Tuesday, May 2, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

An information request to the Cameron County Elections Office has confirmed what has been a disputed fact, that City of Brownsville mayoral candidate Jennifer Stanton has never voted in a city election and that she in ineligible to run for municipal office because she has never registered to vote in the city.

Her residence and mailing address – 6631 Tallowood Circle – staff members confirmed, is outside the city limits and the fact that it lies within the city's Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction ETJ does not give her the right to vote or run for office in Brownsville.

"She can neither vote nor is she registered, and the 2022 redistricting did not change that," they said.

As a result, any votes she gets during early voting and the general election May 6 will be counted as if she was a deceased candidate and will prevent the votes for her to be nullified. 

Stanton is one of four candidates on the City of Brownsville ballot for the mayor's position which opened when incumbent mayor Trey Mendez announced he would not seek reelection. 

The others are At-Large-A commissioner and businessman John Cowen, District 2 commissioner Jessica Tetreau, and former Brownsville Independent School District board member Erasmo Castro. 

Also running as a write-in "protest" candidate is former mayor Pat Ahumada
, who failed to overturn a local district court's decision that the voters' approval of term limits through a writ of mandamus to the Texas Supreme Court.

The county's Elections and Voter Registration Department records show she lives outside the city and that the city's 2022 redistricting did not affect her residence which remained outside the city limits. The city's voter registration list also showed that she has never been registered to vote in the city.

The question now becomes: With the early voting period over today, how do the eight days of voting with Stanton's name on the ballot affect the outcome? 

And some commenters to this blog assert that they overheard a group at a table next to them in a restaurant overheard that the group had succeeded in persuading her to run in order to draw votes from the other white woman on the ballot, District 2 commissioner Tetreau.

"I was in a restaurant a few months ago and at the table next to us was a group of people laughing at the fact that this woman agreed to be on the ballot to take votes from another woman. They even discussed using the same graphics and clothing as the other woman to confuse people. There should be an investigation into why this woman tampered with an election. Was she paid to make this mess? Is this legal to pay someone to run?" Commenter

Since Stanton is not eligible to run for city office because she doesn't reside in the city and she has never been registered to vote in Brownsville, how will the votes siphoned off by her fake candidacy which was overlooked by the city secretary affect the eventual outcome? 

Regardless of what the outcome is, can any mayoral candidate claim a win, or even a place in a runoff if it comes to that?

City Manager Helen Ramirez has not announced any action on the part of the city to address this "oversight" by the city administration? If she has, it's a well-kept secret and hasn't generated any full-court press releases by her crackerjack PR team in Communication like those generated by the city's continuous efforts to make the Guinness World Book of Records through zamba dancing, fishing tournaments, or Biggest Loser contests.

Now, that's important stuff, not piddling little matters like protecting then integrity of the democratic process and elections in the city. If no one – municipal authorities or the county's district attorney –  and especially the other candidates who have standing, don't lift a finger, than it can be assumed that we are all willing to accept a system that can be manipulated and perverted through the use of ineligible candidates.

Are we? 


Anonymous said...

Well, well, well. That's pitiful. The woman lives there, and I say she has a legal case against the county interpretation.

Let the voters decide, not some bureaucrat with a pencil up her ass.

Brownsville is afraid an outsider will end the patronismo. Stanton may not have won, but what do we in a Democracy lose by letting anyone & everyone go for it.


May God damn the county elections office.

Anonymous said...

NOS POS WOW, HOPE ERASMO castro WINS, folks be careful i will not vote for jessica tetas or john coward maybe i will write in pat or mickey mouse instead. pos ni modo, el porter homie

Anonymous said...

give the votes to castro el queso it would be the same as voting for a dead candidate, why porque apesta como muerto das wy.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Shifty Ben Neece wasn't really from downtown's district 2 and he still ran. And no one said shit.

He lived on Sally Lane across town, and everybody knew it.

Don't fuck with me.

Anonymous said...

Bozo Montoya, you've not written one fuckin word about what Republican Gov. Greg Abbott is doing to negate the Black & Brown vote all across Texas.

Your sorrowful bitching her about Dame Stanton rings damned hollow, ese.

Democracy is imperiled across the country, fool!!!!

Anonymous said...

We make Gods out of our public servants, and we forget they are people too. Marvin Gaye sung, “We are all sensitive beings with so much to give” and he was right. Sometimes it’s hard to forgive these "politicians".

A city commissioner is no higher a citizen than the taqueria owner/employee.

Never forget that shit.

Anonymous said...

Juan, this is a complex case. Can any candidate that loses the election, file a lawsuit to contest the results? Will the AG investigate this as possible voter fraud? At a minimum, the city secretary needs to be fired. It would be great if Bobby could chime in. Troubling times for Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Crazy times …

Who is worthy to lead the good people of brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Just. Wow.

Anonymous said...

What do i know, but this question i do ask : don’t we have protocols established that would prevent this from happening.? Its my understanding there are lists that exist that have the requirements for running for political office. I may be wrong but you would think. Elections 101. But then again, this is Brownsville and lately its seems like rules ,procedures,bylaws and the law in general are overlooked or broken . Doesn’t anybody in our local government care what is happening here? Its ridiculous and downright embarrassing for the city. And if there was some nefarious plot(as allegedly being reported) behind all this , what then??? Will any law enforcement agency look into this and other mysterious stories involving other local entities ( ie PUB, BCIC). And it’s probably safe to asume it wont be the DA ( because of his history of indifference in doing his job). Will the citizens of Brownsville get some answers?? We shall see, but I wouldn’t hold my breath!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! What ugly heart people. Bunch of druggies with no conscious. Those men probably provide her with drugs. Has never voted in an election in Brownsville. Is not registered to vote. What a piece of shit!

Anonymous said...

Wow is this even her in the picture? Doesn’t look like the other ones we’ve seen . Glamour shot??. Or is it gonna be reported next week, this is the real Stanton?? Never know nowadays? Hey Jessica aren’t you a bit envious or jealous after seeing that picture?? So we’re down to the 3 stooges to chose from, for mayor. God help us all !!!

Anonymous said...

"Shifty Ben Neece" Is Trump in this comment section ?? 😂😂

I guess you were never invited to his apartment downtown LOL

Anonymous said...

Captain bob thinks it’s powdered sugar but it’s baking soda …. Don’t eff with me!

Anonymous said...

Her votes will count as a deceased person wtf! Is that all about.,the county elections office really fked this one up.

Anonymous said...

Remi Garza is a very good employee. He goes by the book. What happened here?

Once my mother was not sent a voting ballot because they claimed the application never got to their office. They called my house. TWICE to verify, explain and to urge that we made sure the application got there for the next election term.

The Elections Office goes by the book.

Anonymous said...

wow, when was that picture taken 30 years ago, like the almuada's picture that one was taken 50 years ago.

Anonymous said...

All the people in charge are probably too busy in the GBIC line to get the free money! BPUB STOLE $140 million and he gets to retire! Don’t steal fajitas or paint graffiti or you will go to jail and they will throw the keys away. GBIC owns downtown and all they do is change the rules and wash their hands! BROWNSVILLE HAS THE BEST DISTRICT ATTORNEY IN TEXAS!

Anonymous said...

Attention: Bobby "never right" Wightman

Once an election begins, a challenge to the candidacy of an individual becomes moot. See Polk v. Davidson, 145 Tex. 200, 196 S.W.2d 632, 634 (Tex. 1946) ("[W]hen the time comes that the issues cannot be heard and a final judgment entered adjudging the validity or invalidity of the nominee's certificate so that absentee ballots can be printed and available to voters as and when required by statute, the contest is moot and must be dismissed."); see also Skelton v. Yates, 131 Tex. 620, 119 S.W.2d 91, 92 (Tex. 1938); Bejarano v. Hunter, 899 S.W.2d 346, 352 (Tex. App.—El Paso 1995, orig. proceeding); Law v. Johnson, 826 S.W.2d 794, 797 (Tex. App.—Houston [14th Dist.] 1992, no writ); Smith v. Crawford, 747 S.W.2d 938, 940 (Tex. App.—Dallas 1988, orig. proceeding).

In re Uresti, 377 S.W.3d 696, 696 (Tex. 2012)

The separation of powers doctrine is related to mootness. See Abbott v. Mex. Am. Leg. Caucus, Tex. House of Representatives, 647 S.W.3d 681, 689 (Tex. 2022). A case is moot when a justiciable controversy does not exist between the parties or when the parties do not have a legally cognizable interest in the outcome. See id.; Heckman v. Williamson County, 369 S.W.3d 137, 162 (Tex. 2012). Courts lack subject-matter jurisdiction to decide a moot controversy. Tex. Dep't of Fam. & Protective Servs. v. N.J., 644 S.W.3d 189, 192 (Tex. 2022). In general, a challenge to the electoral process will be considered moot when the validity of the alleged error cannot be finally determined in time for the error to be corrected or, stated otherwise, for the requested task to be substantially accomplished by election officials. See, e.g., In re Uresti, 377 S.W.3d 696, 696 (Tex. 2012) (orig. proceeding) (per curiam) ("Once an election begins, a challenge to the candidacy of an individual [**10] becomes moot."); Polk v. Davidson, 145 Tex. 200, 196 S.W.2d 632, 634 (Tex. 1946) ("[W]hen the time comes that the issues cannot be heard and a final judgment entered adjudging the validity or invalidity of the nominee's certificate so that absentee ballots can be printed and available to voters as and when required by statute, the contest is moot and must be dismissed."); Skelton v. Yates, 131 Tex. 620, 119 S.W.2d 91, 91-92 (Tex. 1938) (orig. proceeding) ("Under the law absentee balloting has begun," thus, "[t]he election therefore is already in progress, and no order which this court might enter [*50] could be effective at this late date to govern such election."); Sterling v. Ferguson, 122 Tex. 122, 53 S.W.2d 753, 761 (Tex. 1932) (per curiam) ("The courts generally follow the rule that where no date when the authority of a court or other body for exercising a special jurisdiction shall cease, then that it does cease when any judgment which might be entered by the court would become moot—that is to say, when any right which might be determined by the judicial tribunal could not be effectuated in the manner provided by law."); Salazar v. Gonzales, 931 S.W.2d 59, 60 (Tex. App.—Corpus Christi—Edinburg 1996, no writ) ("An election contest becomes moot, and the issues no longer justiciable, when a final judgment adjudging the validity or invalidity of a candidate's certificate of nomination is not entered in time for election officials to comply with the statutory deadlines [**11] for preparing and conducting the general election, or when absentee balloting has begun during the pendency of the appeal."); see also Garmon v. Tolbert, 614 S.W.3d 190, 194 (Tex. App.—Tyler 2020, pet. denied); In re Nat'l Republican Cong. Comm., 608 S.W.3d 544, 547-48 (Tex. App.—Austin 2020, orig. proceeding).

In re Cty. of Hidalgo, 655 S.W.3d 44, 49-50 (Tex. App.—Corpus Christi 2022, no pet. h.)

Anonymous said...

Juan looks like a good thing or was this a setup for Jennifer to fail? seems kinda strange she had two wise men on her side to help her but in the end they hurt her. Ben neece and capt bob maybe set this up for jessica or cowen? maybe it was a stragety all along? just saying.

Anonymous said...

Ben Neece and Captain Bob are assholes. They even take pride in being assholes. To them being an asshole equates to being smart and savvy. They may have encouraged this woman to run for mayor but she knew what she was getting in to. Come on the charlatan could not even vote for herself. They played the citizens of Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Juan just like the BPUB Scandal time to move forward because nothing will come out of this. Ms. Stanton time to regroup and get ready for your run at county comissioner's spot next time since it is verified you do live in the county outside brownsville, mmm wonder who is the county commissioner in her area? is it Joey lopez comes to mind. just saying plus that position Jennifer comes with a paycheck and thats no baloney.. Calvin

Anonymous said...

you gringos go out and vote for her do it and meskins vote for the quezo. see who wins.

Anonymous said...

gringos go out and vote for la gringa, meskins go out and vote for el queso.

Anonymous said...

I hear the outgoing mayor leaves a map, for the new mayor, to the nearest bank. FACT...

Anonymous said...

Wow. May Stanton lose for all the right reasons.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know she was that pretty now I will vote for her twice!!!
