People should have the freedom to do what they want as long as they don't break the law. LGBTQ as long as they don't poke the ass of a non willing participant and they respect someone else's decision more power to them.

Anybody who had been president would have understood and supported the development of a COVID vaccine through warp speed. It is not like Trump developed the vaccine himself. The one who did a lot for the development of the vaccine was Dolly Parton with the money she donated. If the government provided money for the development for the vaccine it was our, the people's money, because we are the ones who provide the taxes. Please, he even wanted to sign the stimulus checks! This is our money not his. He is delusional. He is the one who cannot recognize the truth and if he does, he denies it like the liar he is.

"I understand that your indoctrination prohibits you from recognizing the truth." I sure believe the phrase especially after it has been proven that Trump knew the election was not stolen. Really you would be happy if Trump was still president by his own lying will? To me it is evident on who has been drinking the cool aid. Then the way he set those people up for January 6. He made our beautiful country look like a third world nation during the transition of power. Thinking about the LGBTQ community if you are willing to give your ass hole to Trump so that he can bend you over really good that is your business, but the people spoke when they voted him out.

You and all like you can keep eating his crock of shit. Everybody else needs to go out and vote. Go vote during our Brownsville elections because if not you have already placed yourself in the prone position.

Anonymous said...

April 14, 2023 at 7:58 AM April 14, 2023 at 8:16 AM
Its meant to mean nothing to you assH***, joto don't like it, leave and make everybody here happy, OPEN YOUR OWN BLOG ESTUPIDO... joton go downtown and pick up your boy friend, joto maricon.

Anonymous said...

April 14, 2023 at 7:58 AM April 14, 2023 at 8:16 AM
You don't like it open your own blog pinche vendido YOUR MAMONES LAS RATAS ARE PAYING FOR YOUR TOILET PAPER PINCHE MAMON

Anonymous said...

nothing to worry, he's got wonder woman next to him ready to fly with her cape of course.

y la escoba?

Anonymous said...

12:07 and 7:33 right on the money. Hit the nail on the head. Absolutely correct.
