Saturday, July 8, 2023


SUSAN RUVALCABA: "What I have been told is that our newly elected commissioner who was chaperoning a group of 40+ kids in Europe ended up in the hospital abroad with alcohol poisoning." (The McHale Report)

Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Suddenly, what seemed like a facile allegation of rumors of drunkedness against city commissioner Tino Villarreal has turned into something very serious.

For days, that allegation has reportedly been repeated on the social media page of Susan Ruvalcaba, a local podcast, and other sites. Ruvalcaba lost to Villarreal during a runoff for the city's At-Large-A position.

In a letter dated July 7 and obtained by El Rrun-Rrun, local attorney Cesar de Leon representing Villarreal warns Ruvalcaba that unless she ceases and desists "all defamation of Mr. Celestino "Tino" Villarreal Jr.'s character and reputation, legal consequences would follow.

"Mr. Villarreal is an educated, respected professional in the community," the letter reads. "He has spent years serving the community in his profession and building a positive reputation. We have learned that you have spread false, destructive and defamatory rumors about him."

"Your defamatory statements involved several Facebook posts in which you accused Mr. Villarreal of moral turpitude, which were disseminated into the public space. You know and have been made aware that these allegations were false, and yet you continue to make these posts defaming Mr. Villarreal.

"Accordingly, we demand that you (A) immediately cease and desist your unlawful defamation of Mr. Villarreal and (B) provide us with prompt written assurance within ten (10) days that you will cease and desist from further defamation of Mr. Villarreal character and reputation."

"If you do not comply with this cease and desist demand within this period, Mr. Villarreal is entitled to seek monetary damages and equitable relief for your defamation" including injunctive relief and an order to pay court costs and attorney's fees, the letter reads.

When the controversy erupted on social media, at least one parent of a student who was with Villarreal in Europe – Genaro Martinez Jr. – denied the allegations against the St. Joseph Academy coach saying that "I can guarantee you that those accusations are lies...I can assure you that he is one of the most respected and trusted coaches in Texas."

In a post (again in Facebook) Ruvalcaba, while not admitting to the postings, reprinted the letter and stated "Well shit...that didn't take long."

Will she cease and desist and comply with Villarreal demand that she stop? Or will she let the the issue fester until something is filed against her in a local court?


Anonymous said... Trump she us a sore loser? Adults with a child's mind but they want to run the show. The citizens have spoken with their vote. Sometimes things don't go your way. Better yet she needs to put on her big girl panties and move on.

Anonymous said...

Villarreal is a public figure under the law so he is fair game under SULLIVAN v NY TIMES. If you’re not familiar with that case, it’s the one Clarence “Uncle” Thomas is trying to overturn to help his buddy “the Donald”. As far as Cesar De Leon, he’s got enough baggage to fill an 18 wheel trailer. I wouldn’t hire him to defend me on a parking ticket. Welcome to the world of public service Tino.

Anonymous said...

Well shit ...that didn't take long. There is no named calling that is identifying Villarreal, Villarreal's name isn't even mentioned in the comment. Yet, de Leon is using the word MALICE as evidence to attack Ruvalcaba? What district attorney is he going to file the complaint with and what district JUDGE is going to allow such frivolous nonsense? Elected public officials answer to the public who elected them, if Villarreal cannot take the HEAT than he needs to get out of the kitchen. Get use to a hot kitchen Villareal. This is my OPINION.

Anonymous said...

Is he trying to warn the rest to not to start with the name calling? What a mistake and I voted for this bozo. NEVER AGAIN a one-time elected official here. safos ahead of time, wonder if I tooooo will get served? bozo???? bozo is a profession. (job) so is CLOWN!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

There are no injunctions allowed in defamation cases. So, the fact is Tino hired a known racist lawyer who does not know the law. I want a verified comment from a parent whose child went on the trip denying the allegation and then I will see Tino as a major victim.

Anonymous said...

I have been told he was in the hospital for alcohol poisoning.
And, DeLeon, I don't think so. Monetary damage, atty fee. Good luck. The two of you need to stop drinking.
Susan social media account was hacked after Happy hour.

Anonymous said...

So he is called a drunk. And, you call that defamation.
DeLeon, sucks and swallows.
What do you call that?
Susan 1 turns into Susan 2 after Happy hour.
What do you call that?
You go Susan, 2. She can hold her own and not go to the hospital.
Tino is a wimp, winery, a Weiner without use. Butt, working hard.

Anonymous said...

Scoundrels and Scallywags

Anonymous said...

Thank you Susan for the update. On your next post.
Wish him well for a second round.

Anonymous said...

Tino villarreal should stop this non sense and start looking into the PUB TABASKA SCAM that he was part of to make restitution to the PUB Customers for lying for 5 years bola de MAMONES, y el ugly mostache DA should get off his ASS and do something about this ya. MR DA dont make campaign promises you cannot keep, i really hope and pray you retire soon y ya. Too much corruption everywhere, City, County, state (el Paxton), USA Biden and his cocaine son. and the list goes on and on. Pure Epidemic.

Anonymous said...

Some lawyers do not want to represent you. Have you tried hiring a lawyer?
Be ready to hear: NO.

We need lawyers for important things ( for Example Green fights for you if a dog bites you....most lawyers will tell you NO because how much money can they earn from a dog bite)

A lawyer for when a person looks at you or stares at you.
A lawyer for you when your neighbor is rude to you.
A lawyer for when you go to the store and a car parks next to you and you can not open your car (no space).

Lawyers say: solve those problems on your own. !!!!

So if you are looking for a lawyer, you get the one that says YES.

Anonymous said...

Some people that travel to Europe get sick: the food, the hot sun, the early tours, the long lines, the high prices (you eat less, to spend less)... etc

What did Tino brought us from London?

Tino, get used to public life. Some people like you, some people do not like you. You have to move forward...

When others go low, you go high.
O sea echale ganas. No dejes que los malos comentarios acaben contigo.

Anonymous said...

All three are pussies.

boring too

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Is he trying to warn the rest to not to start with the name calling? What a mistake and I voted for this bozo. NEVER AGAIN a one-time elected official here. safos ahead of time, wonder if I tooooo will get served? bozo???? bozo is a profession. (job) so is CLOWN!

July 8, 2023 at 8:48 AM

Why do you want to mistreat others? Why do you want to use name calling?

Just be straight forward and say "My street needs fixing. I want a speed trap in my street." Then if the City or the commissioners do not help you than you can talk to them.

I always contact the City about abandoned tires behind my alley. They take weeks/months but sometimes they pick them up. Who places the tires there? my neighbor !!! When I am not looking.

Anonymous said...

July 8, 2023 at 11:43 AM

You have to call them a name they can relate to like mamon, or lambiscon, huevon sometimes helps but not always. they like mamon a lot. when I call and tell them mamones they show up. Don't ever call them ratas they will never show up. la verdad duele, i guess I will be keeping an eye out for the mail!

Anonymous said...

What is funny about this is that Rubalcava is riding so far up Tino's ass que hasta en Europe le anda goliendo el pedo. People here in Brownsville need to give others space.

Tino is a teacher and because he is a teacher I don't blame him or any teacher for suing anybody that messes with their livelihood. If what is being said were true the school Tino works for will handle it.

Ya Susan dejan de golerle el pedo a Tino. He is in Europe far far from here. Susan don't you have someone that will give a great shaggy, in private, so that you can forge about Tino. This is so sad it is funny.

Susan Rubalcava la guele pedos.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Tino is upset because someone is calling him names. Before Tino became a commissioner he was already a politician. Politicians know that name calling is part of the job.

Anonymous said...

There's many attorneys out there


Birds of a feather flock together

Poor choice

Anonymous said...

No one I know cares!

Must be a blogger thing.

ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

Let’s see if Susan is going to let the elites silence her!!!

Anonymous said...

It's so obvious that Susan "la marans Gorda fella"has nothing better to do. She butt hurt because she lost. She's a bully, just like she was arguing with teenagers over some seats at a HS basketball game. Every new and old politicians know that they will be in the public eye. But if you plan to accuse someone of something make sure it's facts. Not made up shit thats in your fuck up mind!!
Move on Susan..... You are totally sounding like a Karen!!

Anonymous said...

Dime con kien andas y te dire kien eres....

Anonymous said...

Even before this incident I had already heard months back from someone who worked at St. Joe that Tino was a heavy drinker. So I'm not surprised.

Anonymous said...

Is this all you have to report? BORING! Who cares it's all political. If you're a politician you should know that sooner than later you'll be covered with shit! By your owning making or by others.

Anonymous said...

So Tino hires a racist idiot. There are no injunctions allowed in defamation cases. What I want to see and have yet to see is one parent whose child was on the trip, deny the claim. And then I want proof their child went on the trip. At that point Tino is a victim.

Anonymous said...

I firmly believe that when Tino's lawyer was recorded he was speaking out of frustration. Come on, who in town has not worked with a person and out of frustration not thought or said "pinche vieja chingada" or used the term "mallate" or some other word? Who thinks that when African Americans or Anglo Saxons get upset with a Hispanic they don't call the Hispanic names?

La Rata Pelona was the one who did the recording. Things or situations happen. What is amazing is that someone from town can go to the other side of the world and there is some one here smelling their fart.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully Tino learned that he needs to walk a straight line. Like someone one stated he needs to "go high." Haters are always going to hate.

Anonymous said...

Esa Susana es una perra caliente en la calle, solamente caminando por callejones dejando sus mojones por dónde camina y todo lo que le sale a esa mujer de su hocico es pura shit y mentiras!!!

Anonymous said...

4.02 am so tino is el borracho? nothing new here, everyone knows. cant hide it, y los refund del PUB Tino? Has the city approved a 5 year refund plan amigo? just asking for the public, they have a right and a want to know and ask. .

Anonymous said...

DNA ancestry results finds that Tino and Susan are third cousins!

Family Feud!

Ha! Ha!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Even before this incident I had already heard months back from someone who worked at St. Joe that Tino was a heavy drinker. So I'm not surprised.

July 9, 2023 at 4:02 AM

One of the most awful things about working in a school: GOSSIP and inventing CHISMES. You can spread a rumor, others will believe it and the person that is being gossiped about: not aware of what is going on.

that the math teacher fell in love with the English teacher.
That the P.E. teacher fell in love with the Science teacher.
That a certain husband danced with the office clerk at the party.

Teachers, staff: too much stress and the same people working in the same school for thirty years.

So if you want to get rid of a coworker: invent a CHISME about them. They will resign, get fired, etc

Anonymous said...

Vatos güey, DeLeon a bad rated atty.
Tino really thinks he that important.
Good grief!

Anonymous said...

July 9, 2023 at 9:23 PM
teachers are mean and they take it out on the children and students. Make it part of their application not to spread chismes.
pinches maestras/os chismosas
that's what they do all day for 7 months CHISMES get to work huevones
and they want another month offfffff

Anonymous said...

Rubalcaga, la cago en las elecciones y perdio. Hora debe de limpiase el tracero comerse el toilet paper pa que se calle el hocico

Anonymous said...

July 10, 2023 at 9:38 AM

Dude, you need to read the Texas Educators' Code of Ethics.

Anonymous said...

Es un pinche alcoholico hombre! Ya dejen de taparle! Gets drunk before and after football games, but I don't care about his alcoholism. What I care about is... is he going to do anything about the PUB/Tenaska scam? Check Yes, or No.

Anonymous said...

July 11, 2023 at 10:56 AM
what the shit for?
