Monday, July 10, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

The wine was flowing freely – perhaps too freely – and there, at the center table at ritzy Gazpacho's Restaurant and Bar, a loud party got louder each time the cork popped and another bottle of wine was poured.

At the table was none other than newly-elected City of Brownsville commissioner Linda Macias and her hubby, local blogger Jerry McHale, and Brownsville Independent School District Rick softball coach Rick Lepre.

The bar patrons could not help but overhear them, and as the bottles of the grape kept coming, the volume of their conversation – especially Macias' and McHale's – rose in pitch as they outlined their scheme to get back at former city commission candidate Catalina "Caty" Presas-Garcia, who dared to run against Macias for City of Brownsville District 2 commissioner in the May elections.

According to several customers there that night no one needed to crane their necks to hear the conversation from that table when Macias was overheard saying she would do or had already done a public information request on Adrian Garcia, Catalina's husband and a teacher and golf coach with the BISD. Caty had been a BISD trustee and Macias said that she hoped that some of the information she might gather could be used to embarrass her former city commission opponent. 

The agreement they reached – they loudly proclaimed – was that that she would turn over any incriminating info she would receive to McHale so he could apply his venomous spin to embarrass Catalina. 

And not to worry about blogger Juan Montoya, Macias and McHale laughed. He was easy. A few beers and a $20 bill will silence him, both McHAle and Macias agreed. Montoya is easily silenced, Jerry laughed, adding that he could be easily found hanging out at bars patronized by crack heads and drunks. 

"He’s always downtown and with a few beers and $20 dollars, he’s yours," Jerry laughed, joined in raucous laughter by Linda and her husband.

"I’ll take care of Juan," Macias was overheard saying. "He’s easy."

The several patrons who reached this blog said they heard McHale then turn the conversation around toward former District 2 city commissioner Jessica Kalifa and how she had screwed Rick Lapre and warned Macias that she better better not screw around with Rick, his buddy.

Macias was overheard promising to betray neither Lepre nor McHale. Before the drunken bacchanal broke up, McHale insisted on a photo of him and Macias to show that they are bods and no one better touch her or they would be made to pay and bear the brunt of his fury and relentless torture on his Facebook page. 

Macias' husband said the couple had "a lot riding on Linda as a commissioner and we have the majority of the commissioners to do whatever we want. We’ll tell you who to attack and give you inside information in return for you to keep Linda off the blogs."

They all lifted their glasses and toasted to the new Queen of Brownsville.

But it turned out to be a kind of honor among thieves since those at neighboring tables of the high-ceilinged restaurant plainly heard McHale tell Lepre as soon as the queen and her husband left, that: "This bitch thinks I’m doing this for free," McHale roared. "She’s going to pay (one way or another) and in cash. Either way she’s paying."

"Her husband is worse than Norma Hernandez was to Ernie Hernandez," he asserted loudly. "Women love it when I tell them they are gorgeous. She thinks I don’t how they get their money. Vacations aren’t cheap. Hey, I want to go to Japan."

"The dude does therapy and she works for Idea," he told a grinning Lepre. "No way they can afford that lifestyle. Now as a city commissioner, her husband and Linda are going to make a lot of money. She’s gonna pay me one way or the other. If not she’ll find out how quick that money leaves them. I know her's and his secrets."

There is, apparently, no honor among this bunch, starting with the new commissioner.

Macias promised those attending the April 23, 2023 Cameron County Democratic Women’s forum held at the Central Public Library that if she was elected commissioner she would resign from her position on the board of the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation within two weeks.  She was going to do that, she promised, in the interest of transparency.

The day after the forum on April 24, early voting started and election day was May 6. Here we are nine weeks later and still she hasn’t delivered on her promise to the Democratic women that she'd resign from the BCIC.

Given the characters in this play: Who will end up conning who, Macias or McHale?

The moral of this story? If you conspire, do it more discreetly. 


Anonymous said...

What a bunch of crap. This is classic Montoya. He gets a picture and then builds a false story around it. Yes, it was stupid for Macias to be seen with McHale. But Presas-Garcia has had her ass kicked in the last three elections. Now she has joined the Taliban Christians openly opposing BISD counsellors helping LGBTQ+ students dealing with their emotions. She is a nobody with no power to do anything to anyone. Caty is a loser. She needs to go back into her Neanderthal cave and stay there.

Anonymous said...

It's "high-ceiling," not ceilinged.

get your shit together, Mex!!!

Anonymous said...

It could have been worse, Montoya. They could have said that nobody reads your blog except the "start your own blog" retard.

Anonymous said...

puros mamones its like winning the lottery you go around acting like you had money before you hit the JACKPOT. FAKES, You won't do it twice mamones.

Anonymous said...

El PAYA Jerry is going to strike back, puto!

don't turn your back on him.

Anonymous said...

In vino veritas

Anonymous said...

Man, you bailed on this story so fast, ese!

fear McHale?

uh, pos, si.

spineless fucker!!!

Anonymous said...

Puro pinche veneno! That's why Brownsville never moves forward. Instead of coming together for the good of Brownsville, they all conspire against each other. Everybody against everybody and finding ways to enrich themselves.

Has Brownsville ever had a decent politician? Corrupt mayors, corrupt commissioners, corrupt city managers, corrupt fire chief, corrupt cops, corrupt sheriffs, corrupt judges, corrupt D.A., corrupt school district, etc.. There is no hope in this town! That's why I always tell students to leave this hell hole. There is nothing here and there will never be nothing good with these type of leaders.

Anonymous said...

July 10, 2023 at 8:57 AM

como chingas jotito quit insulting people here and the blog owner OPEN YOUR OWN BLOG PENDEJO y tu mama joto? en las cantinas de downtown. JOTITO

Anonymous said...

Que compone ese McHale - ni de maestro, esposo y papa! He is a lazy bump
who actually taught for the 25th pay day, sat at his desk with his feet propped up on it and the students playing cards at their desks. Even he
was embarrassed at one of the teacher's in-services when the supervisor walked up to him and pulled his lesson plan book away from him. He went, signed in,
sat there until the break and then leave and that is when the supervisor started signing out procedure instead of signing in so they could not leave
in-between. He thought he knew it all and didn't need to learn at our in-services, so he used his time to write his lesson plans for the whole year.
The supervisor saw him doing this and pulled his lesson plan book from under him and embarrassed him in front of all his colleague. If he can not serve
the students he was paid to do, he has no business telling other what or how they have to do something.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Macias needs to stay away from McHale and Hugh Emerson. Both are bitches. Rookie mistakes.

Anonymous said...

SpaceX launched the most powerful rocket ever built. Its impact is still felt in this Texas community Brownsville Texas.

They were kicked out of FLORIDA but our vendio elected RATA officials agreed for them to launch what=ever they wanted.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

if I wanted to read some fiction, I'd go over to the bookstore downtown!

Anonymous said...

The way LePre and McHale look at the couple is like predators, criminals, looking at the next victim.

LePre, Macias, McHale are teachers but now they are into corruption, evil and revenge.

Hopefully, the husband stays with Macias and tells the wife to focus on her job and to do good for the community.

Anonymous said...

Paid by Katy Presas, I was in that room, they spoke none of that!

Anonymous said...

9:12 AM - sounds like Zeke Silva, just like you supplied Jessica 3x in a row right? Ha ha ha ha ha!!

- Zeke’s Bully

Anonymous said...

Yo meto las manos al fuego por Montoya. Montoya no se deja manipular por mujeres bellas, ni por hombres poderosos, ni por pobres ni ricos, ni por los que saben sus secretos.

Montoya va por la noticia. Nadie le da atole con el dedo a Montoya.

Macias es la Queen pero Montoya es el Rey de los Blogs, el principe de Brownsville y el Duque de Matamoros. Dios: SALVA a nuestro Rey de Macias, la mujer bonita y del traicionero de McHale.

Anonymous said...

As a person sitting on this table not affiliated with the commissioner or her husband, I can tell you first hand Montoya this isn’t right old friend, they spoke nothing of what was written, I don’t understand why you would want to paint such a picture of an accidental walk in on the young couples dinner. For example, no bottle or bottles of wine was popped, the young lad had a Coke and the young commissioner had a water. Be fair Monte.

Your old friend

Anonymous said...

Nuevos comisionados/políticos , mismas historias de transas y corrupción. Años pasan y siempre lo mismo. Nunca va a cambiar nada. Antes de la elección todos los candidatos son buena gente y prometen el cielo y las estrellas y nomas ganan y se convierten en MIERDA!!!! Puras mentiras y robar al pueblo. So siempre se repite la misma historia. Los ricos mas ricos y los muertos de hambre queriendose hacer ricos Y A BROWNSVILLE , QUE SE LO LLEVE LA CHINGADA!!!!!

Anonymous said...

49.02. PUBLIC INTOXICATION. (a) A person commits an offense if the person appears in a public place while intoxicated to the degree that the person may endanger the person or another. (a-1) For the purposes of this section, a premises licensed or permitted under the Alcoholic Beverage Code is a public place.

Anonymous said...

Uhm, I’ve known this couple for over a decade (individually, before they got together at that). I spend time with them at least once a month. I am a frequent guest in their lovely home. They drink Coke Zero, water and Sprite. This is false. Please leave them alone.

Anonymous said...

She needs to resign BCIC as promised

Anonymous said...

I know that Macias is smarter than this. She she should stay away from McHale. Nobody in their right mind wants to be seen with McHale.

Anonymous said...

What did you expect from Linda Macias. She is groomed by Sylvia Garza Perez, Cyndi Mendiola Hinojosa, Adela Garza and Jessica Tetreu Kalifa. Did you actually expect her not to be crooked? Remember this words, she will be worst than Silvia Atkinson. Hiram Lozano her husband and Linda will be extorting money from every vendor in Brownsville, TX. Linda loves the attention and her husband is very jealous, but he aint stupid. He knows how to play the part. He lets the men touch a little of Linda but not too much,just enough to get a wet dream. He loves for men to drool over her and Jerry McHale is an old horney white man who thinks every girl dreams of a white man with Viagra. Just because is obsessed with Porno and escapes relity jerking off, doesn't mean every woman in the porno is a real life person. Not everyone is a swinger like Jerry thinks they are. Linda and Hiram know exactly what Jerry wants. That is why Hiram allowed Jerry to sit next to Linda in case Jerry wanted to feel Linda thigh or knee. These people are freaks. Dangerous Freaks.

Anonymous said...

McHale se traga a Linda by a long shot. Run, Linda, run!

Anonymous said...

I don't see a bottle of wine or Lepre in the photo. Whomever ever is riding up Macias' ass would have made sure that they had gotten both the wine and Lepre in the photo.

WTF wants to resurrect Caty! Caty is old tuna that has been tossed out. Linda is up and above Caty. As a result she, Linda,would not mess with Caty because she would just dirty herself.

I don't know Montoya 😕 but this story smells fishy to me.

Anonymous said...

The country of the indolent

Our silence is an answer: criminals can count on the fact that, whatever they do, the State does not have enough reflexes to react to the threat.

Anonymous said...

So everyone is mad at Montoya and McHale. She is the stupid one to take a picture with McHale. Think about it. What were they doing with him? Plus what she said about Juan Montoya is nasty. Give him $20 and you pay him off.She's an idiot. You should be mad at the conniving snake who is none other than Linda Macias. She is a fake, superficial,
dumb ass. Bonita really tiene cara de niña y mas chaparra que niña de secundaria.We all know that her boyfriend Hiram's family owns a business by the airport.And please don't call her queen. De queen no tiene nada.
She's an arrogant wannabe. Time will tell if she delivers the goods. My impression is she is lazy and will not be available to our district.Get to work Linda. Please resign from BCIC...keep your promise. Besides you are breaking the city charter policies.

Anonymous said...

July 10, 2023 at 8:27 AM
mamon you don't like it leave vete jotitos

Anonymous said...

stop bitching and open your own blog aver si puedes para que sepan idiotas blog are non formal bola de pendejos. gogulealo pendejos

July 10, 2023 at 8:27 AM July 10, 2023 at 8:37 AM July 10, 2023 at 8:57 AM July 10, 2023 at 9:54 AM


Anonymous said...

I would be worried if Macias met these people behind closed doors. She needs to be careful because next the haters will have her meeting with McHale all alone in a tawdry motel.

The thing with McHale is that he looks down on women. He writes about women with contempt.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

fear Mc-whiteroach?
ARE YOU SERIOUS??? a white cocoroach? hahahahaha jajajajaja hohohohohoooooo heheheheheheheeeeee boooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.........
serious people, joke of the century!!

Anonymous said...

9:57 what charter policies have been broken? None, exactly, it’s just your comment trying to paint a false painting as usual

Anonymous said...

Tal vez este tipo de trato, donde obtuvo el dinero de Tokio.
Espero que Susan Ruvalcaba presente una denuncia de ética.
No mas ratas de Brownsville

Anonymous said...

Ay mi Queen, si por mi conocistes las nubes ahi te subi
Tambien supe bajarte hasta el suelo que no se te olvide
No cual qiera te tumba del toilet no mas este Rey. HAHAHA
Tu dale shine Montoya

Anonymous said...

July 11 4:03 the young couple has been vacationing laps around the earth for many years now, it’s obvious you know nothing about them, Susan isn’t going to do shyt!

Anonymous said...

Why Linda Macias do you associate with McHale, Hugh Emerson and Rick LePre? McHale is no insider and his side chick Nurith Galonsky lost her commisioner seat.Please stay away from that McHale. Same for Hugh Emerson, he is desperate for a City Board Seat for him and his wife, Dolores Emerson of BISD who loves the BISD Superintendent. Rick Lepre too is desperate for praise. Linda stick to your constituents and dump these viejos. Rookie mistake.

Anonymous said...

PUROS PINCHES MAMONES so what else is new O RATAS!

Anonymous said...

I used to smoke weed with that bitch

Anonymous said...


2 OR 3 SOME.

Anonymous said...

Linda Macias does not smoke weed. Las malas lenguas. Chin up Linda. Your work ethic will show your true character. You don't need viejas habladors of the male or female variety. I guess the way you, Linda, should look at this is only hang with people you would trust you children with and trust with supervision. Would you trust your children 🤔 with McHale, Captain Bob, or Lepre? Just the thought gives me chills. Stay frosty!

Anonymous said...

July 10, 2023 at 8:27 AM

como chingas jotito your mama does weed and your daddy el Hattian smokes weed but its johnson weed par de jotitos

Anonymous said...

Puro Queso Podrido.

Anonymous said...

Very dissapointed on Linda Macias. She seemed genuine, but then again, she is a politician. Her husband Hiram does seem like a control freak. He is the one that negotiates everything for her. She is just the face(becuase he pretty damn ugly) and tells her what to do. She trembles around him. I wonder if he beats her up? Still that is no excuse for her to seek vengenance on people who have every right to seek elected positions and to question her. Linda also is conspiring agating Elrrunrrun. She wants to know how to silence this blog. She has reached out to numerous attorneys, but none will take on her case. She is a public servent and she is public now. What she does is now up to the public to judge her. Not her deadbeat baby daddy, but Linda the commissioner. OHH Linda is also a liar. She is still on BCIC. Pobre mariguana mentirosa. Poor Lying Pothead, pot smoking commissioner. We had Cokehead Charlie, now we have Pot Head Linda. Brownsville keeps electing idiots. Jessica Kalifa was standard.She did whatever was around her.
