Tuesday, April 25, 2023



Anonymous said...

Trump is so yesteryear!

Hope Republicans nominate him. That will mean Democrats win the presidency again!!!

Lock him up. USA does not need criminal as pres.!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

what frenchies do they get now and they want more pinches mamones.
lets see they get gas allowance unlimited, a cell phone paid plus all the hours they want FREE, insurance for the whole family free, a remote so they get NO RED LIGHTS NO WHERE, protection from the police free of course, recomment to hire friends which the city does, credit card unlimited, vouchers for free cash and hidden incentives.

Now they want a full time salary for a part-time job

Anonymous said...

The play is already in motion. Biden wins the election. He will not be able to complete his term either due to his health or age. Kamala Harris will be appointed as temporary president until the next election. However, once she is in office its hard to beat an incumbent. So you morons are worried about Trump? Hell, I‘ll pay to see this happen. I’m sure Kamala with her charming laughter will be able to dominate all world leaders. Just imagine Putin, Xi Jinping, Bulelani Jili, and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei all sitting at a table with Kamala laughing.

Anonymous said...


Law firm head bought Republican-nominated Neal Gorsuch-owned property

The Supreme Court justice did not report the identity of the purchaser, whose firm has had numerous cases before the court.

Disband the Supreme Court! It is not neutral. Anti-America Republicans are in control.

Anonymous said...

April 25, 2023 at 12:46 PM

Trump is against America. Only favors his friends and his family.

If the Republican party behaves and is nice towards him....then maybe he will do what they want.

Anonymous said...

Why so many top Republicans want to go to war in Mexico

An astonishingly bad idea that’s gotten popular very quickly. No specific plans, just some more saber-rattling, and Mexico is not happy.

Anonymous said...

Lock up Biden for been blind in his mind, eyes, for helping illegals but not helping those taxpayers that do work. Blacks only work one day a month, for their welfare check to get their fix. Biden and his Chinese friends are ready to vote for him already.

Anonymous said...

If memory serves me correctly Biden recently stated he was going to send the military into Mexico to eliminate the drug cartel. This occurred after some blacks got shot and detained in Mexico by the drug cartel for trying to purchase illegal drugs. This comment insulted the Mexican president where he firmly stated that no foreign military would ever enter his country. He was so upset he immediately began working on being part of BRICS. There are no foreign leaders that think much about our current government. Our current leadership is a joke to all foreign powers.

Anonymous said...

April 25, 2023 at 3:29 PM
for land same here gringos came here to steal the lands and they did with the help of los rinches.
