Thursday, May 4, 2023


(Ed.' Note: They pick stuff up quick, these Venezuelans. As the new arrivals wander the streets and alleys of downtown Brownsville they couldn't but notice the piles of used clothes stuffed into dumpsters. In transit and lacking a large wardrobe on the move, the clothing available for the taking is probably a godsend to some. The only competition are the ladies who come from Matamoros to pick from among the piles for resale in the colonias there. One man's ceiling is another man's floor. Provecho.)


Anonymous said...

gringos used to do that, run through the native's garbage when they got here nothing new, only that they forgot they used to do it also.

Anonymous said...

Your joy is disgusting, Montoya.

You who dress so Ropa Usada working as societal critic here? ja ja ja

Impress me with some brains, ese.

Arriba mis Venezolanos!!! Dios los bendiga.

Anonymous said...

Why make fun of the immigrants? Shows lack of empathy and class.

Too Republican, Monty.

(lead a clothing drive for them, I say.)

Be a child of God, not a weapon of the Devil.

Anonymous said...

Seriously. You truly deserve a place in hell. You are giving all this karma to your children you asshole!

Anonymous said...

May 4, 2023 at 12:10 PM
Ya comensates otra vez pinche maricon open your own blog joto ese bro maricon. you impress nobody here vete culo

Anonymous said...

May 4, 2023 at 12:10 PM
ese eres un pinche mamon tu y tu joto cherif con tu mama tambien jotos

Anonymous said...

Future the hardest working Hispanics in America...the Cubans.

Anonymous said...

Brown blogger Juan Montoya deserves an ass-kicking after this inhumane post. My word. What a tone-deaf story!

Montoya, don't ask me to weep for your poor Mexicans in town. Ever again. They can go and fuck themselves.

May God damn you.

Anonymous said...

Si arriba
De un tronko

Anonymous said...

I'm too sexy for my cat
Too sexy for my cat
Poor pussy
Poor pussy cat

I'm too sexy for my love
Too sexy for my love
Love's going to leave me

And I'm too sexy for this blog

Anonymous said...

EF by the numbers:
>> $31.35 million, total amount in TEF;
>> $29 million, funds originally collected for power plant project;
>> $2.35 million, total interest earned, minus city of Brownsville transferred;
>> $918,055, city of Brownsville refund, portion of active customer TEF allocation;
>> $762,963, BPUB refund, portion of active customer TEF allocation.


Anonymous said...

May 4, 2023 at 1:06 PM May 4, 2023 at 4:34 
no te gusta jotones open your own blogs idiotas echale a los racist republicanos jotones no te quieren bola de pendejos
open your own blogs y quitense de estar mamondo jotos

Anonymous said...

So, these individuals aren't going to vote for Tetas because she's in the wrong district? Are her votes going to be counted as deceased? Because she lives in Gucci Lala and not in district 2?

Anonymous said...

You are my source of news....thank you

Anonymous said...

Quote from channel 5
"more migrants arrive to Brownsville, more of them have a reason to wait downtown. They’ve been separated from friends and family during the detention process.

For some, like Joanna Vivene, it’s very emotional.

Vivene, a mother of two children who are 18 and 21, said the three of them were separated on Tuesday after they crossed the border."

Really 18 and 21 are children?

Anonymous said...

May 5, 2023 at 6:35 AM
of course you are 50 y un guerquito y idiota. nothing new here

Anonymous said...

May 4, 2023 at 4:34 PM
give it a try joto! I know who you are joton con tu pinche camote par de jotos

Anonymous said...

May 4, 2023 at 3:49 PM

cubanos puros llorones y lambiscones

Anonymous said...

May 4, 2023 at 12:10 PM
impress everybody here and leave baboso.

Anonymous said...

May 4, 2023 at 12:10 PM
tell your mama la que pario joton next time to take a bath apesata fffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuiiiiiiiii pinche vieja apestoda dile joton. open your own blog and insult your mama y yourself joton.

Anonymous said...

May 4, 2023 at 12:10 PM
como chingas joto

Anonymous said...

May 4, 2023 at 2:33 PM
tu y tu mama joton open your own blog and insult dona M tu mama joton this blog ain't going no where tell your rata friends that. the check they give is not going to do anything here. spend it with your mama joto. she needs chones y chanclas...

Anonymous said...

chones y chanclas hahahahahaha funny how you know dat?
