Wednesday, May 3, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

The chairman of the Cameron County Democratic Party is calling on the Cameron Count District Attorney's Office to investigate how a Brownsville mayoral candidate whose residency made her ineligible to run for municipal office was allowed to get on the May 6 election ballot.

County Chair Jared Hockema wrote Cameron County District Attorney Luis V. Saenz to investigate how the City of Brownsville Secretary's Office allowed county resident Jennifer Stanton to run for mayor despite the fact that her residence – at 6631 Tallowood Circle – is clearly outside the city limits.

"The application for a place on the ballot requires that candidates swear under oath that the information contained within the application is true and correct, including in this case the length of the candidate's length of residence in the district from which she was seeking election. Given that Ms. Stanton was allegedly not a resident of the City of Brownsville, any statement made concerning her length of continuous residence in the city may have been false," the letter states. 

"The information contained within Ms. Stanton's application, as published, would plainly indicate that she is not not eligible to seek office," Hockema wrote. "I find the failure of the City of Brownsville to declare Ms. Stanton eligible very curious, since it has historically closely scrutinized the application of candidates to be ineligible in both current and preceding election cycles.

"Furthermore, there have been numerous public statements over the course of the day alleging that Ms. Stanton's candidacy may have been arranged or impelled with the purpose of interfering with the city elections. If true, this may constitute bribery or other crimes...

"With serious questions concerning the apparent sham candidacy of Ms. Stanton, an public allegations of improper conduct by city officials and other individuals concerning this candidacy, the trust of voters could be severely compromised. The only way to restore the confidence of voters and to deter future attempts at election fraud is to investigate these allegations and prosecute those that may be responsible."


Anonymous said...

Cheap-ass politics.

I'm a Democrat and this smacks of the worst kind of bullshit. Let it go, Demos. If she's out, she's out.

We don't need no stinkin' investigation.

waste of time, something Demos are pretty good at.

You're fuckin' with me.

Anonymous said...

there are bigger crimes in the city idiota tell him to investigate his rich friends at the welfare board with he city, the bpub, the port and the bridge, the bike trails, and the airless port and this is just scratching the surface.

Anonymous said...

Trust in our voters? That's a joke coming from this loser of a deodorant. The democrats stack the deck when someone they don't like with idiot candidates so it can divide the votes. She is out, don't cry too much asshole. Jessica the poor little rich girl who beat up husband and arrested but let go? If a man who beat a wife, the DA would send in the dogs and parade that guy like going to zoo and watching the animals hanging on the trees. Brownsville has the worst voter register just like all the rest before him. The way votes are counted need to change and be more transparent. Let it go fool, she out and not running and I didn't vote for her, but Castro.

Anonymous said...

Hokema chinga tu madre hoto y camote de gilberto hinojosa

Anonymous said...

Of course leave it to beaver go after the master criminal while his friends buy and restore downtown without question!!!!! Maybe Spanky can be our next D.A.

Anonymous said...

Probably Zeke Silva attacking women again…. The great fake prophet always talking about God on facebook

Anonymous said...

y jillio, el que tiene 50 anos que no hable espaniol, que?
Ya lo botaron?

Anonymous said...

Hey Hicama maricon, why dont you ask luis saenz your compote DA to investigate the BPUB scam or Scandal and all the folks involved with that scheme while you are it trying to discredit Ms. Stanton PUTO??? Ms. Stanto dont worry this guy HE is a worhtless piece of SHIT. BULL SHIT that is. EL PORTER HOMIE

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Attention: Bobby "never right" Wightman

Once an election begins, a challenge to the candidacy of an individual becomes moot. See Polk v. Davidson, 145 Tex. 200, 196 S.W.2d 632, 634 (Tex. 1946) ("[W]hen the time comes that the issues cannot be heard and a final judgment entered adjudging the validity or invalidity of the nominee's certificate so that absentee ballots can be printed and available to voters as and when required by statute, the contest is moot and must be dismissed."); see also Skelton v. Yates, 131 Tex. 620, 119 S.W.2d 91, 92 (Tex. 1938); Bejarano v. Hunter, 899 S.W.2d 346, 352 (Tex. App.—El Paso 1995, orig. proceeding); Law v. Johnson, 826 S.W.2d 794, 797 (Tex. App.—Houston [14th Dist.] 1992, no writ); Smith v. Crawford, 747 S.W.2d 938, 940 (Tex. App.—Dallas 1988, orig. proceeding).

In re Uresti, 377 S.W.3d 696, 696 (Tex. 2012)

The separation of powers doctrine is related to mootness. See Abbott v. Mex. Am. Leg. Caucus, Tex. House of Representatives, 647 S.W.3d 681, 689 (Tex. 2022). A case is moot when a justiciable controversy does not exist between the parties or when the parties do not have a legally cognizable interest in the outcome. See id.; Heckman v. Williamson County, 369 S.W.3d 137, 162 (Tex. 2012). Courts lack subject-matter jurisdiction to decide a moot controversy. Tex. Dep't of Fam. & Protective Servs. v. N.J., 644 S.W.3d 189, 192 (Tex. 2022). In general, a challenge to the electoral process will be considered moot when the validity of the alleged error cannot be finally determined in time for the error to be corrected or, stated otherwise, for the requested task to be substantially accomplished by election officials. See, e.g., In re Uresti, 377 S.W.3d 696, 696 (Tex. 2012) (orig. proceeding) (per curiam) ("Once an election begins, a challenge to the candidacy of an individual [**10] becomes moot."); Polk v. Davidson, 145 Tex. 200, 196 S.W.2d 632, 634 (Tex. 1946) ("[W]hen the time comes that the issues cannot be heard and a final judgment entered adjudging the validity or invalidity of the nominee's certificate so that absentee ballots can be printed and available to voters as and when required by statute, the contest is moot and must be dismissed."); Skelton v. Yates, 131 Tex. 620, 119 S.W.2d 91, 91-92 (Tex. 1938) (orig. proceeding) ("Under the law absentee balloting has begun," thus, "[t]he election therefore is already in progress, and no order which this court might enter [*50] could be effective at this late date to govern such election."); Sterling v. Ferguson, 122 Tex. 122, 53 S.W.2d 753, 761 (Tex. 1932) (per curiam) ("The courts generally follow the rule that where no date when the authority of a court or other body for exercising a special jurisdiction shall cease, then that it does cease when any judgment which might be entered by the court would become moot—that is to say, when any right which might be determined by the judicial tribunal could not be effectuated in the manner provided by law."); Salazar v. Gonzales, 931 S.W.2d 59, 60 (Tex. App.—Corpus Christi—Edinburg 1996, no writ) ("An election contest becomes moot, and the issues no longer justiciable, when a final judgment adjudging the validity or invalidity of a candidate's certificate of nomination is not entered in time for election officials to comply with the statutory deadlines [**11] for preparing and conducting the general election, or when absentee balloting has begun during the pendency of the appeal."); see also Garmon v. Tolbert, 614 S.W.3d 190, 194 (Tex. App.—Tyler 2020, pet. denied); In re Nat'l Republican Cong. Comm., 608 S.W.3d 544, 547-48 (Tex. App.—Austin 2020, orig. proceeding).

In re Cty. of Hidalgo, 655 S.W.3d 44, 49-50 (Tex. App.—Corpus Christi 2022, no pet. h.)

Anonymous said...

The real "Sham Candidacy" is that of Mexican funnyman Erasmo Castro. If ever Brownsville had a candidate so unqualified and unhinged, well, history would've recorded it. Castro makes Pat Ahumada look like a veritable Abraham Lincoln.

I only wish the city would elect a mayor and a vice-mayor.

Ahumada-Castro would be that "Dream Ticket".

Stanton's status is a non-story for me. Post her up and see what the voters think. Trying like a starving rat to ease her out via a Blog is ridiculous. Who's the joke here?


Anonymous said...

A bit of an overreaction?

Anonymous said...

All candidate campaigns are arranged! That's how people come to a decision to run or not run for office. It's damned naive of this letter-writing dolt to suggest that Ms. Stanton's campaign was not kosher just because she discussed her campaign with someone else.

And if there was collusion with another candidate, well, so what?!!

Politics is a dirty game. All's fair. You play to win the game!

Is there a law broken here? Tell me about it.

Or shut the flying fuck up!

Anonymous said...

I can tell you why. Because Brownsville demorats are not only corrupt, they are complete morons.

Anonymous said...

It could have been a simple mistake. An oversight. But people are jumping to conclusions fairly quickly and accusing "this" & "that" But hey, that's Brownsville for you.

Anonymous said...

Texas Senate approves Bill to advance legislation allowing Republican Gov. Greg Abbott to overturn elections.

Abbott targets Houston, but it's his racist ways here again.

Abbott is NOT for all Texans.

God will punish him, but you should vote him out.

Anonymous said...

Biden sending 1,500 troops for Mexico border migrant surge
He wants the hillbilly and the redneck votes, what ever it takes, just as long as it attacks meskins.
bola de mamones.

Y los cocos mamando!

Anonymous said...

das wy jillio don't espikilli espanish. otro coco

Anonymous said...

Really? It's a non-partisan election. WTF does he have to do with it. Clown! If you want to investigate, start with the City Secretary and City Manager for failing in their duties to the citizens of COB.

No one challenged her qualifications and the election has begun. The question is moot.

By the way, the COB says in their candidate package:

It is he duty of the candidate to become familiar with the laws applicable to campaigns for public office. The duty of the City Secretary is limited to accepting and filing the various applications, affidavits and statements, and noting the date and time of filing thereon.

Ha! I wonder what Pat Ahumada has to say about that.

COB screwed Pat by violating their own policy.

City of Clowns. Clownsville, Texas


Anonymous said...

You can clearly see the humble, respectful, unspoiled beauty of the local attitude and demeanor. Although these people have very little in material wealth, they're always smiling and have a great attitude. The world, which has become spoiled rotten with consumerism, can learn alot from the people of Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

I don't see - or hear - anyone going after her campaign dude, Capt. Bob Sanchez.

Wring his fat ass, too. Clown is always pulling shit like this. Thinks it's funny. Did he talk Stanton into running for mayor, knowing she was not eligible?

Let's get to the bottom of this crapola and jail the people behind it. We've grown tired of cheap-ass junior high movidas by bald people. Beware of what baldy John Cowen will bring if elected mayor.

I'm pissed.

Anonymous said...

Okay, okay - next sordid episode in local politics.

You're boring me now.

I'm pumped for tit.

Anonymous said...

Jarred Cockema should ask the D.A. To investigate how he is the city manager of multiple cities. How can he be the city manager for Port Isabel and Santa Rosa? And it does not stop there he is also city manager for other cities in Cameron county. How can he be running those cities unbiased and with no conflict of interstate? And throw Gilberto Hinojosa in there while you are at it. Wherever Jarred is city manager there is Gilbert Hinojosa as the city attorney! They rape the small ignorant cities. Not lawful. Ask D.A. To investigate that Jarred. I bet he wrote the Stanton request on time he was suppose to be a city manager. Vato Corrupto

Anonymous said...

Juan WOW this is very serious from HICAMA to go after Jennifer, WOW, would be nice if el SINHUEVOS DA LUIS SAENZ would go after the BPUB SCAMMERS, like the Ex Mayor Tony Martinez, EX CEO JOHNNY (Banana Peel) Bruciak, the former CFO and COO of BPUB, all the City Commmissioners and BPUB Board members, lawyers, consuLTants and engineers, SON MUNCHOS that were involved in thIs scam and recover the $140 to 180 million dollars that were basicly STOLEN. SO HOKEMA, AKA HICAMA YOU ARE A BIG PUSSY ABOUT THE DEMOCRAT PARTY, WE ALL KNOW THEY ARE A BUNCH OF THIEVES. NEED TO GET YOUR PRIORITIES STRAIGHT AND DONT BE A WHIMP JOTON

Anonymous said...

So why is Joe Biden sending 1,500 troops to the Mexican border? Hasn't that Democratic moron been telling his moron followers for the last two years that the border is secure? So I guess its safe to say that the Democratic party is a party of idiots from the very top to the very bottom.

Anonymous said...

So what about TRUMP?

Anonymous said...

Stanton -

"How could I ever refuse
I feel like I win when I lose

"Brownsville, I was defeated, you won the war."

Anonymous said...

Jarred hicama es puro cabron y bull shitter, so i agrea with 3.16 pm how can he be city manager in all these towns full time and collect a check? porques es el camote de gilberto hinojosa por eso compadre. only they can bend the rules everyone else gest the shaft. aguas. culito.

Anonymous said...

Juan este jotito de jarod hicama es muy chingon de repente, es pura meirda, y corrpution y madrina de gilberto hinojosa, dont you democrats have anything better in your stockpile than these crying babies? City elections have nothing to do with either a democrat or a republican candidate. Luis Saenz should realty focus on having a GRAND JURY investigate and charge all the scammers (Big Fish) del BPUB Scandal and not this mickey mouse bull shit. Hicama se la come too.

Anonymous said...

HUD finds that Texas GLO discriminated against communities of color in $4 billion CDBG-MIT program
Now they are discriminating agains meskins the glo should not have been rehired to contiure their racist tactics but we have a racist governor that don't gives a shit.
My glo application has been non validated after more than70% had been approved, and give a certain amount of time to complete. TheY use postal mail so time will expire, postal mail takes 5 to 6 days to arrive, they block all their phones and stop the message system so no messages can be recorded. Every phone and every email address is blocked. The same tactic was in use in Houston and now here in the valley.
Juanito can you help???

Anonymous said...

if you applied for a housing program GLO and are having problems here's why:

HUD finds that Texas GLO discriminated against communities of color in $4 billion CDBG-MIT program

report their asses now.

Anonymous said...

Stanton is not qualified. Plain and simple. Her response when asked why she is running- “I’m good with numbers” WTF does not mean? My five year old is good with numbers. I caught the last part of Sanchez’s podcast and he tells her she comports herself well. (Laughed out loud when I heard this) We all know that is not true! She starts bar fights! There’s a video of her attacking a woman first! And to top it off, she tells Sanchez “comports” is not a word! Ms. Stanton, it is a word. It’s not a number like you claim you’re good at. It a word. Look it up or Google it. And Ms. Stanton, when you’re out campaigning, can you look less white-trash?

Anonymous said...

Yo, listen up y'all, let me tell you 'bout Texas law
When it comes to challengin' qualifications, there's a limit you gotta know

You got 10 days after the deadline to file
If you wanna dispute a candidate's qualifications with style

After that, you can't come back and try to fight
You gotta accept the candidate, whether you think they're wrong or right

So don't wait too long, 'cause time is tickin'
If you wanna challenge a candidate's qualifications, better do it quick, no time for slippin'

That's the latest you can go in Texas, don't you forget
10 days after the deadline, that's it, that's the set

Anonymous said...

Y'all, especially Jared, quit getting your panties in a bunch. It's called an oversight. Unless ANYONE has any clear evidence of anything Nefarious going on, chalk it up to experience. City Secretary is a very Responsible job where mistakes must be kept to a minimum . The only one I know that didn't make a mistake died over 2000 years ago.

Anonymous said...

all these grandstanders calling out ethics violations and favoritism…and full of crap.

Where is the outrage that ethics violations occurred with candidates visiting my school wearing their campaign shirts?
That is a CLEAR violation of rules.

This selective outrage is to COMICAL

Anonymous said...

That piece of shit lying Luis Saenz can't investigation just donate $500 he won't investigate shit and his ass kissing investigators just ask Luis Saenz and his old friend Mera Garza right Luis bet your wife will admit she knows her right Luis

Anonymous said...

It’s disappointing that the city hasn't made a comment on this situation. They don't care that employees can't perform a basic task like checking an address location.

Wicho said...

Brownsville has turned into a s******* who is this lady where did she come from hanging around with these two clowns is a joke you know who I'm talking about I voted for a Mr Castro The Voice

Anonymous said...

Trumputo a racist republican need I say more?



Anonymous said...

Juan did the city secretary say SAFIS? just asking el porter homie?

Anonymous said...

When is the DA going to charge current and former brownsville PUB individuals since the forensic report indicates crimes were committed against the community?

Anonymous said...

9:25 Please don’t hold your breath! The DA will never do shit, he has proven that throughout the years. Like another commenter said it perfectly: Cameron county DA Luis Saenz has always been MIA!!!

Anonymous said...

9.25 am, NEVER ALL THESE FOLKS SON COMPADRES DE LUIS SAENZ, cayate shut up he would look bad in their books, and wont get re-elected next time, REALLY CITIZEN NEED TO GET A NEW GALLITO TO RUN AGAINST THIS OLD CROW. POST MORETM STATE OF MIND.

Anonymous said...

Juan i was looking at e BPUB website, wondering why there is no icon to look who for the members of the BPUB staff? I heard there is a new CEO to replace Johnny (Banana peel) Bruciak but who is it? at least the city has a list of employees but wonder why BPUB does not, WHA IS BPUB HIDING? just asking.

Anonymous said...

Teach gil some spanish and demand the fbi and whoeverelse to investigate las RATAS. clueless pendejo

Anonymous said...

Juan so what is el jotito de hicam saying now maricon?

Anonymous said...

Where's my comment? No te gusto. Well the one's to blame are the Cameron County Election office. Jared Hockema is defending Remi his BFF. Jared everyone knows you want Jessica T. You should be neutral. But no you just suck up to the click. Do your job as Chairman. Instead you are raking in the money as city manager for Port Isabel and Santa Rosa. A conflict of interest I would say.
