Thursday, April 27, 2023


(Following our post on the BCIC BIG 2.0 grants, readers have commented on the apparent complicity of board members and grant recipients. Below is a compendium of various comments.)

Special to El Rrun-Rrun

The Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation (BCIC), a 4b corporation, is run like the other 4a (the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation, or GBIC)  and PUB.

They are the same group of people with the same way of doing business. What happens is regular people don't know how to connect the dots.

The word on the potholed city streets is that Pedro Cardenas wants his wife to get a grant from BCIC so Cesar Lopez, a former board member of the Briwnsville Independent School District during the Barnaciagate scandal who he appointed to the board will vote yes for Felicia since Felica Fruia, Cardenas, Arturo Trevinio, and Eliseo Davila all graduated together from St. Joseph's Academy and have each other's backs.

Linda Macias is running for District 2 City Commissioner and is also on the BCIC board and was appointed by current District 2 Commissioner Jessica Tetreu Kalifa who is now running for Mayor of Brownsville, TX. 

Take a gander at BCIC's agenda item 7: Discussion, Consideration, and Action to reopen the Business Improvement and Growth (BIG) 2.0 Grant Program with updated program guidelines.

Agenda item #7 tells you everything. Peña receives her orders from everyone from the mayor and commissioners to change the Big 2.0 guidelines. They want to allow the family members of the elected officials or city employees to be able to apply and receive funds from the Elon Mush Foundation or BCIC money. 

They have slowly been resending money back to increase the funds to then turn around and award those funds to relatives of city officials to open, say,  a coffee shop and pastries or other businesses, from Mendez at the old Coca Cola building. By the end of May neither Mendez nor his partner Ramiro Gonzalez will be prevented from applying for funds. 

It is worth noting that neither Gonzalez nor Mendez have received any BCIC grant money as of this date, although their application for $200,000 was withdrawn a the last minute when Cameron County District Attorney Luis Saenz showed up at the meeting where a board vote on the application was to be decided.

The fix, apparently, is in. This will happen in today's meeting. We can't afford for this to happen. We need to show up and protest and let Saenz know we will not tolerate anymore corruption from elected officials who hide behind the fact that it is not illegal because the BCIC board voted for it and no one objected. Again, citizens of the city lose.

The BCIC board meets today at 5:00 at the so-called eBridge Center on E. Adams and 13th Street (the old Casa Del Nylon), the scene of yet another scandal.

Linda said publicly that she will resign from the BCIC board next week after today's meeting.

Why, you might ask, is that important? Linda will vote yes for the money today because she and Jessica Tetreu Kalifa may be in runoffs and will need money. Felicia may well prove generous and contribute $5,000 a piece for their campaigns.

Arturo Trevinio will get money for his geriatric wrestling matches at Felicia's place, Cardenas will sell her food, and Steve Guerra will sell signs from Matamoros paid by her.

The people on the BCIC board that special interests are buying and paying for guarantees that interim President and CEO Cori Peña will be named permanent CEO/President of BCIC with the condition she recommend that the funds be approved in the way that she is told.

It is worst than BPUB because nobody knows it since it is not publicly televised.


Anonymous said...

Where’s the D.A. Or the F.B.I. Oh they are too busy eating at these expensive places that the poor finance !

Anonymous said...

@ 9:51 AM

You must be a fuckup from way back. Your writing is the writing of a suck-ass. Big Time pussy, right?


Anonymous said...


dead at 79

Anonymous said...

The new leadership of commissioners should put on their work agenda

1. to create a newsletter to explain the grants, monies, and applications
2. to explain WHO IS WHO in the various groups, committees
3. To list the recipients of the grants and monies and the result of these investments to the residents of Brownsville
5. To televise the meetings....some residents really want to know what is going on

6. every commissioner should post the work they do for their districts
(the City needs to provide a webpage for commissioners to explain what they are doing for the residents)

7. Conflict of Interest issues

8. Make it easy for residents to know what is going on.

Anonymous said...

NO to Linda Macias
NO to Nurith Galonsky
NO to Jessica Tetreau
NO to John Cowen

How is Cowen still a Commissioner, Chair of GBIC and Candidate for Mayor at the same time? Let's not mention all the boards he sits on including IBC which funded Madeira after he voted for it. AGAIN!

Anonymous said...

first it was los rinches con los pinches gringos muertosde ambre than the same gringos took over all operations and gave to themselves now its the cocos mamones and the same stealing from the poor to give to the rich.



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This BCIC is a fking scam and it needs to stop. These fking cockroaches are voting for one another and changing the local rules to suit themselves.Remember ass wipes there are real laws against this.

Anonymous said...

From SpaceX:

Humans to Moon 2031, Humans to Mars 2042

Anonymous said...

To 11:27 it appears you want all incumbents OUT but want to give one sitting Commissioner another vote….

Anonymous said...

Hey Zeke Silva we all know that you are the special reporter. Didn’t you already get a share
of BCIC monies going toward your failed coffee shop??? Over $500,000 free grant money!!!! Let someone else have a share, unless you want to keep all BCIC for yourself!!!! Busgo!!!!

Anonymous said...

We have so many clowns and rats running and it will get worse. Erasmo Castro wants grant money for his church. Erasmo is also promising several of his cookie donors spots in boards. Caty Presas is begging her family to vote for her and promising jobs. Her right hand, ex bisd board member, Lucy, is begging bisd employees to vote for Cata. All in all know that nothing will get fixed, but these candidates will grow their pockets. The Fruia lady is a big disappointment if she used funds to aquire more buildings.

Anonymous said...

Zeke Silva needs to put the sprinkler system in his coffee shop, that BCIC funds paid for instead of throwing dirt at everyone. Everyone knows it’s him writing this article.

Anonymous said...

Looks fishy

where is the DA?

Anonymous said...

Juan, have you connected the dots between Saint Joseph Academy and success?

You should've gone to Saint Josephs Academy weeeyy!!!

SJA alumni, have SJA alumni backs, just like Aggies have Aggies backs, Longhorns have Longhorns backs. unless you were one of those introverts outsiders who was socially challenged.. no one will have your back.

Anonymous said...

This election will depend of one major item:
WHO is able to bring out THEIR VOTERS to the polls.
Jessica and Cowen WILL BE in a runoff mostly because they are the two most recognized names (well known). Macias will win because Lopez doesn't have the $ or recognition, Cathy Presas has the reputation of a trouble maker and Macias has a "good happy camper" young, new face, but my question is where does she get the funding with a Counseling salary.Bryan Martinez could be much better than Galonsky but Galonsky has the name recognition and has done Southmost block walks (people from the barrio also VOTE). The commissioner at large position will go to Ruvalcaba, mostly because the coach might be young, newcomer but not as known as Ruvalcaba (especially with the elderly, which is the population she caters ) Stranton, Ahumada and Castro will only SPLIT the vote. Protest votes for them will only give Tetreau and Cowen a battle for the position. Cowen is better educated than Tetreau, Tetreau is no dumb airhead and has $$$ like Cowen. My question to the candidates and the population: ARE YOU AWARE that there are FOUR amendments to vote for the city charter? WHY are those not mentioned in ANY of the candidates forum (2 FOR A FACT), WHY ARE THERE NOT TALKED ABOUT IN THIS BLOG AND IN THE NEWSPAPER?

Anonymous said...

Brownsville again at the mercy of people you wouldn't have over for dinner.


Anonymous said...

Just another collection of losers coming to the public trough.

Brownsville loses again.

It's historical.

Anonymous said...

What the COB. needs to invest in are the levees. If we get a bad hurricane there goes Brownsville. Though I will state that all of these businesses that are receiving grants won't loose money because they will be insured. Nomas los pobres pierden. May Our Lord have mercy when it comes to our community.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for letting us know what the "elites" or "St. Joe alums" are up to in our fair city.

Anonymous said...

Look the city is all about connections.

Look at how much the city gave to the groups the commissioners are involved with.

Anonymous said...

Bryan for Southmost!

Anonymous said...

Jessica Teta needs to stop by Goodwill and get her a new dress. Now she hides her tetas with that fake blond hair but same stinky dress. Does she ever take it off? Maybe she can get a grant to buy herself a new wardrobe?

Anonymous said...

You’re connecting dots that don’t even exist.

Anonymous said...

Pedro’s wife is barred from getting funds due to a history of business failures and lack of proper documentation on finance reports, Macias was appointed by Tetreau but is not in line with anyone, you’re slandering grant money that if not allocated does not get replenished by grants or federal aid. Some candidates don’t need money for a run-off. Pure assumptions. So it works one of two ways, you either hand out the grants because if don’t you don’t get replenished the following year. It’s a double-edged sword Juanito, what would you do? I’m sure you’d hand out the grants in order to secure next years budget, right?

Anonymous said...

Hay viene el lloren Zeke Silva trying to write an article and trying to throw all the candidates under the bus because they won’t give him more money! Boohoohooo el lloren Siempre preguntando por dinero, pero no es rata! Que mas quieres Zeke, ya te pagaron por ese mierda de coffee shop. Time for you to pay up and put your fair share carnal.

Zeke’s Bully

Anonymous said...

Erasmo racked up how much travel expenses in 2-3 months at BISD? 15k!!!!!! And we listen to that pendejo like he knows what to do. He’s just like any other person that notices the kitchen needs to be swept, mopped, and buffed pero no hace nada. Puro rah rah rah! If he ever had the chance to get near those funds he’d be the first person giving to his friends and family creating an actual conflict of interest.

Anonymous said...

Too many loopholes. Do the citizens of Brownsville really need BCIC or GBIC? If so, a watch group of citizens needs to be created to keep an oversight on all these fake corporations.

Anonymous said...

SpaceX going to the moon or mars? maybe, but surely not space launches from Brownsville. Brownsville is only their Guinea pig for rocket testing, environmental issues and sky rocket home prices. Manned/crewed launches will always be out of Florida or elsewhere. The $10 million donation made to the city is pocket change compare to the financial burden for taxpayers caused by the rocket testing.

Anonymous said...

These people make this city a shithole. Que se metan el dinero por culo. I ain't stepping foot, or spending a dollar on any of their dirty funded businesses.

Anonymous said...

These are avarice people that will never let the diversity of Brownsville advance, cause it's all about them and their groups. And they wonder why people leave and move on to do better things in other cities and not here. You corrupt people are the problem! No le dan chance a nadie!

Anonymous said...

Juan, "SCAMS ARE US" should be the BCIC MISSION AND VISION SLOGAN. PURAS TRANSAS WASTE OF SALES TAX MONIES. Why not use those funds for road improvements, drainage, parks projects, just saying, instead of compadre dealings.

Anonymous said...

Vote Nurith to rep the families of Southmost
Vote Bryan to rep Roy

Anonymous said...

Anything involving Zeke Silva watch out he is just in it for himself as long as the D.A. Goes after people for being caught with 1 joint all these ratas will keep eating the free cheese! I have noticed a lot of Public Intoxication arrests lately I wonder where these people are being arrested? Downtown?

Anonymous said...

Anything involving Zeke Silva watch out he is just in it for himself as long as the D.A. Goes after people for being caught with 1 joint all these ratas will keep eating the free cheese! I have noticed a lot of Public Intoxication arrests lately I wonder where these people are being arrested? Downtown?

Anonymous said...

Juan stop letting dumbasses like Caty and Zeke Silver write on your blog Bud, they are really discrediting your award winning style, the saddest part of this blog is that you allow the same people who comment slander now write reports, still waiting for something concrete and not another personal opinion and attack because they’re not getting what they want which is more free money. It’s the same person who already got his entire coffee shop paid for who is now mad that he can’t get more from the cookie jar. I saw that pendejo at Jessica’s campaign opener, at a Macias meet and greet, now he’s rolling with the ex-con cholo because they won’t give him what he wants. Zeke so whose side are you actually on, the one that’s going to get you more free money? you’re are the definition of a typical rata.

Zeke’s other bully

Anonymous said...

Juan I come to this blog to read things your write, I don’t want to waste my time on opinions posted by pendejos (Caty and ex con Zeke)

Zeke’s 3rd Bully

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Vote Nurith to rep the families of Southmost
Vote Bryan to rep Roy

April 28, 2023 at 11:00 AM

No, you are mistaken.

Anonymous said...

Zeke’s coffee shop is a biz failure. I walk by there 2 times a week, at 9 am or so.
The sign says they open at 8, but the door is still locked. McDonalds meanwhile
is full of students all day. The DA needs to investigate this fake biz. There is no way
$500,000 was spent on this plain Jane cheap, ugly looking biz.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Zeke donate money to Linda Macias's campaign?
He could only buy one vote so he had to write this article.

Zeke's other other bully

Anonymous said...

Juan conclusion, looks like Zeke has many bullys lol

Anonymous said...

Brown town is the rata incubator of El Valle de Tejas. Que PINCHE honor!!!! Se ganarian la medalla de oro pero alguien se la robo. HAHAHA

Anonymous said...

Space X va a la Luna y a Marte. Mientras Brownsville se va a la Mierda!!! Ese ZEKE $ilva ya tienes dientes . El pied piper de Brownsville!!! Puro scrape y flonke

Anonymous said...

Looks like some people here don't like Zeke Silva LOL. He must have really exposed you all for the crooks that you are and are upset at him for ruining your scams. Good for this guy Zeke Silva that had the balls to stand up to you rich crooks that feed off the ignorant poor people. When I meet this Zeke Silva I'm going to shake his hand and thank him for doing what everyone else didn't have the guts to do.
