Sunday, June 18, 2023



Anonymous said...

For sure, our weakest link is DA Luis Saenz and we are still so stupid to keep ing him in the post. We need to get someone ready to get the blank out of him for the next excellent, or else, he will remain there petrified and doing nothing. All that grows out of his office is his stupid-looking moustache.

Anonymous said...

She won't be there much longer.

Demos will impeach her. if she's smart she'll dump Trump and keep her "lifetime" job".

Anonymous said...

What about Comey letting Hillary Clinton off the hook for worse crimes? You must think all of your readers are as stupid as the moron who frequently tells others to start their own blog. Spare us your bias.

Anonymous said...

Clear conflict of interest
Appointed by Cheeto

Anonymous said...

El Flaco was a boy scout before he went to Vietnam
And found out the hard way nobody gives a damn
They knew that they found freedom just across the bridge.
So they hopped into a stolen car took Highway 48

Anonymous said...

How Local Officials Seek Revenge on Their Hometown Newspapers
WHAT? There ain't none here so las ratas will play EVERDAY. fact!!!

Anonymous said...

Supposedly a lot of weak links with the Biden's as well.

Anonymous said...

so what?!

why did you post it, ese?

Anonymous said...

Since leaving office, he has worked with Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund to host the LIV Golf tour and Kushner, received a $2 billion infusion from the Saudi fund for his investment venture.

Here there is no comparison with hunter biden millions. For biden millions and billions for kishner. politics naaaaa just greed...

Anonymous said...

“This is as blatant as it comes,” said Virginia Canter, the chief ethics counsel to Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, a nonprofit group that has investigated Trump’s foreign deals. “How and when is he going to sell out U.S. interests? That is the question this creates. It is the kind of corruption our Founding Fathers most worried about.”

Racist and money (greed) are republican's main focus, and they hate meskins FACT

Anonymous said...

Trump trial date tentatively set for August in classified documents case
sing sing and/or levenworth are waiting, might take his son also bola de RATAS.

BobbyWC said...

Are you going to report Mario Saenz being arrested for possession of pot?

Anonymous said...

In case you didn't know now you do.

Nebraska introduced a new electrocution protocol in 2004, which called for the administration of a 15-second application of current at 2,450 volts; after a 15-minute wait, an official then checks for signs of life.

In April 2007, new concerns raised regarding the 2004 protocol resulted in the ushering in of the current Nebraska protocol, calling for a 20-second application of current at 2,450 volts. Prior to the 2004 protocol change, an initial eight-second application of current at 2,450 volts was administered, followed by a one-second pause, then a 22-second application of current at 2,450 volts.
A repeat protocol application is repeated if there are signs of life.

Anonymous said...

Trump has gotten away with so much abuse of power, the "Law and Order president " needs to be held accountable just like everyone else. What he done on January 6th 2021 was so horrible and he needs to face criminal charges. He directly told his supporters to fight like hell in order to stop the certification of the election. And that's not even counting bluntly asking Georgia's election officials to "find me 11k votes ". And he still wants to be president again? He must be out of his goddammed mind.

Anonymous said...

When the vote counters look like the cast of a Tarzan movie, you know there is going to be election fraud.

Anonymous said...

June 18, 2023 at 12:43 PM
I only tell the insulter here to leave and or stop insulting people here nothing else if it hurts your feelings too bad. You too can go and open your own blog and start insulting people.
Baboso, a trumputo mamon, HE LOST ESTUPIDO PERIOD!

