Wednesday, July 12, 2023


(Ed.'s Note: Celestino "Tino" Villarreal, head football coach of St. Joseph Academy, was sworn in as then new At-Large-A commissioner by federal judge Rolando Olvera Tuesday during the regular city  meeting as the rest of the commission and his family looks on an applauds. Villarreal won his election against Susan Ruvalcaba in a runoff election. Notable by her absence at the ceremony, but who appeared after the swearing in, was new District 2 city commissioner Linda Macias. Did a long lunch at Gazpacho's delay her arrival?)


Anonymous said...

I’m not sure what she missed, she was present for the meeting

Anonymous said...

Didn’t realize people had lunch at 5 PM, in my neck of the woods we call that time of day dinner, obvious flex on how you feel about Macias, not sure what you have against her Monte?

Anonymous said...

Susan Ruvalcaba, MAGA Trumper, is so pissed she did not get cake. She told her supporters that the election was stolen and that Trump called her to give her some advice.

Anonymous said...

With Tino on board, that makes 3 gay city commissioners. The rainbow flag will be waving 365 days a year.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Tino Villarreal. Enjoy your work as a Commissioner At Large "A". Meet all the people, help everybody and serve the community with gusto.

The cake looks delicious.

Anonymous said...

The next Roy delos Santos (backed) commisioner. The whole commis is going WOKE!

Anonymous said...

Will he change? Most do, the money and new rich and famous friends make you do that. Aver si no.

Anonymous said...

I see a few franklins under the cake. Did he retrieved them?

Anonymous said...

I’m looking for the Benjamin’s (money) you mentioned under the cupcakes, you must be seeing things that aren’t there, as usual! What I don’t see is a Susan getting sworn in….. hahahahahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

12:36 I’d rather be woke, than psycho

- Ghandi

Anonymous said...

Montoya do you know that you are making yourself look bad by harassing Macias? You are making all the people that hate you seem believable.

Anonymous said...

Now that all this is set and done for this round, Commissioners and Mayor, let us make ethical and legal decisions that the whole City of Brownsville will be benefit from and be proud of, but I bet you will find more ways to make yourselves/friends/family richer. Mayor, I know you are very interested in economic development, because you personally benefit greatly through your businesses and properties. Some of you are salivating from the free grant money that people can apply for. The third world politics consuming our local government is absolutely disgusting. Remember that you represent people in all walks of life, not just the elitist you hang with and I hope you don't call us "Muertos de Hambre" like someone did in the past. Let's hold the whole board and committees accountable for ANY unethical, illegal things they do, including stealing from our community, nepotism, making decisions that benefit themselves, etc. Go to Southmost or any other part of Brownsville and play Chalupa with the common folks, not just during campaign time. You catered to Musk and it's making a mess of Boca Chica, Brownsville and Port Isabel. Remember "We the People" are not less than you, however some of you have no scruples. Peace.

Anonymous said...

Tino Villarreal has a better suit than Prince Charles and President Biden.

Use this suit at all important events: recycle it. Nobody is going to notice.

Anonymous said...

Es maricon tambien?

Anonymous said...

Do not ever trust the person that always holds the bible. SERIOUS I know!!!

Anonymous said...

July 12, 2023 at 1:34 PM

How can you, if she skedaddled to the commode and in a hurry, hmmmmmm no aguanto.

Anonymous said...

Now that you all are sitting pretty, get off your high horses and get to work for all the people of Brownsville, not just yourselves, your families and your friends. Let's not let our elected official or religious leaders decide whose existence doesn't matter. Peace.

Anonymous said...

On the bright side you helped out Mancias. Most people view what happened to her as a rookie mistake. She should be careful with the people she shares her table with. She should definitely avoid sharing a meal with all bloggers and viejas habladoras.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hope he's not another self serving St Joseph thief.

Anonymous said...

Do the commissioners have an office? hours?
Do they have a city email? city webpage?
What are the responsibilities of the job?
What do they have to do to continue being elected for several terms?
How many events, meetings, etc are they required to attend?

They follow the Robert's Rules of Order, right?
That means that all meetings are about order, respect and fairness.

Anonymous said...

12:23 AM - you must be referring to Montoya

Anonymous said...

Follow the bible follow the bible Looks more like a dick-tionary.

Anonymous said...

Tino was one of your campaign promises was to look further into the TENASKA SCAM AT PUB and hopefully pay the money back to the citzens of Brownsville? on no i forgot you didnt say that, oh well, welcome to the golden well and take as much as you can (steal) Reminds me of the Movie "Kelly's Heros" clint eastwood says we are just a private enterprise here. lol.

Anonymous said...

July 13, 2023 at 4:21 PM
no because it says sober YOU ARE WRONG.

Anonymous said...

Pinche City of Brownsville will never change ….

Anonymous said...

To all of our locally elected/appointed officials, Don't impress by your money, social status or your job titles, Impress by the way you treat other human beings, regardless if you think that you are better than they are.(actually some of you are not self made) I am totally fed up with any of you taking advantage of someone who doesn't deserve it to make yourself look better or richer.

Anonymous said...

Tino where are the PUB refunds for 5 years of stealing from the poor? $140 million plus, really you should be ashamed of yourself but NAY you dont know what that is. Oh well the voters have spoken and like you to continue stealing so DALE MAS GAS. NOBODY CARES ANYWAY. YOU GOT THE GREEN LIGHT. I MEAN GREEN AS IN MONEY AND NOT A TRAFFIC LIGHT LOL.

Anonymous said...

So far so good.
My congratulations to all.
Winners and losers.
It's a good fight.
And someone had to come in second.

Anonymous said...

The self entitled elites leading the self entitled elites and turning a blind eye to each others shenanigans. No Buenos for shit!!

Anonymous said...

July 13, 2023 at 5:13 PM

Its not a real bible, its a Camouflaged bible to hide booze. This is not an open container state!

Anonymous said...

wina, looks happy.
