Saturday, July 22, 2023



Anonymous said...

In the name of Jesus. Amen.

Anonymous said...

JUan you are lost...can't see the dishonesty in the Bidens? Typical from a democRAT

Anonymous said...

Bitch is as dumb as Sheila Jackson Lee, Fredricka Wilson, and Maxine Waters. She is nothing to lecture anyone on anything.

Anonymous said...

No whities pass away today, according to the local Brownsville Herald Obituaries.

Anonymous said...

Another nut case. This individual is part of the problem facing our country. Too radical! What do you expect from New York? A waitress now a House Representative. What a joke. Needs to go back to waiting on tables.

Anonymous said...

Chingos of greed and incompetence in Washington..

Anonymous said...

You mean Levee st. that's where city hall and the county are at.

Anonymous said...

Really? This ocas is a dumb ass who got voted into office by other democrat dumb asses!

Anonymous said...

I did not hear Ocasio say anything dumb. She may not be the brightest bulb in the chandelier but she didn't offend anyone.

Anonymous said...

Nobody here liking your crazy NY bitch video Juanito...
De quien es la coca en la WH Juanito?
Hey Juanito, I want to see you post chingos de videos de Hunter. That crack-head, corrupt, sister in law fucker. With Hunter you do find real Russian (Ukrainian) involvement, not like the fake arguments against Trump.

The Biden administration is destroying true American values, cant wait for 2024 to get them out!

Anonymous said...

July 24, 2023 at 10:12 PM
mamon coco tell a gringo to open up a blog so you can go there and stay there pinche mamon coco. racist republican they hate meskins baboso.

Anonymous said...

So, if a democrat quotes scripture, talking about loving your neighbor and helping the poor and not denying medical care to people, then she is a dumb ass bitch. But if a republican like Majorie Taylor Greene wants to kill people that it is okay. Has the emotion of HATE dominated you so much that you would demonize a person who is repeating what Jesus Christ said when he walked on this earth. No matter who it comes from, Jesus did speak about helping the poor, treating your immigrants well, loving your neighbor. Please reevaluate your thinking because you may never see the pearly gates with so much hate in your soul. If you are a Christian, then you should not HATE. You can disagree and you can pray for people who do not think like you. But never HATE.
