Thursday, April 27, 2023


By Caty Presas-Garcia
COB District 2 Candidate

As I go knocking door to door and participate in candidate forums, I have grown used to hear the same complaint: "Why should I vote in city elections? They all turn out the same. They promise you everything and then help themselves instead and forget about the average citizen."

The low turnout in the early vote is just one indication of the apathy and mistrust that Brownsville residents have toward this year's city elections for mayor, At-Large A, District 1, and District 2. By Wednesday, the voting lagged 621 votes behind the 2019 totals when a similar election was held. 

Today, on Thursday, after three days of early voting, that difference is worse, with the Cameron County Elections Office reporting that 2,129 people had voted, compared to 2,915 in 2019, 784 less.

I can't say that I blame the voters. I, too, have been disappointed with the performance of the leadership we've had, especially in the mayor's office these past two terms. And to think that these legal professionals used their education and degrees to try to line their own pockets. It is shameful.

But what is the alternative?

Should we just sit back and allow these excesses to prevent our participation in the democratic elections that we enjoy thanks to our veterans and civically engaged people in our community who seek to improve our city and provide better opportunities for our coming generations? In my case, to do so would be to ignore the sacrifices my dad – a veteran who served in combat overseas – made to grant us this right. I can't. 

We have become used to seeing less than 10 percent of the eligible voters vote for the city commission in local races. People have gotten used to just sit back and let special interests have their way with our city assets and resources for their own profit. No responsible citizen can afford not to participate.

Think of it this way: If there are 10 people in a lifeboat, would you let only one decide who gets water, food, medical care, shelter, etc., or even have the final say on who can stay in the boat?

Of course not. But that is exactly what happens when we don't make our voices heard.

But if less than 10 percent of the city's eligible voters take the time to cast their ballot, that's exactly what we are letting happen. It's not time to despair and get discouraged. Democracy is not an easy thing. Sometimes you have to take the good with the bad and keep on working on it until we get our city back on the right track. 

Please don't give up. If they don't keep their promise, I'll help you throw the rascals out in the next go-round.

Vota o te botan!


Anonymous said...

A-ha ha ha ha

Poor girl has no idea the people here see her as an example of the poor leadership she so decries here!

Caty, siddown. You had your chance and all you did was scream and play footsies with BISD colleague Luci Longoria and some vendors. We know it. You know it. You even sued BISD, fer chrissakes!!!

Just siddown, esa!!!

Anonymous said...

It’s very simple. The pickings are slim and keeping the voters at home.

Anonymous said...

Caty, you sued the school district in an attempt to line your pockets with money. You are self-centered just like your friend erasmo Castro … bitching, I wonder how your husband puts up with you

Anonymous said...

Whining candidates turn off voters.

Get to work and campaign! Bitching won't win it.


Anonymous said...

Assorted photos of my wife.

Anonymous said...

New elected candidates....will have to work hard, make changes and connect with their District residents to really impact the future of the City.

Anonymous said...

No te mordiste la lengua mijita ?? No tienes vergüenza, mejor no digas nada. Ahora de repente eres filosofa y sabes todo . Hipócrita . Todos tenemos derecho de opinar y todos opinamos—- YA CALLATE!!!

Anonymous said...

You use the words Apathy and Mistrust in the article, well, YOU!! are one of the reasons we the voters feel this way. Enough said

Anonymous said...

Amazing, Mrs Presas-Garcia tells it like it is. No doubt this city has so many haters and worthless individuals supporting Morons. Uufff what a disgrace for us the citizens who do have a brain and are tired of the worthless groups running our city and county. Puro Idiota, Puro Rata ! Mrs. Presas-Garcia you got our vote and support you can count on us Lopez Family a total of 28 all voted for you. We need you BACK!! Eres una Chingonada ! Don't worry about what the haters say they are bitter and just sorry ass wanna B. If someone has balls it's you, if someone can say it like it is it's you.

Anonymous said...

All she does is point fingers at all the present and previous leadership. She simply is avoiding to see the rude, loud mouth, pushy person that she has been. Always blasting all of Brownsville at all times during this campaign ;how quickly she forgets what an embarrassment she was while serving on BISD school board. We the Brownsville citizen do not want her representing us she is uneducated, cheap, loud mouth and walks this earth as if she is better than anyone. Look who’s calling the kettle black. Go AWAY CATA!!!

Anonymous said...

La zorra no se mira su cola. To me this just goes to show that Cata la Rata Calaca knows what she is doing. She is a sociopath. Vieja loca.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Cata knows what she has done and is doing. For the voter Linda's inexperience is a plus because she won't know how to steal. Yes, some may guide her, Linda, but she won't steal by herself. Cata will steal on her own. She won't need and guidance. She, Cata, knows what she is after. She is one spooky hearted politician. No se crean. Run away from her like as if the devil is after you or better yet La Calaca because it is.

Anonymous said...

Caty it’s candidates like you that make the voters feel betrayed, don’t think we’ve forgotten what you did to our school district!

Anonymous said...

Caty all you have is a high school education from La Porter, no mames, I’m positive you didn’t write this, must be nice putting your name on things and taking credit for it! Kind of reminds me of the $600 check from the Red Cross you put your name on as well, safe keeping my ass!

Anonymous said...

Part of the same group of people who needs to be kept away from city politics. She has been around for eternity and she too has done nothing for the city. We need to faces with fresh ideas.

Anonymous said...

Caty is trying to bring BISD culture to our city ….. her and Lucy would be make this place go bankrupt!

Anonymous said...

USS Brownsville-aka the Titanic, full steam ahead, Ice Bergs? what Ice Bergs? Alfred E. Newman sorry folks just had to laugh, nothing will change in Brownsville and I dont think we could ever catch up to McAllen. LOL

Anonymous said...

This Vieja just makes me want to puke.

Anonymous said...

People that really know the REAL Caty will NOT vote for her. I have personally heard how she talks to people. No class. No respect. Narcissist people will always try to charm to get what they want.

Anonymous said...

este idiota was a member or still is of that racist foundaton funded by the poorest city in the nation where 90% are hispanicsa. Believe it.
and he wants to represents el gran southmost what is this, are estos idiotas taking turns running for el southmost city seat why?
He was a member of the most racist foudation where all their funding went to enhance gringo buildings because they call them historical building so that the gringo tourist had something new to see.

Anonymous said...

