Friday, April 7, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

In the the wake of the Nashville school shooting, where six people, including three children were killed, crowds largely comprised of students and young people have been gathering at the Tennessee state Capitol to peacefully protest for stricter gun laws.

Three Democratic state representatives, Justin Jones, Gloria Johnson and Justin Pearson, joined their constituents, calling for stronger laws to curb gun violence.

In retaliation, first Republicans punished Jones, Johnson, and Pearson by stripping them of their committee assignments and restricting their access to the legislative office building. 

Then on April 6, the Republican-dominated chamber voted to expel the two of the three Democratic lawmakers (both Black); a move that has only been used a handful of times since the Civil War.

Removing Jones and Pearson from the state House is an unprecedented overreach that will deny more than 200,000 Tennesseans their voice in the legislature while also stomping on the public servants First Amendment rights. This is not what democracy looks like. This is what Republicans do.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

White State Rep. was not expelled.

Whitey playing more racist games. May God damn them.

Anonymous said...

This is unconstitutional, I hope the Supreme Court gets involved in this case. How are we 2023, and the party of freedom of speech is trying to remove the freedom of speech from a fellow member of the house who sits on the other side of the aisle. It is a sad to know a country founded on religious freedom while eventually be split by political preference. Rome on repeat!

Anonymous said...

World has gone to shit. You try and do the right thing and yet politics and the almighty dollar are far more important than human life. There’s a solution to everything, you just have to have 2 sides that are willing to compromise. Unbelievable!!!

Anonymous said...

These blacks need to talk about all the mass shooting in the black communities and how stupid blacks act in society. If one person is killed by guns? It's a mass shooting? But look at how blacks are getting away from shooting, robberies, shoplifting, car thefts, blocking traffic and looting and now their favorite line when the cops show up: I can't breathe!!! Blacks don't respect the law or people. Shooting will never stop in this country until you take the rights of the people to have guns. Only the criminals will have guns to kill you because now the killers have more rights than you.

Anonymous said...

Blacks don't follow the rules or obey the law. Act civilized if you want to be heard.

Anonymous said...

So the people who commit half of all murders in the USA want to take away our guns?

Anonymous said...

200,000 that's about the size of Brownsville but uh, do you think it'll cost them 175 mil? if not eh, it's not so bad. Democrats always costing people money, always saying they represent but never do.

Who will people target first if we ever have a hypothetical revolution? I think politicians and police will be the first targets, before America becomes completely fascist and authoritarian. In some places Republicans will be targeted and other places Democrats. I think it just depends who the bigger problem is in their area.

Anonymous said...

Blacks are overrepresented in movies, television, and government.

Anonymous said...

April 7, 2023 at 6:01 PM
you are getting close. that's why whites want guns every where. to catch blacks and sent all of them away.
the blacks don't.
shooting targets at the pd-academy are painted black, FACT!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Until we are able to identify all those individuals receiving psychiatric treatment, and enter this information on a data base will we be able to reduce and possibly eliminate the mass shootings. Take away the guns and these psychos will just go into tiktok or some other social media and find a way to make explosives that will kill even more. Remember we are dealing with psychos.

Anonymous said...

The solution is simple built two Noah's Arks sent one to cockroach europe and the other to shit hole africa. simple. problem solved...

Anonymous said...

They were expelled for disrupting the democratic process by ignoring established rules of discourse in the legislature. Their offense was the same practiced in Berlin by Nazis who were elected to the Reichstag (also by their communist enemies). Far from being champions of anything, these morons were actually showing for all to see their complete disregard for the democratic process when their opinion is in a minority!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
They were expelled for disrupting the democratic process by ignoring established rules of discourse in the legislature.

Far from being champions of anything, these morons were actually showing for all to see their complete disregard for the democratic process when their opinion is in a minority!

April 9, 2023 at 6:39 PM
Rep. Joe Wilson shouted "you lie" after President Obama NOTHING HAPPENED TO HIM.

Their opinion...doesn't count because they are a minority and the Republicans a majority.

Republicans control the USA. They are the party of family values, money and power.

Anonymous said...

April 10, 2023 at 9:31 AM
and guns that lead to mass shootings of citizens and children, SAY IT COMPLETE IDIOTA!

Anonymous said...

We don't have to look to Tennessee. the same bullshit is being pulled by the Brownsville City commission, the city manager, the city attorneys and the Brownsville Police department. It is horrible what they do. They do stuff that should have kicked them all out.

