Saturday, June 17, 2023


(When Cameron County District Attorney Luis V. Saenz was sworn in in 2013, he inherited a holdover staff which included the staff of the section dealing with the State of Texas Children Protective Services under the Department of Family and Protective Services.

At the head of the county's DA staff who worked hand in hand with the state was Kellye SorRelle, who had joined the DA's Office two years earlier in 2011. She left the county in 2017, having worked under Saenz for four years. She later provided legal services and was an intermediary for the Oath Keepers after January 6. )

By Spencer S. Hsu
Washington Post

A federal judge on Friday found Kellye SoRelle – an attorney for the Oath Keepers and girlfriend of the right-wing group’s leader, Stewart Rhodes – mentally incompetent to stand trial as scheduled next month on charges related to the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.

U.S. District Judge Amit P. Mehta of D.C. postponed SoRelle’s trial indefinitely, finding that she was suffering from a mental disease or defect rendering her unable to understand the proceedings against her or to assist properly in her defense.

Mehta ordered the defendant to begin treatment near Junction, Tex., where she lives, while both sides searched for an inpatient hospital facility where she could be held for months to determine whether competence could be restored. The reports and the nature of SoRelle’s condition were not made public.

"We’ll continue to toll time [to trial] until we have an answer on competency,” Mehta said at a brief hearing Friday afternoon.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Kathryn Rakoczy of D.C. and Assistant Federal Defender Horatio Aldredge of Austin cautioned that it could take months to find a suitable health facility. Defendants taken into custody by the U.S. Bureau of Prisons for competence assessments often spend longer behind bars awaiting transport, bed space and review than they might serve for minor offenses if found guilty and sentenced. Both sides said they would see whether they could find a facility in Texas near SoRelle, who lives about two hours west of Austin and San Antonio.

SoRelle, 43, in September became one of the last members of the Oath Keepers to be charged. Rhodes and 14 others members and affiliates of the extremist group were convicted in trials in the fall and winter, including six found guilty of seditious conspiracy, or attempting to oppose federal authority by force, including the transfer of presidential power between Donald Trump and Joe Biden in January 2021.

SoRelle emerged as an intriguing figure in Rhodes’s trial as well as in last summer’s House Jan. 6 committee hearings. Rhodes said he had designated her as his liaison to the pro-Trump, GOP, and "Stop the Steal" campaigns, and she became a point of contact with Proud Boys leader Henry "Enrique" Tarrio. Rhodes also ordered followers to destroy evidence through SoRelle, according to court evidence.

In a July 2022 hearing, the House Jan. 6 committee played a snippet of SoRelle’s deposition with investigators earlier that year. She said that Trump political confidant Roger Stone, Infowars founder and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and "Stop the Steal" coordinator Ali Alexander became “the center point” for Trump’s post-2020 election protests, leading up to the Jan. 6, 2021, riot that forced the evacuation of Congress as it met to certify the presidential election result.

SoRelle, a volunteer for Lawyers for Trump during the 2020 election, was charged with and has pleaded not guilty to four offenses: conspiracy, obstruction of a federal proceeding, tampering with documents and misdemeanor trespassing in a restricted building or grounds.

On the day SoRelle was arrested, Trump announced that he would issue full pardons and a government apology to Capitol riot defendants if he ran for reelection in 2024 and won. By coincidence, Trump similarly spoke out in defense of Jan. 6 defendants in January at an Arizona rally days after Rhodes was indicted, attacking what he called the Justice Department’s “appalling persecution of political prisoners.”


Anonymous said...

All of these rioting idiots and bitches are either crying in court or working up wild defenses. This bitch is sane

lock her up!


Anonymous said...

We deserve better a heavy change is badly needed here. Stick your hand in the toilet and mojones is all you get. We don't need that and deserve that here.

DO NOT RE-ELECT ESTE MAMON QUIT BRINGING MOJONES DOWN HERE, THERE ARE A LOT OF QUALIFIED PEOPLE HERE BRINGING GRINGOS AIN'T GONNA MAKE YOU A GRINGO BUT A COCO. gringos and blacks don't like meskin like you, kissing ass ain't gonna change that, its in their dna

Anonymous said...

Why does the federal government goes after those who participated in the January 6th insurrection when the sole person responsible was Trump? He publicly instigated his followers to stormed the nation's Capitol and to tried to stop the election certification process. He should be the one and only one going to prison for trying to stop the first and only peaceful transfer of power in the history of the United States of America. A very sore loser, LOCK HIM UP.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile an alcoholic blogger won't report on the Biden family corruption. These people will eventually be pardoned. Looks like professional courtesy.

Anonymous said...

Bless her little heart.
I hope she gets better.

Anonymous said...

What qualifies you to be an elected official in Cameron county?

any body knows?

Anonymous said...

ALL the PEOPLE who FOLLOW TRUMP are CRAZY. Seriously who in their right mind supports that menace to our country? Only the delusional back him up. There is bad and then there is sociopath psychotic.

Anonymous said...

Juan Montoya es mi piojo.

Anonymous said...

NY Times article on Oath Keepers "there was never any plan to attack the Capitol. They say they were in Washington to provide security and preparations, training, gear and weapons were to protect themselves against potential violence from left-wing antifa activists or to be ready if Trump invoked the Insurrection Act to call up a militia."

Anonymous said...

San Jose Rancho (insert insult here) guy here. I just traded my BMW for a new Platinum F250. Just so you know, this “Jotitos” license plate is F.U.A.H.

Anonymous said...

Juan so she cant stand trial because she is insane, so does that mean she loses her law license as well? just asking, el porter homie

Anonymous said...

bring some more mojones down here pinche da there ain't no body here that's qualified in mojones enforcement.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Seriously who in their right mind would support a senile like Biden who the only thing he can do is sell his country to China and Ukraine. Anyone shaking hands with ghosts needs to be institutionalized. Like an old horse he needs to be put out to pasture. There he can mulch on the millions of dollars he stole.
