Wednesday, May 10, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

On the same day that eight people were killed at the Allen, Texas Outlet Mall by a mentally-deranged gunman who was kicked out of the Army for mental problems, I received this letter in the mail from the National Rifle Association.

It read in prominent black block letters that it was a "NOTICE OF GUN CONFISCATION."

Unless you fight back now, the letter reads,"you'll soon face the threat of having your guns confiscated with your right to self-defense."

The letter, electronically signed by NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre, stated that this was not about a "run-of-the-mill gun control, but "I'm talking about an actual ban on the firearms you currently own, trough government confiscation of those firearm, and you're facing actual jail time if you fail to comply."

"The truth is, in my more tan 40 years at the NRA, I never thought I'd have to write this letter. And I'm 100 percent sure the anti-gun media will get their hands on a copy of this letter, pull a few quotes out of context, and accuse me of "fear mongering."

"For the first time in American history, a powerful gang of federal and state gun-ban politicians, unelected bureaucrats, elitist billionaires, and media propagandists are openly calling for your guns to be turned in to the government...

"That's why gun owners like you need to join NRA right now. NRA is the only national organization can STOP GUN CONFISCATION...And only the NRA has the strength to win knock-down legislative brawls on Capitl HIll, freedom-defining court cases, and the 24/7 battle against the gun-hating media lite."

  The letter goes on to say that (for a slight fee) I can join the NRA and if I become a NRA member in the next 30 days they will throw in a Desert Storm Tactical Backpack – a $24,95 value – "as our way of  welcoming you to the NRA family."

LaPierre doesn't mention that if Texas had passed red-flag laws, the killer at the Allen Outlet Mall would have been prevented from purchasing the assault rifle with which he gunned down innocent civilians. In fact, since 2014, Texas has seen gun-related homicides soar. Gov. Greg Abbott proudly signed a bill allowing for permitless handgun carry, and has fought any effort to introduce sensible gun-safety laws in the state such as raising the age to 21 to buy an assault weapon even after the tragedy in Uvalde.

Abbott has blood on his hands. He has served as governor since 2015, and his legacy is one depicted rather plainly in the graph above showing the number of gun deaths in Texas have soared during his watch. And he has vowed to veto any effort, including raising the gun-buying minimum age to 21 just passed by a House committee which died after failing to approve it by the calendar deadline.

Republican governors in Colorado, Nevada, Tennessee and even Florida have passed red-flag and minimum-age gun-purchase laws. But Texas, apparently, is content to continue the wanton carnage. The NRA loves Abbott.
And as far as joining the NRA to protect my guns from being confiscated, maybe the NRA should do a little research. Ever since I left the Marine Corps and qualified as an expert on the M-14 and M-16, I have not had the desire to own one. Keep your backpack, Wayne.


Anonymous said...

The military neglected to report this mentally ill person to the feds to disqualify him from buying a firearm. Just like the shooter at Sutherland Springs. He was discharged for mental problems. Don't need red flag laws for that. Always remember that the best way to advance gun control is for the police to do nothing. Why not blame blacks for murder? Half of all murders in America are perpetrated by blacks. How about a little consistency in the finger pointing?

Anonymous said...

The vehicle lost control, he felt asleep on the wheel, the gas pedal got stuck and the brakes did't work. It's medication not drugs, got a doctor's prescription and was going home worked all night and was tired and felt asleep on the wheel. any more questions pinche da??? you're free to go!!!!!

i see it coming! any bets????

Anonymous said...

Juan, its tragic and horrible events in our Community that show our local leaders true colors and where they stand with just basic humanity. We are all on social media checking the daily happenings and my FB feed is filled with political campaigns here and posts from Erasmo Castro. This week he put out a post that he was being accused of his own church pay for his out of country vacations. He critized the Diezmo and abd I thought, how dare he. Erasmo and his Pastor Father live off the donations of his people. Its a business. All religions are a business. The diezmo need to church pay rent, light, etc, and provide help to those in need financially, attend weddings, funerlas, blessings, and have a decent living for its priests. Erasmo Castro is a grifter like Trump. Notice how he never posted anything about the immigrants death in his home town. Silence. He is against immigrants. His church preaches to only help those like Erasmo. But Erasmo supposedly is in Cuba claiming he is there to help Cubans. Come on Erasmo, you have never held a damn job or know outside labor and now you are helping Cubans??? All you know how to do is take pictures of yourself and marry people. Cubans want freedom and a chance to live their dream in the USA. There are so many waiting in Matamoros, come help those. Cubans dont know that Erasmo Castro will be quick to shut the door on them. Like my grandma said, ese Erasmo es un charlatan. Erasmo Castro is now waiting for his next Election payout for more trips and for Ozempic. Btw, is he related to Melissa Castro??

Anonymous said...

First point, go fuck yourself Wayne Lapierre(NRA CEO or whatever) . No one is talking confiscation of firearms, your are saying this to upset gun owners, to create anger and chaos for gun owners. Don’t you think we have enough violence already for you to create more!! This is your typical misinformation strategy. With the continuous loss of innocent human life on a daily basis all thats being asked for is some type of comprehensive gun control. GUN CONTROL NOT ELIMINATION . But since your company (NRA) in your eyes is fixing to potentially lose billions$$$ now you sit there crying foul. HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH You are a multi millionaire and you want more?? What you’re gonna have is more blood on your hands. What if it was your kid or your mom/ dad, brother/ sister having their face blown off? Would you care then ?? How can all you mofos sleep at night ? Stop the violence, our kids don’t deserve such a dreadful future.

Anonymous said...


Jim Barton said...

"I'm EMBARRASSED: Texas #2 in nation for new gun purchases, behind CALIFORNIA. Let's pick up the pace Texans," tweeted Greg Abbott in October 2015.

Anonymous said...

This post reminds me to say, don't thank anyone for their service unless you know them.

Anonymous said...

Wayne Lapierre, Stop spreading fear, panic and fake news!! No one is coming for your guns !

Anonymous said...

Anyone the keeps voting for Abbott is a sicko

Anonymous said...

Calmate Wayne !! No one is coming for your guns!

Unknown said...

Yes let's give OUR guns away so WE can become a country like the one illegal aliens are fleeing and cannot defend ourselves from tyrannical government.

Anonymous said...

Mass shooting after mass shooting and Greg Abbot and Ted Cruz says it is because of mental disease and that more prayer is needed. Well let's that while on the campaign if they can dodge the bullets Let's see if prayer really works for them.

Anonymous said...

Don't Blame me, I voted for Beto.

Anonymous said...

Its gonna work like this: inutil wheelchair occupant will confiscate your pistola and fine you 3000 dollars, but first you need to purchas one in order to be in compliance with Texas law (all pistolas have to be brand new), that will cost you 5 grand. In all, this will make you a good racist republican cause the state will donate all monies from this scenario to the texas racist republican party.
The texas democrats are in favor as they will get an unkown portion of all proceeds (its call silent money).


Anonymous said...

el cherife wanted to give him a speeding ticket during charro days so I hear, but couldn't get near, too fast...

Anonymous said...

Texas is in the lower half of gun deaths in the nation. Number 27/50, and gun violence has gone up everywhere. Don't take my word for it:
