Saturday, May 20, 2023



Anonymous said...

Whites dominate high-level national and state jobs. Whites dominate high-level military posts. Whites dominate law enforcement jobs. Whites dominate high-level corporate jobs.

So, what are they bitching about?

(now, we have a White mayor)

Anonymous said...

May 20, 2023 at 6:34 AM
cocos like you idiota just don't get it you adore them but they hate your brown ass. BOLA DE LAMBISCONES. Your name is white THAT does not make you white joton. ni tu mami la prietona del downtown. JOTIANDO COMO TU JOTON.

Anonymous said...

Word is Nurith is running against Sofia. What do you know?,

Anonymous said...


The mother of an 8-year-old girl who died in U.S. Border Patrol custody this week said agents “killed [her] daughter” after ignoring repeated pleas for help.

Anadith Tanay Reyes Alvarez, her two siblings, ages 12 and 14, and her parents were being held at a Customs and Border Patrol facility in Harlingen, Texas. On Wednesday, Anadith experienced a medical emergency and was taken to a local hospital. She was pronounced dead later that day, authorities said.

Her mother, 35-year-old Mabel Alvarez Benedicks said Friday CBP agents repeatedly ignored the child’s pleas for help, which ultimately led to her death.

“They killed my daughter, because she was nearly a day and a half without being able to breathe,” Benedicks said. “She cried and begged for her life and they ignored her. They didn’t do anything for her.”

Anadith was born in Panama with congenital heart disease. Her parents are from Honduras.

The family entered the U.S. in Brownsville, Texas on May 9. Five days later, after a doctor diagnosed Anadith with influenza, the family was transferred to the Harlingen station.

Anonymous said...

Juan Montoya for sheriff!

(someone donate him a cowboy hat)

Anonymous said...

WASHINGTON — Las conversaciones entre la Casa Blanca y los legisladores republicanos sobre el tope de endeudamiento se detuvieron, recomenzaron y volvieron a detenerse al comenzar el fin de semana, observadas desde lejos por el presidente Joe Biden y otros mandatarios en la cumbre del Grupo de los Siete, con la esperanza de que haya avances para evitar un impago federal potencialmente catastrófico.

En una señal de que se reanudaban las negociaciones, se llevó comida a una sala del Capitolio el sábado por la mañana, pero se la llevaron horas después. No parecía probable que hubiera una reunión el sábado, de acuerdo con una persona al tanto de las conversaciones que habló bajo la condición de anonimato por no estar autorizada a informar públicamente.

El gobierno de Biden busca un acuerdo con los republicanos liderados por el presidente de la cámara, el republicano Kevin McCarthy. El 1 de junio vence el plazo para elevar el tope de endeudamiento, que ahora es de 31 billones de dólares, para que el gobierno pueda seguir pagando las cuentas de la nación. Los republicanos exigen grandes recortes del gasto fiscal, a los que se oponen los demócratas.

(Cuidado que el cheque del seguro social no llega....culpamos a los republicanos, si....)

Anonymous said...

Whites are also the majority in the military that protect your black/brown ass

Anonymous said...

Native Americans aren't native. They came here from the Altai region of Siberia. DNA proves it.

There are disproportionate numbers of blacks in prison because they break the law disproportionately. Half of all murders in America are committed by blacks. Most hate crimes are committed by blacks and other minorities. Women getting paid less than men is also a fallacy.

You can always move to another country, but you'll still be same person there.

Anonymous said...

Yes, whites dominate corporate, government, education and banking, while Blacks dominate sports and music. Mexicans?

Anonymous said...

Who is doubling and tripling property taxes to push the brown raza out of their family homes? Homes held for generations, so whites can seize them for cheap and demolish them?
All in the name of gentrification and improvement of course. Also while giving each other big cash loans for abandoned buildings and their family's properties too.

Anonymous said...

Get over yourself! We are all human. Stop looking at your differences and start looking at what we all have in common and make it work. Juanio, we are all humanbeings. Get over it vato!

Anonymous said...

May 20, 2023 at 8:37 PM
Dominates your mamas cocos y blancos pendejos.

Anonymous said...

Some children get sick when they travel (car, airplane, bus, walking, train) so parents have to be vigilant.

The parents could have asked for help in Panama, Honduras, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Mexico, (Matamoros, Reynosa). Some parents are shy and do not speak up. They let a little girl speak up for herself.

It is hard being a parent.

Anonymous said...

Montoya, can you find out who prosecuted the black man who killed three women on SPI. I hope it wasn't one of the black assistant DAs.
