Sunday, April 2, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

The Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation is planning to rescind the money from some  12 downtown business in the next month. 

As soon as May election is over, Hizzoner Da Mayor Trey Mendez will no longer be an elected official and is going to apply for the grants and will probably be awarded the $200,000 in BIG 2 grants he initially applied for but withdrew when Cameron County District Attorney Luis V. Saenz showed up at the meting.

Ramiro Gonzalez, who once occupied his made-to-order position of Director of Government and Community Affairs in the city manager's office is no longer a city employee and will be a tenant of  Mendez and will also apply and be awarded the $80,000 he sought before the ruse was discovered and he was fired from the city.

The other city commissioners family members will apply for the $80,000 dollars and will also be given the awards.

You see Trey's building has space for 10 tenants, each being awarded $80,000. He will get back $800,000 for his investment, free of charge and compliments of you and me. 

Cori Peña is only stalling to give them the money and in return the board will hire her full time as the BCIC President and CEO. This only a stalling tactic for political favors. This is nothing more than a SCAM in the making. 

The rules have been changed and made more difficult for the regular small business owner to actually succeed. Downtown Brownsville will not be revitalized. Nothing will happen. There are no new ideas  from BCIC board. 

Just look who is on the board...Cesar Lopez. Do we need to say more?


Anonymous said...

If Mendez takes the cash and starts a downtown business, then I'm okay with it. Do something, Brownsville - anything!!!

Goddammed town is a disgrace. We're no better than Pecos or Van Horn in West Texas - Rural Pussies no national company wants to grab.


Anonymous said...

God someone call the rangers

Anonymous said...

This is living proof of the Cameron County corruption set-up by our so-called political leaders. They purposely, intentionally, knowingly, willingly and greedily used their political positions to enrich themselves. Mendez, in his position as Cameron County Mayor purchased for pennies on the dollar these properties, from the poor and knowingly conspired with others to enrich himself. His failure to inform the original owners of what Brownsville had in the plannings for the land he purchased and not mention that GRANT MONIES was going to be available for the quality of life for this particular piece of land is total disrespect. This set-up plan might have worked for the naive, but for Mendez as Mayor of Brownsville to use this tactic in this particular timing is outrageous. Mendez will be labeled as part of the South Texas Historical Political Corruption along with Charles Stillman, Mifflin Kennedy, Richard King and the whole Cameron County Judicial system.

Anonymous said...

Well this time around is our chance to get rid of D.A. Saenz which does nothing unless you paint graffiti then the whole police force goes after you!!

Anonymous said...

9:45 Trey Mendez ALREADY is part of that political corruption group of crooks. These guys can’t seem to have enough!!! They rape and pillage the city incessantly. That’s why the mayor position is so coveted ITS A LIFE CHANGER$$$$. These guys are becoming the modern day land barons !!!! Talk about inside information. And they are doing it in plain sight, for all to see including the citizens of Brownsville . Talk about getting the shaft. The city commission should hand out free KY Jelly to its citizens.

Anonymous said...

We can respond and object with our wallet and feet. Never step into any of his, or his cronies businesses. Supporting them would be like supporting the corruption and being OK with it.

Anonymous said...

What's new? More big rats raping and screwing the city. Again!

Anonymous said...

the rangers lost last night why call em loosers y mamones

Anonymous said...

Quien les enseño a rrobar a estos sin verguenzas? Que no saben que rrobar es malo?

Anonymous said...

14 0F 20 +/- projects failed, really illustrates Complete BCIC management failure.

Anonymous said...

BCIC illustrated a complete department management failure where are the city managers, commissioners the representatives of the citizens, forget da Miget
yea MIA, flashing red lights for law enforcment

Anonymous said...

Sure why not !! Give him whatever he wants!! He’s gonna take it anyways. Who’s gonna stop him. Cabler got this so called “golden parachute “ also. So why stop now , its only Brownsville’s money and eventually our taxes will somehow pay for this. Sure its our gift to all you CROOKS!!! You all take all the land( property)deals,start many of businesses, grab all the grants available to fix your properties and take as you please and at the end of your term you want THE CHERRY ON TOP!!! What a fucking joke and the joke is on us Brownsville citizens, year in and year out. And lets not forget— the next BIG Crook is already in line (election time) waiting for his/her turn. TOTALLY PATHETIC AND DISGRACEFUL

Anonymous said...

Pura pinche rata de dos patas en Brownsville politics FACT

Anonymous said...

Completely agree with 1:21 Disgust. Would like to request of Brownsville Citizens to demand
a complete audit of what appears to be a pattern of BCIC cherry-pick favoritism and disregard
of fishability to succeed which may be in the intent a disregard and allow for "road kill "
scavengers to step in for the kill.

Anonymous said...

