Wednesday, July 12, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Just how did the perfect storm come together at the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation that resulted in the non-compliance of a company that on September 29, 2021 agreed with the city that for $1 million it would perform a number of tasks related to bringing space-related industries, including bringing in $10 million in taxable assets within the city limits of Brownsville?

On January 6, 2023, after the city attorney and the city auditor determined that the company was in non-compliance, they ordered that an audit be performed to discover what went wrong with the venture between  9Point8 Capital and the GBIC.

The audit was performed by City Auditor Keilah Folkerstma, Deputy City Auditor Jose Luis Silva, and Assistant City Auditor Daniela G. Gonzalez.  The compliance audit was completed on May 19, 2023.

But by then, the company had been paid two payments of $250,000, one in October 5, 2021 and the other April 21, 2022. 

The auditors reported that the agreement between 9Point8 Capital was signed by founder J. Brant Arseneau and then-GBIC Executive Director and CEO Helen Ramirez, currently the city manager for the city of Brownsville. In the agreement, the company claimed that 9Point8 Capital was a New York based corporation authorized to do business in the State of Texas.

The $1 million was to be paid in 4 increments of $250,000 with the first payment within 5 days of the effective (signature) date then one at 6 months, one at 12 months, and the final at 18 months of a 3-year agreement.

In other words, the GBIC and Ramirez agreed that the company was going to get full payment of the $1 million halfway through the length of the contract.

Under that agreement, the auditors reported that 9Point8 Capital, an advisory company, was supposed to create local employment (20 full time equivalent jobs – 15 back office and 5 hatchery jobs), create a business “hatchery” to help startups find funding, fund space program scholarships at University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV), and bring capital investment for space startups within the city limits of Brownsville.

The original terms for payment were to be $1,000,000 in incentives, paid $250,000 every 6 months for two years per the original term sheet. The agreement with 9Point8 Capital was signed September 29, 2021, just two months after the proposal was sent to the City and 10 months after the City’s 380 agreement with Spaced Ventures, Inc. Per information given to the GBIC board, the entity was also supposed to bring in taxable business personal property valued at $10 million to within the city limits of Brownsville.

On January 6, 2023, the city auditor informed the city's  Audit and Oversight Committee that the company failed to deliver the services it had promised and had been paid two payment of $250,000 each, and recommended that a compliance  audit be performed on the agreement. The committee agreed.

Auditors found that the rapid pace at which the agreement was proposed and approved was breathtaking. The proposal was made to the city on July 23, 2021, the term sheet signed on August 6, 2021, and the final agreement signed September 29. The first $250,000 payment was made five days later on October 5, 2021 before any work had been performed for the city.
But before the "claw back" process started to get back the city's money, the city gave 9Point8 Capital a six-month window of time to come into compliance with the agreement starting September 26, 2022, and ending March 26, 2023.

However, the audit report indicates that Point8 Capital did not become compliant during that time, and the GBIC board decided to enforce “claw back” per section 3.9 of the agreement. The City Attorney sent a “Notice of Default and Demand for Repayment” to the founder 9Point8 Capital on May 11, 2023.

But the findings of the audit indicate that many "red flags" should have alerted GBIC CEO Ramirez, the city and the GBIC board to the questionable nature of the company, its bona fides, its founder, and the services it had promised to deliver. The audit, among other things, found that:

* The founder of 9Point8 Capital acknowledged the legal entity is and was 9Point8 Inc. registered in Delaware, not New York as he claimed in the agreement.

*When interviewed, he said it was his mistake and that he used Capital because no one knew what 9Point8 Inc. was.

* He said it was also his mistake that the agreement referred to 9Point8 Capital as a New York Corporation rather than the legal entity 9Point8 Inc. registered in Delaware.

* He also did not confirm registration with the Texas Secretary of State, or Cameron County, Texas, as an assumed name or “doing business as” or “dba” name as required by the Texas Business and Commerce Code, Title 5, Subtitle A., Chapter 71.

*Additionally, the auditors reported that they found no confirmation of the registration during their search.

Although the auditors reviewed the hundreds of pages of documentation retrieved by GBIC, they reported that it was not clearly documented what the application and screening process looked like or how it should have looked at the time of occurrence Ramirez signed the 9Point8 Capital agreement.

Further, they reported that it was not clear who should have taken those steps and who should have documented that they were taken, or who should determine that sufficient evidence was gathered and reviewed.

In the compliance audit report, they state that: "We did find a note indicating accepting self-reporting from the grant recipient would be acceptable in determining compliance. We deem the internal controls were inadequate because of the lack of policies and procedures and reliance on grantee self-reporting."

Who else but Ramirez could have made that determination? Or was there a rush to overlook all the due diligence so she could make a media splash on what a fine job she was doing? The auditors continue:

"Based on the lack of files, prior GBIC management and personnel did not keep files and did not verify existence and registration of the entity called 9Point8 Capital, documented to be a New York Corporation, before signing the Performance Agreement September 29, 2021...Therefore, no one found that the company used an “assumed name”, also known as a “doing business as” or “dba”, and incorrectly recorded the company’s state of formation and legal status to do business in Texas in the agreement.

"No background check on the founder was done or documented and documentation was not kept in entity files. Files were empty, per our discussion with current GBIC staff who recreated the files. We tried to contact former GBIC staff to verify what procedures they had in place during the time of the signing of the 9Point8 agreement, but we were unsuccessful."

"We deem the internal controls were inadequate because of the lack of policies and procedures and reliance on grantee self-reporting. Based on the lack of files, prior GBIC management and personnel did not keep files and did not verify existence and registration of the entity called 9Point8 Capital (company), documented to be a New York Corporation, before signing the Performance Agreement September 29, 2021 (agreement).

Ramirez served as GBIC's CEO and Executive Director from February 13, 2021 until July 26, 2022, during which time 9Point8 Capital entered into the $1 million agreement and the company was paid $500,000 before it was deemed to be in non-compliance.

On January 2023 she was selected from more than 30 candidates that applied for the city manager position to replace former city manager Noel Bernal. At the time, former mayor Trey Mendez told the Guardian:

“The City conducted an extensive search for the right person to bring the right leadership and the right experience for the City of Brownsville,” Brownsville Mayor Trey Mendez said.

“Helen by far exceeds those expectations. She is an outstanding leader and brings an extraordinary approach to municipality management, economic development, and strategic leadership. I look forward to continuing working with her and seeing what great accomplishments she will bring next to the City.”

At the November 9, 2021, announcement where Ramirez crowed that she had snagged 9Point8 to manage the space-related efforts of the city, she said:

"9point8's arrival to the City of Brownsville reinforces one of our main pillars - Economic Development. We want to develop a sustainable economy through businesses like these, and 9point8 will not only create employment opportunities, but these 10 million dollars in Venture Capital will impact our community's access to education, as well as attract other businesses in this industry, allowing us to position ourselves as leaders in the space industry."

Based on her sterling performance at GBIC and Mendez's assessment – the city is out $500,000 and no jobs for local residents were created – the city commission gave her a two year contract and pays her a $216,985 annual salary.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping us updated only "another" shenanigan going on within the
city of Brownsville and its local politicians who ran on fake promises instead of telling the truth that they had found their golden goose laying golden eggs. It angers me to the point that it is become so difficult to make myself go vote for anyone, any more. The more I read and discover that we are being made fools, the less I care or believe that Brownsville will someday return
to the Best City in the RGV with leaders that had some gumption in their pants.
Now it goes into the pant pockets. Should I consider, "to hell with it", cause no one really cares for anyone except for #1 - themselves. But I do
appreciate reading in a blog about the comeupings of the city and school
board through stories that the blog prints cause even the Brownsville Herald has gone to the dumps. Does anyone have an idea why this is happening? Please share and convince me that I need to be ready to vote next time, or if my vote is good for nothing.

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget Paragon VTOL! Where are our drone ambulances and drone taxis????

Anonymous said...

The slogan by some people that comment here is and always will be as long as corruption takes center stage:



Anonymous said...

July 12, 2023 at 8:14 AM

Welcome to the laundromat, we do try to clean the city of RATAS and/or expose them, but voting is the detergent (votes), and this city needs lots and lots of detergent.

Anonymous said...

Juan Montoya lying again.

high ceilings, Juan?

ha ha ha

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

8:14 your sentiments are felt by many in this town but like you , we also feel that “helplessness “ for lack of a better world , in what’s happening. You are correct, Brownsville is that golden goose, and all these shady characters are tripping over themselves to get in line to run for local office. And not only COB but BISD and even the county. And once their elected they “ share the wealth “ with their family members, friends and compadres by appointing them to BCIC GBIC PUB and other “prestigious “ entities. This way all the bases are covered and no one will point the finger/ accuse anyone of wrongdoing. THEY DO THEIR OWN CHECKS AND BALANCES!!! That being said, the only way this is going to stop is when a legitimate law enforcement agency does their job and throw a couple of these clowns in jail for breaking the law. Once they see that someone out there is watching them closely, maybe then things will start to change. But thats a very doubtful maybe. I guess it’s wishful thinking on my part. As far as you voting , keep up the good work, if more people like you voted , elections wouldn’t be won by totals of just 2800 to 3800 votes(in a city of 120,000 registered voters and a population of close to 300,000). Thats what these shady candidates are counting on to win easier : VOTER APATHY AND DISTRUST IN THE SYSTEM. My opinion. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Again, Brownsville sucks and this new mayor and current city commissioners are screwing themselves and the taxpayers. Blame the voters too for being idiots.

Anonymous said...

Helen knew and many asked questions, but it didn’t matter. Paragon VTOL should be audited as well. They’re another scam. 9Point8 Capitol wanted free money, a free building downtown to operate from, and free City of Brownsville staff and equipment for their use.

Anonymous said...

July 12, 2023 at 10:00 AM

CELOSO maricon take care of your mama primero jotito and if you don't like it JUST GET THE SHIT OUTTA HERE MAMON!!
Just heard your mama is going out with Hattians? like you jotito. par de MARICONES.

Anonymous said...

Insect repellent spraying trucks should spray all city offices with Windex and maybe that would fix everything like in the Big Fat Italian Wedding movie
or something like that. They used Windex for everything, so why can't we
give it a try.

Anonymous said...

She Steals Surfboards by the Seashore. She’s a Otter.
The new browntown city manager. WOW.

Anonymous said...

Fuxx up move up!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The same with BISD main office, 1 million is missing and Supt. is not held accountable for his crew ! Was anyone held accountable?

Anonymous said...

If Brownsville were woman someone took her underwear. There was no follow through.

Anonymous said...

same old, same old, i told you all about helen reddy no mas no, but no one would listen, oh well its only taxpayersa money and not theirs.

Anonymous said...

Montoya, you're incompetent!

ask around.

they say you mooch money off your friends.

get a job.

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget our so -called congressman who are taking credit for dishing out this grant monies. Where is Filemon Vela, he flew the coop before the shit broke loose. Check the years that this is all happening, Vela is very much in this corruption. Since the impeachment of Atty. General Ken Paxton on May 27, 2023, Vicente Gonzalez is MIA. The three corrupt Amigos, Filemon Vela, Henry Cuellar, and Vicente Gonzalez must be shitting bricks. They lost a lot of money to these greedy gas and oil investors. This is my opinion.

Keeisi Caballero said...

They haven’t even started looking at the other companies who also got money under the same GBIC administration.

The publishing of the report was delayed until after election. We will never do better until people are actually held accountable, not given promotions.

Anonymous said...

This post doesn’t even touch the top of the iceberg. Many other “space” companies were give grant money and were allowed to “self report.” More importantly, they were all introduced by the same pool of scammers.

All happened under the same GBIC administration and when called out, they tried to bury it just like the report. The report was held back from being published until after the election.

Anonymous said...

Wonder what they had to talk about in their rooms in LA? Maybe it was Brants wiki page and how often he updated it to hide his Ponzi scheme charges or to talk about how he planned to spend the cities money to go to space. Wait maybe his right hand Jivika has more to share including how he tried to scam investors in Matamoros. Helen is going to end up in the middle of a federal investigation at this speed.

Anonymous said...

Prayer to the Virgin of Guadalupe for protection

O my Mother of Guadalupe!
My Lady Most Holy
daughter of God the Father, Most Pure Virgin, glorious,
sweet, blessed

You, who from where these can show us of your clemency and compassion to all who require your protection; hear this prayer that I faithfully pray to you and give it to your Son Jesus, our Redeemer.

Mother of mercy, teach me the power of sacrifice to you, that we seek to find sinners, we elevate this day our being and our love. I give you my life, work, joy, sickness and pain.

Grant me peace, justice and prosperity; All that I am remains in your care and protection. I want to be all yours to walk the path of fidelity to Jesus, your son, the Christ without you letting go of your loving hand.

Virgin of Guadalupe, Mother of the Americas, I ask You to guide me on the path of the Christian life of love and service to God. Admire the harvest and intercede before our Lord to infuse holiness into all the people of God.

Grant our home the gift of loving and respecting the life that begins with the same love with which you conceived your divine Son.

Holy Virgin Mary, Mother of Beautiful Love, give protection to my relatives, who are always in union, and give the blessing to my children who are in study.

You are my hope, give me your compassion, show me the way to reach your son Jesus, and if at any time I fall, help me to get up and find the way to Jesus.

Through my supplications, I ask you to grant great love to the holy sacraments, that your Son has left us on earth.

Most beloved Mother, with my conscience at peace with God, rid my heart of all evil and hatred, so that I may obtain the true joy and peace that can only come from your son Jesus Christ, who together with God the Father and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns forever and ever.


Pray to the miraculous Virgin of Guadalupe, Tres Salves,
Hail Mary and Glory

Anonymous said...

City commission held their most embarrassing of all meetings last night. The summary….
One commissioner thinks he knows more than the entire staff and entire universe and the the city employees sit there trembling (why?)
Another bitter looking faced— forgot he no longer is an errand boy,
Commissioner Cardenas was the brave one and called a spade a spade: political motivated removals are wrong
Commissioner Gowen- with the truth—- why is this coming to us? Who is clarifying what all this means? .

And the Mayor with a voice of logic and typical cowen wisdom ——politically motivated removals/appointments are not good for the city.

Newcomer quote of the day: GBIC team says they have a great board, why are we messing with it?

The missing: what happened to the ministers?

The losers: Brownsville Residents

The good news: 5 seem to have their head on straight…and that’s majority and good for Brownsville.
As for the city manager…she needs to learn to lead. She gets paid too much (and her job is too important) to just follow. She needs to be the leader shes paid to be….

Anonymous said...

That's "Total Alignment " which we know turned out to be Total Bullshit.True leaders lead by example something nonexistent on the entire city management staff.

Anonymous said...

This is a great story, Very informative, thank you Mr.Montoya ….

Anonymous said...

I was at the last meeting 8:04 left early (it was too a long one —i got a family)but we caught end online

The atty looked completely confused/lost he had no answers and worst of all- no guidance
As a whole he looked unprepared

I don’t know how they can ask people to apply for committees then just appoint a bunch of people who didn’t even apply

That’s insulting to individuals who applied

And the response I was out of town I didn’t apply - unless you were in a place with no wifi- like maybe Mars?

Anonymous said...

July 12, 2023 at 10:00 AM July 12, 2023 at 6:48 PM

Its your mama that's giving away all your money you earned going down estupido your mama loves Hattians y tu jotito you love men maricon par de jotitos

Anonymous said...

July 13, 2023 at 6:46 AM

Can somebody volunteer to make a report to this blog after the city commission meets as to what actions were taken?

Anonymous said...

COB philosophy when promoting employees, you fuck up and you get promoted.

Anonymous said...

July 13, 2023 at 6:46 AM

Bless your heart. You must be or have been a teacher and are thinking of all those committees where someone from the campus goes to the meeting then comes back and emails everyone about what happened. Sorry 😞 but in the real world outside of school people don't do that. Try to catch the meeting online or on TV.

Juan does the community a favor by keeping us informed as much as he can and even then some times his Rrun Rrun Specials are just that rrun rrun, a bunch of noise. Like the low lifes say "Purolator pedo."

Anonymous said...

After "The Bridge to Nowhere " culprits got away with millions, the followers will attempt to do the same, because no one held them accountable for their actions.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville citizens need to seriously follow the Hotel Tax fund. The reports submitted are a joke, incomplete, make no sense.

Yet they are accepted and “rewarded” by another year of wasted funds.

It’s who you know, who likes you and who doesn’t.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville citizens need to seriously follow the Hotel Tax fund. The reports submitted are a joke, incomplete, make no sense.

Yet they are accepted and “rewarded” by another year of wasted funds.

It’s who you know, who likes you and who doesn’t.

Anonymous said...

The city of Browntown work applications clearly state "ALL FU*KUPS ARE HANDSOMELY REWARDED".

There is no place to write down your previous job titles nor experiences or qualifications, but there is a section that requires you to print clearly, of course, names of your compadres and elected officials and other rich and famous people living here.

salaries are calculated on number of known elected officials, starting 150k semi-yearly.

Add 50k for each additional known elected official.

Anonymous said...

Is there a "P" on that pretty forehead?

Anonymous said...

Making 250k a year and NO MAKEUP insane she needs to go and buy some makeup over at a local paint shop.

Anonymous said...

Next to the chair (any chair) there is a bucket that reads all applicants for committee appointments please drop in this bucket, oooaaaa filing can.

Anonymous said...

July 12, 2023 at 8:04 PM

