Wednesday, May 10, 2023


(Ed.'s Note: Witnesses at the scene Monday reported that after alleged burglar was apprehended and after he collapsed it took deputies a full 11 minutes to commence CPR as the man lay dying while handcuffed a their feet. On Tuesday, Sheriff Eric Garza posted a flier encouraging deputies to attend a CPR class Saturday at the Brownsville Events Center offered by Javier Villarreal, a local personal injury attorney. 

As usual, Garza is a day late and an inmate short.) 


Anonymous said...

The racist chicanos wanted someone who looked like them regardless of the lack of experience. You got what you voted for.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh wait... let's do another school presentation LMFAO

Anonymous said...

That happens when all your senior deputies resigned and you have nothing but rookies out on the street led by a rookie supervisor. The change we need the protection you deserve

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Another one? How many in 2 years? Oh wait, is the Reynas fault! My bad eric! Fuck out of here paperpusher

Anonymous said...

Montoya you should look into all the drugs that were found in carrizales last week..Narco-Jail commander Mendieta is giving them access...cocaine, weed, pills, vapes, cellphones..they are keeping it quite

Anonymous said...

In this case he was a habitual criminal, so no sympathy for this idividual.
It was his turn to go, and face a higher court.

Anonymous said...

Inmates die in jails daily, for a variety of reasons.

This is no time to feel sorry for them.

Do the crime, do the...death.


Anonymous said...

Garza is a disaster. The court dismissed a criminal case against a defendant his officers had no probable cause to charge for a crime. The cams show his officers bullying the former defendant while in custody. He begged to be allowed to stand up because he was in horrible pain from his hip and pelvic surgery and they tortured him.

They will be sued for what they did. The have no idea how to handled prisoners, mentally ill people, or disabled people. Garza is a compete joke.

As soon as the name of this victim is released, and the family hire an attorney, the disabled person they abused physically and verbally will give the family attorney all the evidence he has and cooperate as a witness if need be.

Anonymous said...

Sheriff Garza not a principal part of this story. The suspect died y se murio el guey.

Deputies could not prevent that death, as they are not Gods.

They are deputies.

that's all they are.

Anonymous said...

Y el puñetas de del bosque can't even pass a simple test but he brags he is.coming back as commander.. Ponte a estudiar pendejo

Anonymous said...

Erika ya porfabor renunsia vato nadamas la estas cagando pa al chile

Anonymous said...

This is crap, Officers have no idea what the guy took prior going on his burglary of habitation rampage. That person must of taken an access amount of cocaine, downers, ROCHAS, Pills to get in a state of mind to go rob and terrorize neighbors.
Something else, IF YOU DON'T KNOW, When criminals see that they are about to be arrested, they either eat the drugs they have in their possession to get the high when the drug gets out of the baggie in the stomach, or they stuff it in body cavities to use later once in jail. People that act this way are not acting in the use of their senses.
How can a deputy find out what the guy took. If guy is arrested they lay down exhausted from trying to get away. You want to blame the officers for not saving his life while they do not have XRay powers to know what the guy took to cause the reaction.
It's like saying that B.PD. could have arrived to the scene of the 8 immigrants that were killed and safe them by administering CPR. Why not blame the B.PD. for not arriving in time to prevent the injuries to the driver by the linch mob that beat him up.
No sir, people are in charge of their own behavior and destiny. Stop using this B.S. for your political gains. Its stupid and smart people can see through this.
Sorry that the guy passed away but we can not say its the deputies fault. Nonsense.

Anonymous said...

El susto de ser arrestado.

los gorditos, los debemos de andar en cosas criminales....eso es para los que gozan de buena salud.

Hay otras formas de robar. Ve a las tiendas y pide dinero a la gente, cuentales una historia triste.

me gustaba mucho el muchacho y la muchacha que se ponian en el puente de los tomates. Su casa se quemo, les robaron el dinero de su nueva casa, no tenian donde vivir, ....yo les daba dinero siempre.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It's Commissioner's Court fault! I need more deputies for more school presentations. I want to assign a deputy to every school for school presentations! I also need 5 deputies to assign them to trunk or treat and easter egg hunts. I need an additional deputy for movie night at the sheriff department also. I also think I am going to call Eddie Trevino to see if he can approve another truck for me. I promise not to wreck this one. Maybe I should just get a Santa Fe. I think I can drive that one better. EG

Anonymous said...

He wants to send 10 deputies to harlingen ISD where are you going to get those deputies from? We are struggling on patrol as it is, working 12 hours with no backup fuck u garza I regret voting for you

Anonymous said...

What is the problem?

A criminal died while committing a crime. Isn't this a win-win for all?

Anonymous said...

Who cares!!!

Some lowlife died after breaking into someone's house. So what.

This should be standard policy for police, if a criminal starts dying while committing a crime........ stand back, let nature take it's course.

I don't care how much you hate Garza, this saved hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars in court costs, court appointed lawyer costs, imprisonment costs, parole costs, all the pointless costs of coddling criminals over decades.

Anonymous said...

Ke Bonito press release
Puro paper pusher

Anonymous said...

Its very clear to all by now that Eric Garza is way over his head and has done a piss poor job as sheriff for Cameron County!! The jails under him have suffered an infinite number of serious and dangerous situations. On his watch , several inmates have perished which has also happened during other administrations. People DIE , thats a fact of life and sometimes the grim reaper doesn’t care if you’re incarcerated. That being said , Garza’s ineptitude from the get go, has had a tendency to magnify everything negative that happens in his department. If all the rumors are true, Garza is clueless and he is surrounded by a bunch of YES MEN and incompetent minions. Huge recipe for failure!!! And unfortunately with all the stories printed it feels like we’ve had a front row seat to this shitshow. As far as the death of this individual (burglar) it seems like the outcome would have probably been the same for whatever agency arrived first ( just so happens sheriff dept arrived first) . Was the guy on something, did he have a medical condition etc. Unfortunate situation for this guy and he paid the price.

Anonymous said...

A loser who lost his life is not even worth mentioning. One less loser to worry about. I bet this wasn't his only criminal offense. The DA and local judges are too busy letting all criminals free. Thank you Eric for reducing the criminal element in our area.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Montoya, those commenting on the death of this suspect. . .are what they hate.

Validating murder for a nonviolent crime, is ignorant, it's evil and shit, man. Morons absolute fucking morons. They sound like police or boot lickers? Absolute power corrupts, absolutely.

Been waiting for the bus all day!

Anonymous said...

All law enforcement officials met to discuss border security on May 10 and guess who was missing??? Yep, you guessed right Mr. Puñetas Eric Garza, what a fucking shame for the Sheriff's Office. He was busy coordinating school presentations

Anonymous said...

Y la espanta pajaros “scarecrow” de laura treviño ayudando a robar dinero thru the accounts.

Anonymous said...

Ah erik le vale pura madre todo no va ni a trabajar y aunque vaya en que puede ayudar. Ni vergas

Anonymous said...

Does anyone knows why Angel made Sgt? Does anyone knows why he got a brand new 2023 Chevy undercover unit? (Not a single supervisor got one), well, his wife works for that attorney Xavier Villarreal. Everything makes sense now. I thought you were ending compadrismo eric shame on you

Anonymous said...

Feds and rangers will take him down after this election

Anonymous said...

Once again another post brought to you by Almanza. Of course he would be among the first to comment in English, wait some time then comment in Spanish then wait some more time and comment again typing differently. This is your idea of wanting to run for Sheriff? Talking shit on Deputies you work with, wanting to suspend and get rid of Deputies over reports so they can fear you then making comments on them here?

Anonymous said...

Believe montoya garza doesn't give a fuck about anything his plan is get re-elected the leave fat ass silver and he is running for state rep.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:36a.m get your facts right.... your Lovable County Judge Eddie Trevino didn't invite the Sheriff's office lol that's how low this scumbag of Trevino goes.... but I guess that's who we all elected What a waste of taxpayer money.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:36 AM

If this is true that he (GARZA) nor one of his ranking officers showed up for this important meeting, it is bull C... It is pathetic and a sign of lack of respect for the community and the state of Texas. This is one of his duties and was needed to fulfill his functions.
Please someone with facts, advise if this is true, did he show up or like prior post says, he did not show.
Crazy, lazy...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

tu amante joton! lo adoras guey mas que tu madre joto.
open your own blog joto there you can adore este idiota cherif until your heart content... jotos

Anonymous said...

What’s new at the jail?

Anonymous said...

@ 1:07 pm …Tu mama its new at the jail. Easy to figured out who is writing it ? Mind you business at sheriff office.

Anonymous said...

@10:11 pm
Hola lazo. Why don’t you tell everyone how you are still sleeping with Sgt. Moreno and meeting up a lot with glenda? Son tus propios amigos los que hablan de ti Jajaja or maybe you tell them so everyone can know who you are sleeping with, smart man, marking your territory.

Anonymous said...

Dont worry Lieutenant Lazer , you can fuck anyone you want . Sergeant Lucio was in a love triangle with marrisa cantu and nothing happened. I think someone is not getting any dick or pussy here @ 12:20 pm. Lt ya dale a la envidiosa que te escribe take one for your team.

Anonymous said...

Why you just talk shit of lazo culo

You forgot about Sgt Ybarra con la jessica
And Captain Villarreal con la navarro

and Lt Ayala con la Casas

and Sgt lucio con la Cantu

and Sgt Covarrubias con la pepers

Corporal Costilla de caliente con la Mata

Anonymous said...

Why you just talk shit of lazo culo

You forgot about Sgt Ybarra con la jessica
And Captain Villarreal con la navarro

and Lt Ayala con la Casas

and Sgt lucio con la Cantu

and Sgt Covarrubias con la pepers

Corporal Costilla de caliente con la Mata

Anonymous said...

Nomas quemando supervisors?

Y intake martinez con garza?

Y castro con reyna?

Y quintero con transport rodriguez?

Y solis con gloria?

Y cpl. rodriguez con cantu?

Y olivares con el donkey?

Y hernandez con chapa?

Nombre, puro cogedero en county

Anonymous said...

.. lucio lucio ya dejale el equipo al asteka , todos sabemos quien es el bueno en eso

Anonymous said...

Asteka ya le vajo la vieja a lucio tambien quieren que le baje Al equipo , nose que Tienen las de county que los traen chapuliniandose con la baba en el pizo

Anonymous said...

I would loose my rank or get transferred to another jail for cantu or mata too no hate just truth jaja

Anonymous said...

Asteka anda bien conctao

Anonymous said...

Los de county no se conforman con solo una , nadamas le tiran a Lazo Pero tapia andava con Quintero y Estrada a la misma vez , lucio con la cantu y deputy ramos , sanchez con la Navarro y Cindy , Hernandez con chapa y garza

Anonymous said...

Ya lazo, stop being so hurt, you sound like a bitch trying to throw shade at everyone. Talk about yourself and how you still have feelings for a certain medical staff, or how you’re trying to sleep with the back lobby clerk, and sleeping with Moreno, while flirting with Paloma. You make these stupid bets to see if you can sleep with a girl. Grow up. You are mad because your secret about Glenda is out. pero supongo que estás tratando de defender a tu “baby mama” tú no puedes conformarte con solo una so I wouldn’t be talking if I were you.
