Wednesday, June 14, 2023




Anonymous said...

Hoping Brownsville gets the right person elected. Not like BISD awful board members. Juan, don’t know if you have the strength to print this but the Joey Lopez clan has got to go from Brownsville! Look at that mental girl Daniella. Daniella has so many mental issues it is not funny. Look at her face when she speaks during board meeting and look at how she stumbles when trying to make a point. Why are the Joey Lopez family so insistent on holding office in Cameron County? Joey a county commissioner, his wife a board member STISD board and that Daniella chick a bisd board member. What is wrong with that part of the Lopez family. Word is they are hurting for money and are in dire need of hand outs. Why else would they want to hold a political office. That Daniella chick was hard up for money when she sold her soul to that Roy De Los Santos city commissioner. Word is she has been broke since moving back to Brownsville. Not good for Brownsville. So much for that Family’s Catholic up bringing. Way to go Mom & Dad Lopez, you taught your children to sell their soul for just around the right amount of money. Wonder how comfortable Daniella would be having her Boss’s LGBTQ people around her children, which she constantly shows on her Facebook page. Beautiful Family, who has little respect for their Catholic upbringing. Que Lastima!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't vote but I love to comment.

Anonymous said...

TINO ES UN COCHINO. Let's hope we don't have that representing us at large!

Anonymous said...

June 14, 2023 at 9:22 PM

It is true that coaches are dirty all the time. They sweat, they have dirt and they probably take only two showers per day, but..... we are all cochinos.

I do not brush my teeth.

Anonymous said...

June 15, 2023 at 8:29 AM

As long as you wipe your ass half clean moron, it ok. you know a dirty ass smells a mile away so I hear. If you are in need of toilet paper and there is no longer a daily here you can always use a water pistol ah but with soap, preferably detergent (ajax) does a better job so I hear. GOOD LUCK PESTES.
