Thursday, April 20, 2023


By Kenneth Chang
New York Times

SpaceX’s Starship rocket exploded above the Gulf of Mexico on Thursday, minutes after lifting off from a launchpad in South Texas. The spacecraft failed to reach orbit, but it was not a fatal failure.

Before the launch, Elon Musk, the company’s founder, had tamped down expectations, saying it might take several tries before Starship succeeds at this test flight, which was to reach speeds fast enough to enter orbit before splashing down in the Pacific Ocean near Hawaii.

Despite the setback, SpaceX remains the dominant company in global spaceflight. Its Falcon 9 rockets have already traveled to space 24 times in 2023, with the most recent launch concluded successfully Friday night.

The Starship launch on Thursday at least avoided a worst-case outcome of exploding on the launchpad, which would have required extensive repairs. Once engineers determine what went wrong, they can incorporate changes in test flights of other prototype Starships that are mostly finished and almost ready to launch.

Still, the failure raises questions about how soon SpaceX can get a Starship ready to serve as a lunar lander for the astronauts of NASA’s Artemis III mission, which is to set down near the moon’s south pole. That mission would require a series of successful Starship launches over a short period of time to not only launch the lunar spacecraft but also to bring up enough propellant so that it can get to the lunar orbit where the NASA crew will board it to go down to the moon.

However, SpaceX has a history of learning from mistakes. The company’s mantra is essentially, “Fail fast, but learn faster.”

Traditional aerospace companies have tried to anticipate and prevent as many failures as possible ahead of time. But that approach takes money and time and can lead to vehicles that are overdesigned. SpaceX instead is more like a Silicon Valley software company — starting with an imperfect product that can be improved quickly.

In the past, SpaceX has learned from its failures. When it tried to start landing Falcon 9 boosters, the first few hit too hard and exploded. With each attempt, SpaceX engineers tweaked the systems. After its first successful landing, more soon followed. Today, it is a rare surprise if a booster landing fails.

A couple of years ago, the company took a similar approach to fine-tuning the landing procedure for Starship. In a series of tests, prototypes of Starship lifted off to an altitude of about six miles before shutting off its engines. It then belly flopped through the atmosphere to slow its rate of fall before tilting back to vertical and firing its engines again for landing. The first few ended explosively before one attempt finally succeeded.

SpaceX, as one of the most valuable privately held companies, possesses a large financial cushion to absorb setbacks, unlike its early days when the first three launches of its original rocket, the small Falcon 1, failed to reach orbit. Mr. Musk scraped together just enough money and parts for a fourth launch attempt. Had it failed, SpaceX would have gone out of business.

It succeeded, and SpaceX has succeeded in almost all of its endeavors since then, even when it sometimes fails at first.


BobbyWC said...

The video clearly had it spinning out of control. This lack of control means it could have landed at the port. My home which is about 15 minutes away we clearly heard the explosion - not an unexpected disassembly as reported by CNN. We heard the reverberations in the air for at least 3 minutes. We clearly could smell fuel or something.

Once it went out of control there can be no doubt it could have gone anywhere.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

Nice try, but no banana.

lots of Russians on the website chat room. (?)

Anonymous said...


"Chief" El Chapo Sauceda and the rest of the Brownsville Police Department would like the public to know that if HE was in charge of this launch, things would have been amazing! El Chapo reminded media outlets that his shit does not stink and only he, besides God almighty, have the powers to make such a launch a success!
Please remember that El Chapo will be at the mall this weekend to pose for Facebook pictures. Don't miss this grand opportunity to see his world famous "thumbs up" pose!


Anonymous said...

Imagine if it had come this way instead of the Gulf of Mexico. Now the more reason to close Boca Chica.

A waste of money when people are starving.

Anonymous said...

Bottom photo:

All white people at the controls.

uh, huh.

Anonymous said...

I live in Brownsville and I heard the rumbling and takeoff and also later, the explosions when it blew apart.... it was reverberating in my house. A piece of popcorn ceiling fell down from the ceiling.

If it was audible here it must have been deafening on South Padre?

Anonymous said...

should have landed at city hall or county court house. than we would have been happy no more corruption, clean house.

Anonymous said...

Les díje que iba explotár todo el pédo

Anonymous said...

BobbyCW blogsquatting again. He's taken over rural blogger Barton's dying blog and now he's back here. Like shit, he's everywhere!

poor fool. has no life.

Anonymous said...

Apparently, the failure was not all that unexpected. Musk promises a new launch in a couple of months, noting that the entire dynamic of the rocket has already been improved. This was like sending a Studebaker into the sky when you know you have a Tesla in the garage at the ready.

write, Toya!

no seas el flojo del pueblo, ese.

Anonymous said...

Was on SPI for launch and it was mostly White people there. Where were the Mexicans?!!

Embarrassing! There are so many in the RGV!!!

was there a free cheese giveaway in Brownsville?

Anonymous said...

Musk is out of control and needs to be confronted as debris was floating down all over port isabel.

Toxins, pollutants are not just toxic to the environment but the people who live here.

There is not one elected official in this county who will take Musk on. Now, they say this is a successful launch, and alot was learned.

People wake up!

Anonymous said...

And SpaceX wants to send this huge rocket the moon and beyond? It will take them decades in order to do it safely. In the meantime,Brownsville will continue to be their Guinea pig.

Anonymous said...

April 20, 2023 at 5:36 PM

Anonymous said...

Musk, You want to go to Mars , but you are making a mess in our communities (Port Isabel, Earth)? What's all this debris falling from the sky and landing on our homes and on us? Our homes are shaking and may eventually be unstable. Stop destroying what we own!!! FAA and Environment Protection Groups should look at the before and after effects these launches and explosions are causing . Community leaders are owned by Musk and will not stand up to him.

Anonymous said...

(Once it went out of control there can be no doubt it could have gone anywhere.

Bobby WC)

That elon musk idiot, needs to give that up. Including his twitter ownership.


Anonymous said...

on the back of that room I see a meskin with a broom (a tech job) and a black with food tray (not the mayor). at least he kepth his word. TECH JOBS WILL BE OFFER TO THE LOCAL CITIZENS FIRST. than he went hahahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

they are exercising their first amendment, the right to explode bombs in the public air. there is nothing you can do rancho...

Anonymous said...

April 20, 2023 at 5:36 PM

Leave ese bro de las prietas jotingo. vete joto. nobody here likes your ass
open your own blog and insult everybody maricon

Anonymous said...

5.58 pm i think most of us were in the valley were at work and not being able to go look at this launch. my 2 cents worth.

Anonymous said...

April 20, 2023 at 5:36 PM
who put you up to this insulting charade mamon, your rata elected friends and how much they pay your ass?
this blog ain't never going away pendejo

Anonymous said...

They missed the target, it was brownsville not port isabel. So sorrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyy oh well maybe tomorrow we'll hit it.

Anonymous said...

I just heard the martians are starting a protest group and heading to boca chica sooon. The moonies are doing the same they want no garbage from this trash planet.

y muskies in hawaii drinking pina coladas in throw-away plastic cups... he's already had 50 cups what a mess

Anonymous said...

It's not Hollywood or a television commercial nor racism. You don't see half the people as blacks in real life.

Anonymous said...

April 20, 2023 at 5:36 PM
go buy a newpaper idiota eres el mamon de las ratas joto
