Friday, July 14, 2023


(Ed.'s Note: A former staffer at the city auditor's office contributed his views of the debacle on signing contracts with Spaced Ventures and 9Point8 LLC that resulted in no jobs for city residents and a loss of some $750,000 for the city. The city attorney's office is currently trying to implement the "claw back" provisions of the pacts. Good luck. He says that the die for bypassing proper procurement procedures was cast by former city manager Noel Bernal and followed by his protege and current city manager Helen Ramirez. His opinion below.)

1. Auditors' due diligence attempted to prove all parties which are responsible for wrongdoing except for the one who is really responsible in deciding to offer those contracts to wrongdoers.

2. Former city manager Noel Bernal failed to do his due diligence by not following the established and proper procurement procedure in the case of Spaced Ventures before signing the agreement.

3. In the past, city procedure was that before any contract is signed it must have approval stamp from our City Attorney's office. That approval stamp is not on the contracts signed by Bernal and then-Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation CEO and Executive Director Helen Ramirez when she signed with 9Point8.

4. Bernal had been known by city auditors and administrators to give out contracts at city's cost and often bypassing proper procurement procedures. He is said to have threatened to fire anyone who objected to the practice, including threatening Purchasing Department personnel. 

5. Investigations should also concentrate on the current city manager and employees supporting such practices.

6. Elected officials who turned a blind eye to these practices should also be investigated.


Anonymous said...

Now is the new city manager doing the same thing, after all its his close friend.

Anonymous said...

This is just a shame. It just demonstrates that idiots are running the show. Gente huevona.

Anonymous said...

Name that cowardly staffer, Toya!

fucker hides under some skirt.

Anonymous said...

As the old Spanish saying reads "La culpa no la tiene el Indio si no el que lo hace compadre. " City Attorney should have brought this up a long long time ago. However, they go along to get along and Brownsville is told "sit on it."

That is lost money. So long, check you later like in never. I would not be surprised if this person the money was given to does not exist. Which gets me to thinking how did they know about the laize fair way the city was giving money out? I would not be surprised if city people responsible for the monies were in cahoots with the thieves.

Anonymous said...

Nothing will change in our city until the mayor and commissioners do what they were elected to do.
( the right and ethical thing)You got voted in by majority, but you represent everyone. Don't our elected city officials oversee what the heck is going on or were Bernal and Ramirez your bosses? The selective ignoring of these kind of situations have hurt us all. Ramirez does not deserve her pay. Elected officials, we will keep reminding you of the Tenaska shenanigans or are some of you in there to keep putting a lid on it? Stop stealing from us !!

Anonymous said...

We must not forget to check and follow-up on the huge Rats, (ratas), latest attempts to address latest catastrophe. The June 27th. 2023 letter to Congress of United States Washington, DC addressed to Honorable Anthony Blinken Secretary of State U.S. Dept. of State 2201 C. Street, NW Washington DC 20520 Where Senator Ted Cruz, U.S. Senator John Cornyn, Vicente Gonzalez, Henry Cuellar, Monica De La Cruz, and Tony
Gonzales are Urging Blinken to expeditiously resolving delays that several Texas communities have faced when seeking from the White House Presential Permits for crossing border bridges. Infrastructure connections between Texas and Mexico that supposedly play essential part in our state's and our nations economy.
This is my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Agree with 8:57 AM comment.

don't protect these people, Montoya.

If its news worthy of your readership, it's worth knowing who the fuck this guy is!!

anyone can throw shit anonymously.

Anonymous said...

Read the Peter Principle where an employee is promoted to their highest level of incompetence.

Anonymous said...

All these stories/reports are useless and after the fact. Why you ask? Because it never fails, these shenanigans happen while the “offenders” are in office/on the job and nothing is done. What makes you think once these clowns are long gone from office or have moved on to greener($$) pastures that they will be held accountable. WILL NEVER HAPPEN!!!! This is Brownsville. This town is the Merry Go Round of corruption and we are just watching it go by , round and round and round and these past and present clowns are laughing all the way to the bank!! LOL

Anonymous said...

Mayor and commission, who holds these people accountable for their errors or are you in it, as well? Do you just ignore their incompetence and reward them? Sad thing is that many people are fired for a whole lot less.

Anonymous said...

Otra historia de estos putos? De que sirve, si ellos se estan riendo de todo el pueblo con sus bolsas llenas de billetes$$$$. Si a la ley y al fiscal les vale madre lo que hagan, quien los va a detener de hacer sus transas y gastar el dinero que no es de ellos ?? Ellos como quiera ya les dieron su mochada y aparte ganando mas de $250,000 al año. Que bonito SINVERGUENZAS!!

Anonymous said...

July 14, 2023 at 8:57 AM

give that person a raise or make him/her the new city manager and you pendejo at 8:57am go to the nearest toilet and flush yourself.

Anonymous said...

Shit is piled high in Brownsville double. COB eats, sleep and drinks shit all day long.

Anonymous said...

July 14, 2023 at 8:57 AM

It's you pendejo. too bad being a pendejo is NOT a crime, but your mama can be charged, crime? littering the world.

Anonymous said...

Waiting for the trolls that since they cannot and will not refute the facts, to resort to hurling personal attacks at Montoya. Wonder were they learned that so effective debate tactic. Do they think it really changes peoples minds? If so, what kind of people? Dumb-asses?

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Juan, name that wuss!

why does he get a free shot.

es un vato irresponsable, ee guey!

jew know eeeeet...

Anonymous said...

And what happened to fiscal accountability????? No such thing exists in our city government!!!! No one to protect it!!! No one to enforce it!!! WHAT A SHAME!!!

Anonymous said...

El Chapo "my shit don't stink" Sauceda will come in and save the day! He will run the city to the ground like he did with the police department. He was too busy chasing skirts, but now he has Helen in his hand,,, I see a love child soon !!! When the baby comes out, he or she will be making his infamous "thumbs up" pose. Of course Mamalouie will be there in the background.

Anonymous said...

Bernal only came to Brownsville to screw up employee benefits, to contract out work that himself and his assistants should have been performing and to provide city jobs to his friends and relatives. The "Total Alignment "concept he implemented was nothing but Total bullshit.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

MAGA Losing steam_ Trump eyes prison as 600 Jan 6 convicts are waiting for him.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Same old same old. Nothing will ever get done because the voters continue to vote for the wrong politicians.

Anonymous said...

Crabs in a bucket....

Anonymous said...

8:57 AM.


Anonymous said...

The bottom line is that all this unraveling corruption was all set-up decades ago by Texas illegally allowing INDICTED former and present powerful political leaders such as Gov. Rick Perry and recent Atty. General Ken Paxton to lead Texas. These are Texas' most greedy oil and gas bastards. Atty. general Ken Paxton made precedents by ruling and pointing the finger at defendants who had committed the same crimes he had committed and yet he was never convicted. His latest impeachment might just make a dent on the corruption allowed in South Texas. God bless South Texas. This is my opinion.

Anonymous said...

July 14, 2023 at 11:43 AM
a gringo saying do unto others and run. FACT.

Anonymous said...

its the gringos fault just like trumputo cagapalos
I see a gringo and I see a trumputo FACT ALL DA TIME

Anonymous said...

trumputo look alike - ALL GRINGOS...

Anonymous said...

Helen, quick question. Does your resume look better when you make big A$$ mistakes like that? Seems like the local leaders are not overlooking your work ethics well? Oh!! I forgot, no one overlooks their actions, as well. Would that be "The pot calling the kettle black"? Brownsville is a "Free for all Self serving Punks". All of you are using someone else's money to get richer. (including appointed members of the community) With all your educations/degrees put together you can't get an honest one. All of you are shameless .

Anonymous said...

that picture on the wall is that yellow belly traitor and the one that insults everybody here. what me worried? youshouldbeyellowbellytraitor.
