Tuesday, May 16, 2023


VII.A.1. Recommend approval to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Brownsville and Brownsville Independent School District, for the purpose of establishing goals and objectives relating to the establishment of services and/or a lease to aid in the safe processing of migrant families in our community. No cost to the District.

Special to El Rrun-Rrun

A unanimous board of the Brownsville Independent School District voted to table a proposal to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with City of Brownsville that would have allowed an empty campus – in this case, Victoria Heights Elementary – to be used to assist in the transfer of asylum seekers from Latin America to their final destination elsewhere in the United States.

That same MOU was to be considered by the city commission today. But with the BISD board tabling the matter to allow the city to clarify several parts of the MOU, it is apparent that the MOU with the BISD will be tabled there as well. 

Leading the charge against the MOU being approved by the BISD board were Carlos Elizondo and Minerva Peña, who made the motion to table and seconded it, respectively. 

According to Superintendent Rene Gutierrez, the city approached the district to have the school available as a fall-back location to help migrants transfer from the city if the expected surge came after the end of Title 42 which allowed federal authorities to swiftly turn away migrants at the U.S borders, ostensibly to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus. 

But that changed late Thursday when the public health emergency and Title 42 lapsed.

Border Patrol commander Jorge Gonzalez – with city officials and mayor-elect John Cowen present – said that instead of the expected invasion, the torrent of migrant apprehensions which at one time totaled 45,000 has "decreased significantly" to the point where yesterday (Sunday), there was only one apprehension. 

"My role stops after they have been processed and released to the city so they can reach their final destination," he said. 

Numbers released by the BP and city officials indicated that on May 12 – one day after Title 42 ended – there were 308 migrants processed, 46 on the 13th, 118 on May 14, and five on May 15.

There was apparently, a lot of confusion and misinformation, as was evidenced by speakers in the   comment period. Some of these were:

1. That the school would be used as a shelter
2. That the safety and security of the neighborhood could not be guaranteed by the city or police department 
3. That no one knew whether the migrants would bring disease that would spread to area residents
4. That single men would be roaming the area around the school and endanger kids, elderly and women
5. That speakers were not convinced that it would be of no cost to the district
6. Also, that the BISD should not engage in immigration matters that are the sole purview of the federal government

City manager Helen Ramirez  assured the board members that the school was to be used  only if necessary – and if the number of migrants increased to the point where they could not be handled by the transfer center the city operates near the bus terminal.

"This facility would be used only in a worst-case scenario, and only if needed," Ramirez told the board. "This would be a temporary processing facility to assist migrants to transfer to their final destinations."

A usual, board member Minerva Peña inserted her usual hysterics and, when asked to take her turn making remarks and allow other to finish theirs, she warned board chairperson Jessica Gonzalez that she would not be sitting in that chair for long.

"I''m very passionate about this," she screeched over Gonzalez. "Please take care of the neighborhood. I'm getting 65 texts and emails against this. You won't be sitting in that chair for long."

Cameron County and the City of Brownsville issued imminent disaster declarations fearing that the end of Title 42 would bring a surge of migrant asylum seekers to border cities and create a crisis overwhelming the city's efforts to move the migrant to other parts of Texas and the United States. That led Ramirez to approach the BISD to lend them the school campus in case that happened.

However, instead of a current, it turned out to be a trickle that was turned into a tempest at the BISD board meeting.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Elizondo did a remarkable job in keeping safety as a number one priority for our community. Question: why is Jessica González board president? That woman needs to be voted OUT when she seeks re-election.

Anonymous said...

These are Brownsville local political leaders doing their best to take control of a immigration issue, then they turn around and expect for the Federal Government to pay them in return. Take a good look at who the instigator at the BISD are, Minerva Pena and Carlos Elizondo with a indictment instructing and taking lead with the Memorandum of Understanding to use the vacate Victoria Heights Elementary School to be used as a shelter for these illegals not processed yet. Who is going to pay for all this expenses, like feeding. sheltering, clothing, lights, toilets, and don't forget toilet paper to wipe asses, Who is going to pay for the lease to this vacate school? Is Minerva Pena or Carlos Elizondo going to feed and pay the lease and expense incurred for this shelter? Is this land grant monies be used to shelter these illegals?

Wicho said...

Why doesn't the city take the immigrants to the library temporarily so they can read a book and use the internet leave our schools alone this city is turning into s***

Anonymous said...

City of Brownsville should be a migrant Sanctuary City no matter what racist Republican Gov. Greg Abbott says.

Inhumane policies only hurt humanity.

(btw, Carlos Cascos is same height as was Stalin, 5'5")

Anonymous said...

Juan, vato sonso y loco, that pinche schoolboard is a collection of mediocre pussies. well, except for La Daniella. You look at them and what do you see - gente del barrio, simple y sin cesos. fruteros todos.


Anonymous said...

Camel toe?

on the board, I mean.

Anonymous said...

The City is not the enemy.
In fact, the City puts up with a bunch of abuse from the School District.
Look at all the cars parked in the public street right of way waiting for children.
It's dangerous.
Leaves no room for vehicles to travel along the street near the schools without hitting another car.

Anonymous said...


Bueno, hablo de los Hispanos.

Anonymous said...

Stick to school business!

You're not smart enough for national issues. But local (uninitiated) elected officials always see themselves as being bigger than every other citizen. Son cagapalos, beginning with Minerva - La Gritona. Garganta de vaca.

Fuera fraudes!!!

Anonymous said...

May 16, 2023 at 11:47 AM
So true bisd and their high salary employees (teachers) don't care about the locals, the city should make them spend more money on parking for parents, in some areas you just can't pass because the stupid parents are pickup and leaving their stupid children at school.


Anonymous said...

Juan, porque la ciudad necesita de BISD? Porque no le pide la ciudad al gobierno federal hacer una ubicación más apropiada?

Anonymous said...

The man of the hour at the BISD meeting was Carlos Elizondo, who put everyone at the meeting in their place. Board member Garcia needs to resign, complete idiot in his not understanding between an illegal immigrants and migrants. Board member Pena needs to learn Roberts' rules for meeting. She went crazy by not waiting for her turn to ask questions. The Board president is a joke! The BISD superintendent is so stupid or just plain idiot of the education system. Who told who for this issue to be place on the agenda? It was the superintendent and the board president. Doesn't the COB have plenty of empty buildings to house these illegal immigrants? Remember, Brownsville is a Sanctuary city and the COB again will be using taxpayers monies while taking millions of dollars from Tanaska Fiasco. The new mayor of Brownsville Cowen look like homeless man from the street to speak at this meeting. Cowen had no idea what was going on but knows he will be getting big bucks for been mayor of Brownsville. Brownsville, shit hole of the RGV.

Anonymous said...

All illegal immigrants should be bused to sanctuary cities where they can be processed. This problem does not belong to the citizens of Brownsville but to the Democratic Party who invited them in. Let Joe Biden use the millions he received from China for doing nothing to help these people out. This is not our fight!

Anonymous said...

1 apprehension, he said.

and, today, Florida's racist Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis said he is sending 1,500 law enforcement types to aid racist Texas Gov. Greg Abbott maintain the "invasion" lie.

ja ja ja ja


Anonymous said...

This schoolboard -

Need sympathy? Check out a dictionary, it’s there between shit and syphilis.

Anonymous said...

Helen te miras muy mal, que paso el stress is eating you up right? thought it was going to be papita being the city manager? Well its not. Its not the same when you are an asst or deputy city manager than the real City manager. lots of difference and lots of stress. Wathc your health.

Anonymous said...

May 16, 2023 at 11:12 AM
ask tu mama she knows

Anonymous said...

Moved to the library? Are you kidding.. Have you been to the Main library the air condition doesn't work the ceiling is yellow buckets everywhere for leaking roof migrants are safe somewhere else

Anonymous said...

Send them to New York and California. Why keep them stupid in the valley?

Anonymous said...

Vote out Jessica Gonzalez! If she still goes by that name now that she's not the same person elected

Anonymous said...

Seriously, it was apparent that Peña,Elizondo & Ortiz were not for the MOU and one of you post here that they should help feed the people if sheltered there. Tapado! As for Daniella. she is also mediocre! She works under El Roy De Los Santos, that makes her extra mediocre.

Anonymous said...

Daniela Lopez Valdez needs to stop texting people about board activity, voting, and related info.

Nobody cares how you vote or what the board does, Daniela.

Anonymous said...

When the leader of the district allows the school board to micromanage, the
problem starts here. This idiot that we now pay a tremendous amount of money to, does not know where he farts from and allows his two "beauty queens" rejects from Edinburg run the district so he can sit and figure out where his
farts come from. He even looks as stupid as stupid is. You never see him around the community or in the schools and yet, no one says anything about him nor force him to leave the position or get fired. He makes fun in Edinburg that the only reason he took BISD is because they pay out more money for doing nothing. Just ask any Edinburg resident who threw a party when they found out
BISD was stupid enough to select him. All Atkinson wanted was to have someone she could manipulate and lead by the nose. Look what she got, even though she thought she could get away with it with this idiot.

People in the Victoria Heights neighborhood are now scared. They feel they will not be able to leave their homes without concern that these illegals will break into them. Yes, some are good people, but there is always one that is a rotten apple. House them at the Galonsky building they sold to the city for millions of dollars. It is right across the bus station and can easily be channeled into a bus to Disneyland.

Minerva, en el nombre de Jehova, always has to open her mouth to make stupid suggestions and she gets to keep the seat that she lost some time back. Get
her out cause she says she is the "BISD Magnificent Queen and Ruler" and everyone jumps at her command. Why is her car parked in front of 1900 Price all the time? Anda de metiche!

Anonymous said...

Will brownsville isd open up the old campuses to the homeless in our city
What about the laguna heights people affected by the tornado?

Just asking for a friend

Anonymous said...

Supt. and his entourage are only available for photo-ops. What have they done besides enrich themselves? Gente tan fea.

Anonymous said...

Jessica Gonzalez, Board President? How low has BISD gone. She was so rude and the meeting was so embarassing to watch. Dr. Rene Gutierrez was so dumb to put that item on agenda with no prior meetings or discussions. Jessica Treatue lost because she aligned herself with trash. She is Jessica Gonzalez comadre and was taking her out to eat so Rene could come along. Regardless of the item, the whole board looked like a circus. So rude and disrespectful to the city folks. Carlos Elizondo was like a bulldog. He could not say what he said in a respectful matter. Minerva was a llorona crying for Victoria Heights. Guys, Victoria Heights is blocks away from Cantinas and bad neighborhoods. All of a sudden its a Country Club? The building is so run down. Let the city renovate it and have a police guard the area. Big deal. The 14th street delinquents live there in front of victoria heights.

Anonymous said...

Post May 17, 2023 at 7:59 AM, are you dumb or just having a bad day. It is very obvious that you are extremely envious of Minerva Pena! I wonder if it is Ms. Marisa Leal posting this!? Get a grip & get a life!

Anonymous said...

Elizondo was just getting even with the city because they fired him as Fire Chief. Now is payback time.

Anonymous said...

Juan so how much does BISD spent every month to keep the school Victoria Heights, nice and clean, the grass cut, are the utilities on water, and electrical, just wondering. Elizondo el thief, M Pena la porter bell captain or the bisd super mr. Gutirrez el $350K kid does any one know or have any idea? Just thought i ask, el porter homie

Anonymous said...

Juan i was shocked at Minerva Pena bisd school board trustee, i thought she is a christian woman, always with bible in hand etc etc etc and would help out these poor illegals or maybe i was wrong about her? And does she walks around with a bottle of Christian Brothers wine in hand adios. lol
