Sunday, July 9, 2023



Anonymous said...

"No, pero uso ojas de elote!" This guy is sick, sicko, y mas sick.
El mismo se cree sus pendejadas!

Anonymous said...

folks if you all believe all this baloney on donald trump then the US govt is doing a great job of hide and seek and thats the way the US Govt works. Donald will run and win once again, sleepy job pos no tri nada, just sleep and no mind, no matter puros depends underwear, time for him to retire unless you all want Kamala as your next president or Michelle/ mike obama? Check out who the democrats will be pushing and then you can figure it out. Maybe gilberto hinojosa can run for US president, perfect candidate, pura crema.

Anonymous said...

‘Meet Camille’ opens July 22-23 at Camille Playhouse in Brownsville
Is this also funded by the city? Let me guess SI YES any more questions??? pinches pidiches.

Anonymous said...

If it wasn't for Trump what would you morons talk about? Why not talk about corrupt Joe Biden and his son? Oh, I forgot you get paid by the corrupt DEMOCRATS.

Anonymous said...

Rrump's the fattest crook ever.


Anonymous said...

WesMer Drive-in turns 73 today
one of only 3 in texas its between weslaco and mercedes

Anonymous said...

July 9, 2023 at 1:28 PM

Trump wants to become a dictator. Many Republican Party can not stop him.
Trump is the favorite of the Republicans.

So it is up to the Democrats to save the USA.

Anonymous said...

I would not mind beautiful and educated Mike Obama in the White House as President but she won't do it. She has to much style and class to run for President.

I won't vote for Biden if Trumputo doesn't run for President. I understand how you feel about Biden but try to understand how we feel about Trump. Trump likes to manipulate his followers. Look at how many special needs people are in jail because of Trump. It can't get any sadder than the Q-Anon Shaman. Say "hell no to Trump." However, it won't be our votes that matter. The votes that will matter are those of the young adults in the good old US of A.

Anonymous said...

I voted for Trump but I will not vote for him again because when he encouraged people to "fight like hell" he made America look like Mexico.

Anonymous said...

I heard he was born in sanbene? no wonder!

Anonymous said...

We dont need the government to tell us about Trump. Trump has shown us who he really is, a very sore loser like a child that does not accept defeat. But most importantly, Trump has shown time and time again how dangerous he is to our democracy. Not only he did not accept a peaceful transfer of power but instigated his followers to fight like hell and stormed the Capitol. From day one, he claimed rigged elections but the one caught trying to cheat was himself "Georgia find me 11k votes ". Refused to served our country (draft) not once but three times. And he calls himself patriotic? That's called PATHETIC in my book.

Anonymous said...

SpaceX launched the most powerful rocket ever built. Its impact is still felt in this Texas community Brownsville Texas.

They were kicked out of FLORIDA but our vendio elected RATA officials agreed for them to launch what=ever they wanted.

