Thursday, June 15, 2023



Anonymous said...

pence is like you, Montoya.

wishy-washy motherfucker

step into your pantalones, guey. Ya aburriste con tus cartoons!!!

"Ay, viste lo que le hicieron al perro, Maria?"

Anonymous said...


such effort, Juan.

te sales, guey.

give it up, negro.

Anonymous said...

As I recall there was a Linch Mob wanting to hang you at the insurrection.
This mob was stirred up by King Cheeto.
I would think twice about supporting that Tub of Lard again.

Anonymous said...

you and your shitty cartoons.

stop it, bozo!

Anonymous said...

News, desgraciado.

bato sonso. No vales sebo, ese.

Anonymous said...

June 15, 2023 at 10:07 AM June June 15, 2023 at 5:59 PM June 15, 2023 at 12:54 PM

anda llevanta tu mama downtown anda jotiando con tus novios pendejo jotito. If I see a big ass sitting on the bar its your mama pendejo no tienen verguenza jotito par de maricones. mamones... open your own blog idiota there you can insult tu mama par de jotitos.

Anonymous said...

Toya, I love the cartoons. They are thought stimulating.

Anonymous said...

Jared Hockema's said "Will one of the candidates running for city commission also try to abolish this board, the same way I have heard from several people that they promised to abolish “gay people form the City of Brownsville?”
Scary!" It seems that Gay's are trying to indoctrinate the children about pedophiles

Anonymous said...

Pence is a loser you can't trust. A traitor!

Anonymous said...

Mike Pence was not a bad vice president. Unfortunately, he took orders from his despicable ex boss but had the courage and intelligence to certify the election as a result of a fair election. Dont forget that the one trying to cheat was Trump "Georgia find me 11k votes " and to top it off, heavily instigated his supporters to stop the certification process. And he called himself the "Law and order president " what a joke of a person. He should be locked up for all the harm he caused our nation.
