Friday, June 9, 2023



Anonymous said...

Isn't it rich? The kettle.....

Anonymous said...

national embarrassment.

No one is above the law.

Republican congressman from Louisian (Clay Higgins) calling for a civil war. what an asshole.

Enough. Jail the sumbitch!

Anonymous said...

Mexican-American rock & roll pioneer Ritchie Valens would have been 80 this year.

Anonymous said...

Don't be stupid valley chicanos. Hillary Clinton, Hunter, and Joe Biden are above the law. Juan is so crooked that he won't report on the corruption allegations against the Biden family.

Anonymous said...

It’s about time cause it’s feels like it’s been a lifetime of hearing about this SOB defraud, abuse, cheat, steal,and even rape people and the system. Unbelievable!! But you just wait, lets sit back and listen to those that will defend this fiend and make excuses for him. This a-hole is a thug and a coward !! Everyone deserves their opinion but as far as im concerned KARMA is a bitch and this fucker is about to become somebody’s BITCH!!!!

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine if everyone would vote based on the person accomplishments and not by what party they are with? This would be the greatest Country ever.

Anonymous said...

And democrats in Cameron County are cerabating all the Tanaska millions with all their friends and family thanking the stupid voters of this county. Joe blow Biden couldn't come because he had fallen and couldn't get up.

Anonymous said...

Governor sin patas plans a floating barrier in the Rio Grande. Here's what we know about it
a series of bright RED ballons, tied together with red rubber bands, good to remove and sell them at padre island.

racist republican red. idiotas!

Anonymous said...

The most corrupt Presidents!

Biden and Obama!!!

You stupid sheep can't tell when you're being screwed!

Anonymous said...

@11:58 PM

And you, you imbecile, you sure can tell when you're being screwed by Trump.

Obvious anal, bro.

Anonymous said...

June 9, 2023 at 11:58 PM

Do not get angry. Trump set up his dictatorship empire for many years to come.

Think, the judge that will preside over his case was appointed by him. She, the judge, always judges in favor of Trump.

So do not worry about this.

This dictatorship empire was the pride of all the Republicans.....they know how to corrupt the system.

Anonymous said...

June 9, 2023 at 5:22 PM

This is the Republican corrupt machine working. Yet, when they are in power, the Republicans do nothing. They only make themselves more rich.

The Republican voters are happy.

Also, the Republican party brings people from other states to continue dominating the elections.

Anonymous said...

I am a democrat so I am above the law. Any more questions???

Anonymous said...

The truth will never be told on this blog because Mr. Montoya is a puppet of the democratic party. Why do all of our hispanic leaders have to sell out? I hope the money is worth it.
