Saturday, May 6, 2023


The commission candidates know the positions come without pay. That's why it's called public service. Why should they ask for pay now? 
This is so self-serving to the current city manager. Whoever recommended that this item should be on the ballot should be fired. So if a city manager doesn't work out in the first year the taxpayers will have to buy out the remaining two years of his/her contract at a $250,000 annual salary? 

This would give unlimited power to the city attorney to control every aspect of the city's activities and functions of all its boards, commissions, etc. It would also create a conflict of interest if the city attorney would make the call on boards like the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation (GBIC), the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation (BCIC) and others that might be considering taking on projects deemed contrary to the interests of the city. The city attorney would supersede the authority of the city manager and city commission and become a policy maker instead of providing legal advice for the commission. A power grab.
The city commission – which appoints PUB board members – should decide who they want as members. It's time for the dog to wag the tail, not the other way around. 
Given some of the decisions made in the Tenaska Fiasco by a majority of the PUB board members, the city commission should be able to remove members who are deemed to be acting on behalf of  interests other than those of the ratepayers and opens the doors to special interests that might have plied them with gifts, trips, etc., and convinced them to do otherwise.
In the rapidly changing and complex field of energy generation and distribution, PUB's relation to the electric grid in the state, the role of ERCOT, and other esoteric utility regulations, missing four consecutive meetings on any subject they could not possibly provide an informed service and protection to local ratepayers and the city. If they can't attend, why apply or accept an appointment to the board?


Anonymous said...

No to everything.

Anonymous said...

Should be paid by the number of meetings
What is this crap about a yearly salary

Anonymous said...

where is all the money coming from more property taxes fix the traffic lights pinche mamones, the one on 802 and service road turns red in 5 seconds, the one on alton gloor turns red in 8 seconds and the ones on all the bike trails turn from green to red in 4 seconds so all the bikers (abt only 2) can pass with out any restrictions QUE PINCHES MAMONES!1!!!!


Anonymous said...

The gringos now have a new king and queen question here: king of what? queen of what?
bola de arastrados get to work mamones. king queen Hahahahahahahahaha jajajajajajajajaaaa MAMONES.

Anonymous said...

fix the city infrasture bola de pendejos and do not spend it on yourselves YOU DON'T DESERVE ANYTHING. ALL OF YOU ELECTED OFFICIALS SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED AND THROWN IN JAIL but the da is part of your gang.

Anonymous said...

Ya se la llevo la chingada a la Jessica Tetreau el sábado!!

Anonymous said...

ni modo pat you missed out on a free paycheck every week.
