Friday, July 28, 2023


By Jesus Rosas
For Cameron County Sheriff

As a dedicated law enforcement professional with more than 20 years with the Cameron County Sheriff's Department, it grieves me to see the growth in the loss of confidence and respect that our residents have developed in the way our department has operated in the last three years under our current office holder. 

I, Jesus Rosas Jr., am on a mission to make a lasting difference in the communities of Cameron County
and have decided to run for sheriff in 2024 and to restore the respect and dignity of the men and women of our Cameron County Sheriff’s Office. My fellow law enforcement brothers and sisters know that I bring a wealth of knowledge, expertise, and a deep commitment to public safety.

Born and raised in Cameron County, I understand the unique challenges and needs of our community. From a young age, I felt a calling to serve others and protect the safety and property of those who couldn't protect themselves. Inspired by the values of service, integrity, and respect since I was young, I embarked on a career in law enforcement to fulfill this purpose. With my loving wife of  21 years, we have raised three wonderful boys. I believe in the importance of securing a brighter future for all.

Throughout my two decades of service, I have gained invaluable experience and a deep understanding of the complexities of law enforcement. I have served in various roles, rising through the ranks and – according to my superiors' evaluations –  "demonstrated exceptional leadership skills, dedication, and an unwavering commitment to serving the public."

As a candidate for sheriff, I aspire to lead by example, fostering collaborative relationships between law enforcement and the community. Like all of us, I envision a county where families feel safe and secure, and children are empowered to realize their full potential. My experience, combined with my deeply ingrained family-oriented values, have positioned me to be a compassionate and effective leader ready to address the unique needs of Cameron County.

In addition to my dedication to community-oriented policing, I am a firm believer and a strong supporter for ongoing training and professional development of all our officers within our law enforcement community. Moreover, I recognize the importance of keeping up with evolving laws, technology, and best practices to ensure our officers are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively serve and protect the public.

If elected as Cameron County Sheriff in 2024, I plan to implement comprehensive strategies to tackle the challenges faced by our communities. This encompasses adopting and adapting initiatives that prioritize crime prevention, enhance public safety, and address the root causes of criminal behavior. With a focus on community and a partnership with all of our fellow law enforcement entities nurtured over two decades, I aim to create a safe and inclusive environment for all residents of Cameron County.

I am driven by a deep sense of responsibility to ensure the safety and prosperity of Cameron County. By providing a secure environment for our families and children, we can shape a brighter future for all. I am dedicated to working hand in hand with the communities to address their concerns and create lasting positive change.

In my campaign for Cameron County Sheriff, I represent a blend of leadership, experience, and a profound commitment to family and community. With my extensive law enforcement background, compassion, and focus on the welfare of our children, I am poised – with your help and support – to make a positive impact and lead Cameron County towards a future of safety, unity, and prosperity.


Anonymous said...

Mustache and cowboy hat how cliche

Law enforcement doesn't mean we can balance budgets and run jails

Anonymous said...

i been here 25 years, but can you do the job ?????? chon

Anonymous said...

Looks like just another Mexican in a hat. Who is funding this guy?

Anonymous said...

Honestly, there is more deputies on school presentations than on patrol on a regular day

Anonymous said...

Jesus Rosas has my vote

Anonymous said...

Really nice speech. Would have been better if he'd have actually written it himself. Majority of LE aren't this articulate. He still has my families and MY vote.

Anonymous said...

Garza will win again and his staff along with the Cameron county citizens will suffer. I remember when Lucio lost and he said he felt bad for the citizens of Cameron county because they will be the ones who suffer. I thought he was just being salty because he lost but he was right. No I'm not a Lucio guy I voted for garza because I knew the SO needed a change but I never imagined Garza would destroy everything. Can I also add the stupid 12 hour shifts didn't work. 4 deputies for the whole county? I wish the citizens knew these kinds of things.

Anonymous said...

Toya, you need to interview this dude. We know he can't write because someone wrote the speech for him but can he speak? Does he talk like Conrado Cantu, Mr. Animo? Because Cantu could not speak English.

Anonymous said...

How can we believe Montoya after supporting the punkabilly homo looking current sheriff?

Anonymous said...

You Need to answer the question why this guy is known and called in the law enforcement community Robocop.....the public needs to be educated on these candidates that are running. We don't want another Garza administration or even worse getting stuck with sombody that can't fix the mess that is already there and let's it just sit and fester.Rosas does not have the mentality or decision making skills that a candidate needs in order to fill the position of county Sheriff. He might be able to throw a pachanga or Dj at a party, but it takes a certain type of law enforcement officer to fill those big shoes of Sheriff. And as far as moving up the ranks kissing ass and brown nosing is not type of character that we need as a Sheriff. We need a Sheriff with balls my friends...

Anonymous said...

Lottery numbers have been sent to all federal prisons. The juck number will be announced after the trial and the defendant will be sent to that lucky prison with the winning number. Trumputo will be very happy... enjoy your new life RATA

Anonymous said...

Anyone would be better than that Bozo. Wait a minute. I take that back. Didn’t mean to insult Bozo the Clown. Bozo can do a better job than Eric.

Anonymous said...

A lot of us veteran deputies are waiting to see if Garza and his dumb ass administration will lose. If Garza stays there will be a lot more deputies leaving, especially veteran deputies. So hopefully Rosas wins, we're all counting on it.

Anonymous said...

July 28, 2023 at 10:39 AM July 28, 2023 at 10:39 AM

You don't tell people what to do, pinches pendejos idiotas.
Open your own blog gueyes. I don't tell you not to use toilet paper but to use your fingers. Do I????
WELL DO I???? bola de lambiscones mamones.

Anonymous said...

When you get home don't kick your dog or beat your wife pendejos.

Anonymous said...

You fatties walk don't drive gueyes.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I do not vote for anyone who advertises on this blog or pays Montoya.

Anonymous said...

As funny this guy looks he definitely will do a better job that the retard we have now

Anonymous said...


The lead attorney for donald john. trumputo has just requested to the federal prison administration a request that IF donald juan trumputo is assigned to any federal prison that he be allowed to continue to wear his blue suit and bright racist republcan red tie and white business shirt.

Federal prison administration have not commented on this request, according to a source familiar with this information.

Anonymous said...

Good! Time to put the presentation warriors barney Rubble lopez goonie rivera back to fakn work

Anonymous said...

Stand up with Rosas against it all. He is a man of integrity and will serve the community well. My family will be voting for Rosas!!

Anonymous said...

any one is better than the one in office now. ANY ONE!!

Anonymous said...

Shit there were more officers at roadhouse that on patrol that day. What an embarrassment

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if Tropical behavioral cleared Juan Carlos Garcia #139 so that he can work at SO? Didn’t he hold his duty weapon to his head while he was arguing with his wife? Who hired this guy?

Anonymous said...

Eddie Guerra working animal control for Pct. 5 he’ll definitely fuck that one up too for sure!

Anonymous said...

I think the same Dr that cleared #139 cleared Kenya as well

Anonymous said...

Shit must be very at the SO for people to consider this jerk. In lucio's time this candidate would have been a joke for him. The change we need

Anonymous said...

Mannnnnnnn. FUCK Juan Carlos Garcia #139. He's an embarrassment to the rest of us real deputies. Walks around like his shit doesn't stink. Put in real cop work 139. Is Kenya still fucking us deputies? Asking for a friend.

Anonymous said...

What skeletons does this guy have in his closet? We the people need to be informed before we go out and vote for another loser.

Anonymous said...

time to take my klunker to the cad dealership do you think if I take my property tax statement, I will be offered a discount?????
just askin'

Anonymous said...

Commissioner’s need to approve part-time jailers to recapture the many master certified jailers that retired or left because of greener pastures. This alone would allow for an eight hour work day for the full time jailers and a much deserved break from working 12 hour shifts in the jail.

It’s virtually impossible to support a family with the wages paid to most county workers. 54K annually would be a fair entry level salary for ALL positions within the county system.

Anonymous said...

Rosas are you going to do something with Jessica Ramirez who earns 55k and does absolutely f** nothing? Or Charles Hoskins?? Or Gilbert Cisneros who believes he is a narcocop? What are you going to do to bring solutions to this mess? Stop talking about your "20" years of experience, we all know the truth. Talk about what are you going to do and you will get some support I guarantee you that

Anonymous said...

Good looking family. Good luck. Watch what your pray for.

Anonymous said...

Juan Carlos Garcia 139 and his bff Lerma 134 will never work patrol because they are best friends with Captain Dani Gomez. While they "assist" at the bridge they are getting paid OT while the Deputies Dani Gomez is quick to "stand up for" get fucked having to work OT on their days off and have a set patrol schedule. Meanwhile guys like Garcia, Lerma, the midget "Lt" Lopez and cabeza de vaca "Lt" Rivera get to play in atvs, events or "special details" while putting in OT. When has goonie Rivera worked nights? Or papa Smurf Lopez cover for one of the sgts or Lt Rodriguez when they been off? Dani Gomez won't do shit about sending his favorite Lts work nights because he doesn't have the balls to send them it's that simple. Meanwhile Night Shift is still short and with no supervisor. Before they start defending themselves check mobile and see how many calls they've shown up to during nights since they promoted

Anonymous said...

Bruh rivera esta todo pendejo he brags all cases in the Sheriff's Office since 1924 were solved by him stfu mongolo

Anonymous said...

True facts, the only Lt putting work is 109 goonie and lopez nadamas andan mamando pito

Anonymous said...

If Rosas wins, that fat hippo Jessica, Nereyda, Cornejo aka the civilian Lieutenant Lopez, Mendieta aka big head Lieutenant Rivera, and all the other lazy fucks will leave before they get fired. Rosas if you win, put these so called Lieutenants to work rotating schedules and assign them actual duties other than school presentations. If the people vote you in, work to make the people proud. Unlike this administration with their new 'Lieutenants'. These new ones are nothing like the old guard we had

Anonymous said...

Lt. Rodriguez can be a pain in the ass sometimes but at least he is a real supervisor the other two are worthless

Anonymous said...

Jesus Rosas is the better candidate. He was a great supervisor in the field, and always put his subordinates first. Eric 0 experience Garza and Silver fat fuck cisneros only care about staying in office and lining their pockets for another 4 years. They favor the ass kissers, and only care about their own campaign instead of the issues at hand with the department.

I believe I speak for the entire sheriffs office, JESUS ROSAS IS THE ANSWER. He will move the department forward and will change the attitudes of jailers and deputies.

ROSAS 2024!!!

Anonymous said...

Eric Garza and his fucking dumbasses of administration are bringing this department down.
Office favorite Juan Carlos Garcia 139 has mental issues and suicide ideations holding a gun to his head..... lets hire him and let him do whatever the fuck he wants. Lets give him a brand new Tahoe even though he doesnt do shit. Fat fuck.

Office favorite daniel rodriguez 160 has mental issues and suicide ideations.... lets hire him and give him the control of all our technology and also give him a brand new explorer even though he doesnt do shit. Oh and he stalks his ex girlfriend and her boyfriend and gets arrested by brownsville but lets hide that under the rug.

Hoskins coke head takes pills and tries to overdose while arguing with his wife...

Internal affairs Garcia got let go from Willacy county for fucking his subordinates and favoring them, so he got complained on by his peers. Moves to cameron.

Eric garza and silver reallly know how to pick em huh

Anonymous said...

Good man, good family, has the support of myself and my family!

Anonymous said...

If Rosas believes in loyalty, then he needs to resign and run for Sheriff. Why would you run against your boss. If you don't agree with your boss, quit and run, but don't run against your boss, NO LOYALTY!!!!

Anonymous said...

I witnessed a deputy by the last name of Salinas arresting a mental health consumer in the area of Rio Hondo. I can say that I haven't never seen a police officer with such attitude, he has no business in Law Enforcement. He treated that poor man like shit I won't be surprised if county or the department gets sued because of this tug

Anonymous said...

Dani quit, time to go to work Charles (finally) "IT" making 65k and not doing shit but fucking everything more up. Now we are in deep trouble

Anonymous said...

Wolfe still the goat - the goat

Anonymous said...

Is that the same Juan Carlos garcia that pointed a weapon to the wife's head? Dam

Anonymous said...

Rosas is a tremendous liar. Not a good speaker or writer. Throughout his employment it is well known of his constant brown nose. Rosas believes he can fool the citizens since he managed to fool Javier Reyna, who is supporting him. Good Luck. Nobody wants that back!

Anonymous said...

What type of supervisor is he? That's your answer right there

Anonymous said...

He is related to Chief Deputy Silver Cisneros, his brother miguel salinas was arrested for conspiracy to traffic cocaine somewhere up north. Feds know that salinas used his marked unit to help drug traffickers and to help his brother busting his business contras. ERIC AND SILVER knows this because they were briefed by Arreola when he was the SIU capt but they didn't give a fuck they even gave that Salinas a recognition LMFAO. This administration don't give a fuck there is also another silvers relatives who also work at the SO in privilege positions with strong ties to criminal groups. This boat is sinking full speed. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ROSAS? SPEAK UP.

Anonymous said...

Time to put goonie to work

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Rosas I hope you're watching the ship sink because if you get elected, you need to fix all of this. Patrol has gone to shit because Captain Gomez doesn't have the balls to make decisions for himself and gets influenced by Eric Lopez and Edgar Rivera. How can deouties reach out to them when they are no where to be seen on patrol but always in events? Rivera was given his promotion and had his hand held by Captain Garza and Lopez has always been known for never making a supervisor call and screwing over his own Deputies. Both idiots are like Del Bosque acting busy when all they do is find events where the Sheriff will be at to brown nose and secure their comfy Lieutenant slot. No supervisors at nights, shifts with 4 Deputies the SO is out of control with a bunch of high ranking supervisors too busy filling their pockets

Anonymous said...

Everybody or anybody that runs for this office is way better than what is there at this moment. fact

Anonymous said...

Hey Mark how bout u start looking into Jessica's timesheet, clocking in from home to do absolutely nothing is stealing from county. Eric says he is fighting for our raises but he managed to give Jessica 55k and cornejo 65k. Ridiculous

Anonymous said...

Pinche sheriffe en 2 aƱos mando todo a la reata

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ey dani when are you planning on presenting solutions for patrol? What are you waiting for? That's why you're the patrol captain in case you haven't noticed šŸ˜‰

Anonymous said...

Gilbert, angel, Charles, nereyda all on their power trips parking by the door because they are so special they can't walk, what a fucking idiots, what they don't have at their houses they want to show it at work. Get a life loosers.

Anonymous said...

Check the finance reports for Rosas. He has only ONE “in-kind” donor, Luis Villarreal. This Villarreal guy has donated thousands of dollars purchasing campaign material for Rosas. WHY? A relative would not spend that much money to get nothing in return. Villarreal wants something and if Rosas is elected, time to pay the piper.

Anonymous said...

Sad that with all the nonsense going on Garza can't get his shit together.. for someone like Rosas to stand a chance it actually reflects the incompetence of this administration.. sad

Anonymous said...

Gomez are you going to answer our emails or what a fuck man come and work patrol to see the shit we are dealing you got the rank now man da fak up bro

Anonymous said...

Rosas you got to stop with all that bullshit tell us how u gunna fix patrol leadership cause this 4 sure ain't working

Anonymous said...

Between Rosas and Garza? We can't vote for Garza again. He worked his ass off to make sure we don't vote for him again.

Anonymous said...

Rosas is going to be the next Cameron County Sheriff

Anonymous said...

Eddie se la come

Anonymous said...

Fuera, machete, needs to go, if whoever is elected must know that a good job will get you re-elected if not bye bye adios. das da message, get it???? applicants???

Anonymous said...

Titanic 2024

Anonymous said...

Ese garza lo tienen grabado talking shit about the Sheriff's Office and a lot more Gilbert said that's his ticket to remain in the office doing shit

Anonymous said...

Rosas explain how are you going to fix this mess, how are you bringing as Chief Deputy?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey del bosque since you're in charge of transport, you think you can give us a hand? Or what kind of "supervisor" are you? Just like angel? Everything by phone? Man, you guys sure don't know how to lead. Bunch of wannabes. Get to fucking work

Anonymous said...

109 needs to take over patrol.. we need someone with balls

Anonymous said...

Rosas with his fake personality. We know Robocop-- We know you promised Javier Reyna a spot. Kiss ass

Anonymous said...

Vote for Manny TreviƱo 2024

Anonymous said...

Garza's minions walk around the office like if they own the place..bitches know your place in few months you're going to be looking for a job

Anonymous said...

Entonces what happen con el Danny Rodriguez?
La volviĆ³ a cagar con BPD?
Dos he get fired ???

Anonymous said...

What's all this good talk about 109? He ain't worth a shit lol the only dude to break literally every policy and still works at the SO. Remember 109 the pit maneuver is against policy haha

Anonymous said...

Rosas is the right man for the job

Anonymous said...

I almost feel sorry for Eric. Pobrecito. He is not the guy or gal to fix things. I feel worse for the citizens. If you live in Los fresnos or Rio hondo just no there is no deputy patrolling that area. Throw the citizens to the wolves huh eric?

Anonymous said...

Garza esta todo pendejo

Anonymous said...

Manny TreviƱo 2024

Anonymous said...

You need to hear this Idiot talk

Anonymous said...

Rosas 2024 Rosas 2024 Rosas 2024 Rosas 2024 Rosas 2024 Rosas 3024 Rosas 2024

Anonymous said...

I've been gone for years from the Sheriff's Office but I worked first hand with this guy. Not impressed. Any other contenders?

Anonymous said...

It’s about time the SO administration woke up and got rid of Daniel Rodriguez #160, that guy is a liability and was well known by Brownsville PD. Eddie Guerra se la come!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Toya, you interviewed Trevino why don't you interview Rosas? Do the candidates need to pay you for the interview šŸ¤”?

Anonymous said...

Eric your jail is falling apart!! Do something for fucks sake

There is a shortage of staff all across the board, not just jailers

Major only cares about his booking department, fuck everybody else

You have every department helping on the floor except booking

You have 2 sgt positions being wasted with Casas and Najera

Captain only cares about his clerks

Lambert is supposedly cert but ran out of a cell and left his staff during an altercation

The Lt's walk around like its a fucking beauty pageant

Jailers are afraid of walking into cells because of the lack of supervisory prescence, the inmates control the fucking place

Whataburger has a better starting pay than the jail

Lazo is still fucking Moreno

Contraband is still getting into the jail

And nothing is gonna get better anytime soon, im glad i finally left that fucking place

Anonymous said...

Rosas us the biggest Idiot.

Anonymous said...

Puro WiZZOS aqui llorando. Saganle al toro putos.
