Wednesday, June 14, 2023


(Click on link below.)


Anonymous said...

What does it mean to you, Fucka?

in your own words!

(mexican can't even express himself)

Anonymous said...

El gobierno del presidente Joe Biden informó el martes que extenderá el Estatus de Protección Temporal por 18 meses para más de 300,000 personas procedentes de El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua y Nepal, causando la decepción de algunos activistas y legisladores que buscaban una oferta más generosa.

Las extensiones brindan “seguridad y protección continua” para quienes ya se encuentran legalmente en Estados Unidos con el Estatus de Protección Temporal (o TPS por sus siglas en inglés), el cual estaba por expirar como parte de las decisiones del gobierno del expresidente Donald Trump, dijo el secretario de Seguridad Nacional, Alejandro Mayorkas.

Aunque la decisión beneficia a cerca de 334,000 personas de los cuatro países, incluidos 239,000 salvadoreños, algunos tenían la esperanza de una medida más radical que incluyera una mayor elegibilidad para los llegados recientemente procedentes de El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua y Venezuela.

Anonymous said...

You're a website....and you send us to another website!

what a clown.

Anonymous said...

You always take the easy way out, Montoya.

write your own stuff.

Anonymous said...

Juan, local MEXICANS are sick of your pandering to this type of journalism. Nothing against Benavidez, but you're using him, Toya.

Shit, man, MAN UP!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Juan. You got my salute, buddy.


Anonymous said...

Half our town has nonidea who Roy Benavidez was or what he did
Gracias Juan
Los de mas alv

Anonymous said...

Duty, Honor and Country.

Salute the flag, stand straight, put your hand over your heart, take off your hat, respect the flag....

Anonymous said...

June 14, 2023 at 3:27 PM June 14, 2023 at 5:15 PM June 14, 2023 at 4:28 PM June 14, 2023 at 1:35 PM
como chingas jotito y tu mama jotiando en las cantinas del downtown con tus novios mamon. care about tu mama jotito if you don't like it here LEAVE vete jotito maricon. y llevate esa vieja apestoda tu mama par de maricones...

Anonymous said...

there is a pair of yellow bellies and traitors posting here but this is the USA and soldiers volunteer to protect their right to post and say shit. GRACIAS TODOS LOS VOLUNTARIOS Y TODOS LOS SOLDADOS DE ESTE PAIS LIBRE. YELLOW BELLIES TRAITOR SON PUROS MOJONES..

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your service.

Anonymous said...

Master Sergeant Roy Benavides was a patriotic and fearless veteran, Rambo looked like shit compared to him. Unlike Trump who refused the Vietnam draft not one but three times claiming bone spurs probably from playing too much golf. And after all he caused, he still wants to run for president? He should be running but straight to jail. At least he wont need an orange jumpsuit.

Anonymous said...

Los gringos tienen a "Sergeant York" los Mexican-Americans have Master Sergeant Roy Benavides. That's the way it will always be.
Like it or not yellow bellies and traitors.
