Wednesday, July 5, 2023


(Ed.'s Note: Ever wonder how deep our city resacas really are? The current heat wave and transfer of river water by the Brownsville Public Utilities Board shows that they are really shallow retainers at most two to three feet deep. Wading birds follow the receding water levels in the distance while the muck below cracks dry. This resaca straddles Central Boulevard just north of Brownsville's Valley Baptist Medical Center, but other resacas around town are also drying up.)


Anonymous said...

Doesn't affect the resaces where the politicians live or the PUB board members live

Things that make you say hhmmm

Anonymous said...

Well good it's better for flooding. What the hell happened to the dredging project the city has been talking about for years and charging residents on our PUB bill?

Anonymous said...

Moron applied to people with an IQ of 51–70, being superior in one degree to "imbecile" (IQ of 26–50) and superior in two degrees to "idiot" (IQ of 0–25).
Trumputo fits the idiot description to a "t" Trumputo.

Anonymous said...

It will only effect people living in el gran southmost, most all take baths in the resacas found in that area and they know how deep they are and they pay no fees.

Anonymous said...

Rare deep-sea creature with engorged belly from recent meal spotted by remote-operated submarine

Any guesses?

Anonymous said...

So why doesn’t PUB work on dredging and cleaning the Resaca’s with the Resaca fee they had been charging us? Or is that money lost as well?

Anonymous said...

July 5, 2023 at 5:44 PM

Why? simple freddie, imagine tons and tons of human bones. das why.
