Sunday, April 2, 2023


(Ed.'s Note: Bryan Martinez, who is challenging District 1 incumbent Nurith Galonsky suddenly couldn't find himself among the campaign signs on this corner. Someone – and no one knows who – literally cut his head off his. Not nice, guys!) 


Anonymous said...

I support that wanton act of vandalism!

This guy is just a dumb gopher, a burger-runner for Roy De Los Santos and a copycat would-be public servant. We've had our lifeless loser in Joel Munguia.

No! Martinez is a name we don't need at City Hall, and for good reason!

Anonymous said...

Frankie Olivo clone.

not good.

Anonymous said...

Just put his boss face there instead…

Anonymous said...


Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson has announced that he’s running for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, launching a challenge to former President Donald Trump, who remains the front-runner despite his looming criminal indictment.

“I’m convinced that people want leaders that appeal to the best of America, and not simply appeal to our worst instincts,” Hutchinson said in an interview on ABC New that aired Sunday.

(we're all convinced Donald Trump is a loser)

Anonymous said...

The political signs are expensive.

Do not do this.
If you did not give permission to post the signs, just call the person and they will remove the sign from your property.

Anonymous said...

Bryan Martinez is a humble person. He doesn't have famous relatives. He is polite, respectful and hardworking. He was part of the Leadership Program, met good people and people want to support him.

I do not think he can win the District 1, but let him run.

Give him a chance 7:38 AM and 6:35 AM

Why he can not win District 1? He is facing a powerhouse of power, connections etc

Anonymous said...

It must have been some crazy teenage girl who wanted his face as a poster in
her bedroom!

Anonymous said...

Man crush!
Someone has it on their ceiling over their bed

Anonymous said...

They just don't like COCOS en el gran southmost "PERIOD".

Anonymous said...

According to data from Numbeo, a website that compares cost of living in different cities, the cheapest places to live in the United States include:

1. McAllen, Texas
2. Harlingen, Texas

Anonymous said...

Yes let him run. Just like in san bene the X mayor Gomez is running against for Mayor with his criminal record and all. Nobody there seems to have an issue with it. Let him run.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to his supporters but unfortunately this guy is guilty by association. He’s part of the Roy de los Santos circle and thats not good. The destruction of political signs is petty/inmature but its to be expected. Mr Martinez , maybe you mean well but in your case even your supporters (8:54 ) have doubts that you can win , so thats not a good sign. Next time if you want to continue in politics, be your own man(not your bosses gopher boy) go out in the community and make yourself known . Let us know what you stand for and your ideas. You can thank your boss for all the negative vibes you’re receiving.

Anonymous said...

Galonsky’s have profited off casa de nylon and Tenaska, at ta paul yet expense, someone should be challenging them. Let’s hope Martinez can topple Goliath!

Anonymous said...

"A new generation of leadership," he says.

What or who has he led? There's nothing there, other than being an aide to the city commissioner, who, if he cared about Brownsville, would tell us this mocoso is simply not ready.

Ah, Brownsville. Always with the bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Candidates like this chango is why San Bene will soon overtake Brownsville!

- Lionel Barreiro
(Pronounced: Ly-On-ell)
San Bene

Anonymous said...

"I guess he's looking for a"
*cue in the white doves*

Anonymous said...

La X did it.

Anonymous said...

LENT FACT: The blessed ashes used on Ash Wednesday come from palm branches used in previous years'Palm Sunday celebrations.
Now you know burros...

Anonymous said...

put the face of the gringo there but don't change the name los burros de el gran southmost won't know la diferencia FACT son puros cocos.

Anonymous said...

Is this Mexican a veteran?

Of the U.S. Military, I mean, not Mexico's.

Anonymous said...

This Guy has a tamale-fat face! Who'd crush on him?

pos, una gorda, Apa.

Anonymous said...

Maybe someone is taking the picture to a curandero/a for a trabajito."I put a spell on you because you're mine." lol

Anonymous said...

April 2, 2023 at 5:30 PM

Hey genius don't try to be a smart ass. Bet you you just found out too. It was on the news mamon acting all genius. Get out of here!

Anonymous said...

Miren, dont be party poopers, let the young man run, if the voters are happy with Galonscopy well then soo be it, for all you whiners, if you got what it takes (HUEVOS) why didn't you sign up to run for this position? Let the VOTERS DECIDE, Mr. Martinez, dont back down and dale gas, full steam ahead, onward thru the fog. There will always be alot of nansayers, dont pay attention, just run you campaign, plan your work and work your plan. Bole de yorones, cry babies, do you cry babies even bother to go out and vote? I bet NOT. Caya nene.

Anonymous said...

He has my vote #NewBlood

Anonymous said...

It was his boyfirend roy rogers. BOLA DE MARICONES Y AHORRA RATAS...

Anonymous said...

So Galonsky still wants to continue as commisioner. She was the PUB Chair during Tenaska. She knew about all the deception going on and said nothing. Have you heard her say anything about the increased Pub rates. ZERO, zero, Zero. She and her dad have made millions from all of us. 2.3 million for casa Nylon shen it was only worth 600 thousand dollars. Look up Abraham Galansky. He has 16 properties and maybe more under the Cameron Tax district. They have made millions ripping of the buena gente. But you want her to continue her money scheme.Bryan might be young but knows what it means to grow up poor and want to stand up for the average person. Get Galonsky OUT. It's her time to go!!!

Anonymous said...

Who were the commissioners that gave the COVID 19 vouchers to their friends, relatives etc? The first time the vouchers were given. Anybody remembers....

Joey Lopez

Who else?

Anonymous said...

los galonksys son RATAS

Anonymous said...

Ánimo Bryan si se puede!!

Anonymous said...

Bryan Martinez has my vote

Anonymous said...

Say all you want about Bryan but Galonsky and her father are crooks. Made millions getting money from land deals because they got more money than their properties were worth. Galonsky was PUB CHAIR and should have known all along that the Tenaska Project was dead. Yet she never said anything about it. But district 1 wants to reward her. She needs to go. Fuera Galonsky time to go. At least Bryan is not a RATA. Give someone else a chance.
