Thursday, May 18, 2023


(Morning Mr. Montoya. From one of your 3 readers in San Benito. Must be career day at the city meeting Tuesday. That is Commissioner Carol Sanchez and her son taking care of city business. Nothing wrong with being proud of you son but there's a proper time and place for everything.)


Anonymous said...

San Benito is Hicksville. Mexicans at play.

Just pobre gente acting up again.

Anonymous said...

envidia por eso no progresa sanbene o y cocos...

Anonymous said...

they are half meskins and wanna bees half whites. COCOS!!!

Anonymous said...

Well hopefully the new commissioners put a stop to this. It’s doesn’t matter if she is an attorney rules are rules. She must be feeling lonely since two of the three amigos were voted out.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Well they say that her baby daddy is on the run a fugitive from justice. Maybe that explains why she took her son to the meeting. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

May 18, 2023 at 6:41 AM
como chingas joton open a blog and complain all day every day joton.

Anonymous said...

The new city commission looks good. Now maybe the citizens can get the respect they deserve not the abuse some have endured. Remember commissioner’s this is San Benito with a poverty rate of 32 % so bring in business n restaurants the citizens of San Benito can afford. San Benito isn’t Austin and should not try to be run like it. Hopefully the departments are looked at and all those made up titles removed. Also the city charter is basically city law that governs city ordinances and I know some ordinances are in clear violation of the city charter including the city manager’s contract. Good luck city commissioners and do what is right for the people that elected you.

Anonymous said...

idiotas en sanbene, its call government 101. pinche cocos de sanbene mamones.

Anonymous said...

What it is that the 3 Amigos de san bene are used to doing what they want on the commission. They had the backing of the city manager and possibly some other higher ups. But it has all changed now with the new commission and Commissioner Sanchez is basically on her own the other two Amigos were voted out. So I guess the naming of the pavilion after her is out the window now. Now maybe San Benito can move forward.

Anonymous said...

Single moms

Ni modo

Support them

Anonymous said...

I see a lawsuit against the city if one of her children trip and fall on those stairs while running around. Come on commission get with the program enforce the rules just like you do with the public.
