Saturday, June 10, 2023


Trump faces a maximum of 400 years in prison and a $9.25 Million fine if convicted on federal indictment.


Anonymous said...

It's gotten damned boring, and the only solution is that this asshole be jailed.

he has fucked around long enough.

lock him up!

Anonymous said...

may God damn him.

Anonymous said...

*Sarah Matthews, former White House deputy press secretary under Trump

"All the 2024 GOP candidates and Republicans who rushed to defend Trump before the indictment was unsealed seem to have a lot of egg on their faces now. This indictment is highly detailed and troubling."

Anonymous said...

*Democratic Senator Debbie Stabenow

"He stored highly classified documents in his bathroom!? Talk about a sh*tshow."

Anonymous said...

Juan, your chicano spigger readers forget or choose to ignore the fact that Hillary Clinton was allowed to get away with more serious crimes. Spare us the no one is above the law sermon. What he have is one set of laws for Democrats and another for those who oppose them. Only way for FBI to get a conviction is by witness or jury intimidation. That is beyond obvious.

Anonymous said...

(ll the 2024 GOP candidates and Republicans who rushed to defend Trump before the indictment was unsealed seem to have a lot of egg on their faces now.)

Trump's literally, the fattest and ugliest mistake this country has ever made.


Anonymous said...

As much as the person has done good and bad, the overall effect is still positive.
Respect the a--hole.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Trump, according to that indictment, took documents including U.S. and foreign countries’ defense and weapon capabilities, detailed records of potential defense vulnerabilities among U.S. and allies, retaliation plans for response to a foreign attack, and information on nuclear capabilities. And for a time, he stored them in the Mar-a-Lago Club’s White and Gold ballroom, a bedroom and a bathroom, among other locations.

While Trump world was heartened at the GOP response to the indictment, there was accompanying concern over the broader impact that the revelations would have on his campaign. In particular, aides conceded that they were likely to have further difficulty raising money from the party’s big-pocketed donors, many of whom have expressed a desire to move on from the former president. The loss could be made up with better grassroots fundraising. But the campaign had hoped to maintain both spigots.

Complicating matters even more: The money Trump has been paying for his legal defense has come from his Save America PAC, with millions of dollars having been spent already — a further drain on his campaign coffers.

(Why Rednecks (Republicans) hold on to this loser is the mystery. But, then again, most MAGA idiots are retards. You too local Mexican Republicans! Pendejos.)

Anonymous said...

Trump people are exclusively White people living in fear!

They know.

Oh, Hell, they know...

Anonymous said...

George W. Bush was indicted in Europe after the invasion of Iraq for war crimes.

He is still subject to arrest on order of the World Court in The Hague if he sets foot in Europe.


Anonymous said...

Good thing Biden didn't take classified documents and Hillary didn't destroy evidence. Equal justice under the law right?

Anonymous said...

UNTIL we actually see something, right now I don't think anything is going to happen to him.

Anonymous said...

He more than likely gave Putin a lot of classified documents. He was Putin's puppet.

Anonymous said...

Local stores have reported that they have run out of bb rifles, pistols, and bb's. Cops are reported that a stand off is anticipated and tanks, missiles and other armaments are being deployed to strategic locations here.

Anonymous said...

juan at the end of the day no le asen nada a trump and he will win once again, his ratings just went up, his donations went up too, just watch. El vejito Biden should come over and dance at charro days time with the viejitos dance group. y no tri gas, y la kamala pos no vale tres CACAhuates.

Anonymous said...

Juan so Ricardo M Nixon ( I am Not A Crook) didnt commit any crimes right with the Watergate break in? So why did Prez Ford F150 PU pardon him if he had not committed any crimes? Just want to get a clarification thats all. el porter homie

Anonymous said...

If Trump was Putins puppet I guess Biden is Xi Jinpings puppet. Nothing is gong to happen to Trump. Have you forgotten about the Russian collusion? Millions of tax payer dollars was misspent on the biggest lie told to the American people by the democratic party. Who was investigated? Who went to jail? Who lost their jobs? Trump is just a big smoke screen used by the democratic party to keep people from looking at the party of lies. Thanks to the democratic party they just helped Trump win the presidential election.

Anonymous said...

How fast have people have forgotten Trump's public own words on the 2016 presidential race "Russia if you are listening" and there was no Russian collusion? He was publicly asking Putin to help him. Pathetic.

Anonymous said...

