Monday, June 26, 2023


By Lauren Sforza
The Hill

The Florida judge overseeing the Justice Department’s (DOJ) classified documents case against former President Trump rejected the government’s motion to file witnesses under seal on Monday.

Judge Aileen Cannon, who was appointed by Trump, rejected a request from special counsel Jack Smith’s office to file a sealed list of 84 potential witnesses provided to Trump’s legal team.

Smith’s office filed the motion last week alongside a request to delay the trial and also set a pretrial hearing for issues regarding the Classified Information Procedures Act (CIPA).

“The Government’s Motion does not explain why filing the list with the Court is necessary; it does not offer a particularized basis to justify sealing the list from public view; it does not explain why partial sealing, redaction, or means other than sealing are unavailable or unsatisfactory; and it does not specify the duration of any proposed seal,” Cannon wrote in the order Monday.

The former president was barred from speaking with his aide, Walt Nauta, who is also charged in the case, and the witnesses about the case during his arraignment earlier this month.

Cannon added that a coalition of news organizations also opposed the government’s request to keep the witness list under seal by citing the First Amendment. The news organizations, including The New York Times, CNN, and The Washington Post, filed a motion to intervene Monday in opposition to the government’s request.

“This case – the first prosecution of a former President of the United States – is one of the most consequential criminal cases in the Nation’s history. The American public’s interest in this matter, and need to monitor its progress every step of the way, cannot be overstated,” the press coalition wrote in its filing.

“The filing of the list of potential witnesses in this case is a highly significant initial step in this extraordinary prosecution. It will mark the first time that the Court has instructed the Government to inform Trump of the identities of persons who may offer testimony that prosecutors believe will incriminate him,” the motion read.

Trump was indicted with 37 federal counts that accuse him of mishandling classified documents and attempting to keep those documents from the government earlier this month. Cannon set an initial Aug. 14 trial date for the case, a date that the special counsel motioned to get moved to Dec. 11.


Anonymous said...

Yes, Trump has the judges on his side.

That is why the local Republicans love him...he showed them the way to behave and abuse the people from the Rio Grande Valley.

All stuck up, all powerful, all mafia like. These are the Republicans here in our city.

Anonymous said...

America has this problem with this guy: White people do not one the first president to go to prison to be a white man.

that's called privilege.

and it's real.

Anonymous said...

Juan Montoya is the Nate Newton of blogging.


Anonymous said...

Biden seems to have the corrupt FBI and the corrupt Attorney General on his side, but you wouldn't know it from any of Montoya's posts. Keep on cockroaching, Juan.

Anonymous said...

June 26, 2023 at 10:10 AM

...and you are the asshole that keeps reading his blog. Juan because he is Juan and you because you are the asshole. Others who come read the blog just let people be.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Independent School District trustees on Thursday unanimously approved a $579 million operating budget for 2023-24, a one-time $1,000 employee-retention stipend and made contingencies for a budget process that is in limbo pending public education funding decisions in Austin.

a one-time $1,000 employee-retention stipend
insane stupid and uncalled for

Anonymous said...

June 26, 2023 at 10:10 AM

como chingas jotito

Anonymous said...

Jack Smith is adding more crimes so he could lock him for good!

Anonymous said...

Worst president in the history of the USA. The #1 liar and instigator, he should running not for president but straight to jail. The GOP is doomed again if he is on the ballot in 2024 and that's a fact.

Anonymous said...

this is a cool blog! It's great to see people staying with the classics instead of going to social media!

Anonymous said...

Didn't he stuff the courts with judges for this VERY reason?

All you got to do is look at SCOTUS and you can see how things turned out.

Anonymous said...

Does de los santos?

Anonymous said...

Juan… what say you about Roy De Los Santos. Moments about Christians? I guess the check cleared? CBS… The Captain Bob Series is the only news outlet covering it. Standing up for the same rights LGBTQ’rs want. Freedom of speech and expresión. Where is Zeke Silva… the self proclaimed pastor of Brownsville. You can not say you walk with God and turn a blind eye to what you know goes against his teachings Zeke. Christians are not the enemy of LGBTQ. They are just doing what God commanded …. To spread his word. Love like he loves us… without judging… in hopes that his word softens their hearts.

Former RGV LEO said...

Why not, any judge with good common sense would know that these charges are political and the evil in the democrat party. That POS biden is money laundering in billions to Urkraine and no one is the wiser?

Anonymous said...

ppl are Trump crazy no matter what he does right or wrong, they love him and will vote for him even if he is in jail. if democrats are running with Biden well you can already see where the ppl stand on that choice, biden and harris ? really one more term? dont think it will work, who else RFKennedy? long shot.

Anonymous said...

Yes! Trump has a Free Get Out of Jail Card and he wants you to elect him President again. Next time for the insurrection he won't bring hicks to help him. He will ask Putin and all the other "little" dicktators for aid.

Can you imagine the fall of the United States as we know it? To top if off he is an old man. Which "little" dicktator would take his place? Scary thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Trumputo probably goes around thinking "I am an asshole and they love me." Then he releases a chortle of laughter.

Anonymous said...

June 26, 2023 at 8:49 PM

It is not political. Americans do not understand politics. Democrats and Republicans are friends.

This is just to protect America from rebellions, treason, conspiracy and lunatics.

Anonymous said...

Trump for Dictator of the USA !!! The rest of the world will be so happy.
Finally the USA stops being the leader of the world.

Anonymous said...

Montoya, forget about Washington politics! Its out of your league! Why aren't you bashing the Cameron County District Attorney's Office? They could not even get a conviction on a six foot plus in height man who killed three women who stood about five foot one? Trial reveled that one of the women tried to run and the man shot her in the back? Pete Gilman and his two assistants blew that case that should have been a slam dunk, why? Mr. Gilman is too old and his attitude in that office is wrong for any criminal case.
I hear that there is a rumor that Mr. Luis Saenz' brother is in jail for a warrant having to do with drugs? I haven't seen anything in local media about it or on your website? Is this true or not?

Anonymous said...

Biden's corruption took place during his tenure as Obama's presidency. That makes Obama the most corrupt president in American history. That is what Montoya and the rest of the media don't want you to conclude. The first mulatto president is the most corrupt in history.

Anonymous said...

June 26, 2023 at 10:10 AM
como chingas pinche maricon con tu mama par de jotos

Anonymous said...

@ Former RGV LEO

It's a good thing you're a former Law Enforcement Officer, since you support a criminal clothed in republican trappings. He's a POS, who broke his oath of office to the US Constitution and will go to prison for a LOOOOOONG time, despite MAGAts like you. You probably got "retired" for breaking your oath to the Constitution. With incontrovertible evidence of him violating the Espionage Act, you still drink the MAGA Kool-aid. You should run for Sheriff of MAGAdonia, pendejo. Are you a traitorous 1776er too? If so, I hope they shoot your traitorous ass, when the time comes.

@ June 27, 2023 at 11:49 AM

It's funny that the Trump appointed head of the FBI didn't find a shred of evidence to support your ridiculous statement. If you have some proof, submit it, or shut the fuck up, looser. Don't forget to keep drinking the MAGA Kool-aid.

Your time is coming bola de pendejos.

GO Jack!!!

Anonymous said...

June 27, 2023 at 11:49 AM

Biden is in the political arena since 1973.


He knows everybody. Obama brought Biden back from his vacation in Delaware and his trains.

Anonymous said...

June 27, 2023 at 7:14 PM

Don't ever accept that cops are smart. Just read the comments posted here with a lot of pride, by a stupid x-cop. I expect this x-cop to be abt 90 years old. Most that retire are around that age. Nobody really wants them anywhere, so they stay a mamar y mamar y mamar. Oh well its only temporary. TG.

Anonymous said...

If Hunter Biden got a free ride same should apply to Trump!

Anonymous said...

June 26, 2023 at 10:10 AM

Y tu eres el payaso de este blog CLOWN!

Anonymous said...

Don't compare what Hunter Biden did vs what Trump did. What Trump did (January 6th insurrection, stealing top secret documents, caught trying to cheat election Georgia find me 11k votes,) and the list can go and on, should be enough to lock him up for good. And don't forget his famous claim "Russia are you listening " openly and publicly asking Putin for help. Pathetic person.
