Thursday, May 4, 2023


(Ed's Note: In this picture taken just minutes ago, it appears that Cameron County Sheriff Eric Garza has had to reach to the Omar Lucio past and bring back the old Ford Crown Victorias that were parked and ready for auction. Then one of our readers sent us the photo of other vintage vehicles pushed into service as funds run out for maintenance of the units at the sheriff's warehouse at Olmito. What's next, the old uniforms? So much for "the change we need.")


Anonymous said...

Why even bother with that guy, what you see is what you get. He has hit rock bottom, so let him languish there until he gets replaced. The only thing this moron accomplished was to be added to the list of failed and embarrassing sheriffs administrations where Conrado Cantu is KING.

Anonymous said...

Rosas el del frente. He is our guy. Vote Rosas.

Anonymous said...

So what if he is using the Crown Victoria Cars. The car is a good vehicle. What else are you going to complain about. Get off this guy. You should be happy he is using all the resources he has. If he asks for funds you cry, if he buys new Units you cry, If he uses the old cars (which he maintains and gave fresh look to them) You Cry. puro lloron.

Anonymous said...

Nobody told me I was supposed to order cars is the excuse. He did not order any new cars and the cars break down before we can answer a call. But he did manage to hire his cheerleader squad and the head cheerleader Rick Cornejo! Oh and on the Pep Squad he hired Chuck and Ramblado. He figured out a way to hire his cheerleaders by eliminating 6 JAILER positions making it more dangerous for the jailers to do their jobs with fewer jailers. 27 Deputy Sheriff openings and 136 jail positions open because nobody wants to work with this guy. Let that sink in for a bit. The change we needed-the protection we are getting.

Anonymous said...

Y el pendejo de sucker Angel driving a brand new unit.. for what? To drive Garza around when he is drunk.. what a shame

Anonymous said...

Moron is correct and accomplisment also correct with that new salary the changed from a paper pusher to official was quite a jump and for nada what a waste.

un rolex, statson 500x, allegator boots, new auto maybe a new home all these are pawn shop items you will see at your nearest pawn shops and maybe a house, after he losses...

Anonymous said...

Crown Victoria is a damned good car. Still.

Eat shit, Montoya. For lunch and dinner.

Anonymous said...

May 4, 2023 at 11:08 AM
mamasela maricon

Anonymous said...

No units, the laptops were bought by the previous administration, even the BWC were budgeted before this clown took over, right now, we CANT even take our units for an oil change because there is NO money left and we still have the remaining of the year.. Garza do the department and the citizens a favor FUCKING QUIT BRO

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So Garza calls his favorite reporter martha to cover this, knowing she is married to a doper that works for the escorpiones in Matamoros and at the end she fucked Garza by taking this junk picture LMFAO

Anonymous said...

Yeah the mess the previous Administration left and the County Judge defunding the Department. You never saw the County Judge objecting to anything the previous administration requested because they were his compadres. A known fact Omar Lucio had the majority of the lawsuits making the County settle and sweeping under the rug. I am not supporting any Sheriff candidate but I know politics. Cameron County is doomed with all the County Officials currently in office. Vote your mind. Be smart.

Anonymous said...

Rosas el del frente?
Rosas el de atraz?

Hahaha I get it

Anonymous said...

May 4, 2023 at 1:10 PM
como chingas joto open your blog so you can insult the world joton

Anonymous said...

Crown Vics were/are awesome cars, what sucks is the ugly ass stripping this moron put on them as well as the ugly ass uniforms. Not to mention allowing the deputies to wear beards with their uniforms. Looks dirty and sloppy as fuck.

Anonymous said...

Actually the previous Administration tried to finish the budget to give a hard time to the current administration. Facts. REYNA STRATEGY, THE EVIL TYRANTS.

Anonymous said...

May 4, 2023 at 1:10 PM

just because your mama eats shit don't think that everybody else eats shit estupido pendejo y joto!!
