Saturday, August 12, 2023



Anonymous said...

Hilarious! Jullian in the background had me rollicking.

Anonymous said...

Rollicking! LoL dumb ass!

Anonymous said...

segregated prison? WHERE ARE THE LOCAL RATAS?

Anonymous said...

pops up ever where rudy rudy finally they all will get what they all deserve. CARCEL forever.

Anonymous said...

Rollicking? Jajajajaja 😂 perfect stupid “educated” liberal that thinks his obscure words make him feel impressive. I hope to roll coal soon on you in my diesel Platinum. And by the way, “Jotito par de jotitos” moron, I do have my own blog, I just won’t give the address until ke u lern a espeak ingleetch y usar al espell-cheque pobre vato mongolo!!

Anonymous said...

FYI rollicking is a word. I have never used the term but it is a word. The word was also used in proper context. Pinches pelados pendejos, estupidos, babosos, y envidiosos. Bet you understood that sentence 🤣 😂.

Anonymous said...

Rollicking is not like Covfefe. Just saying...

Anonymous said...

August 12, 2023 at 3:41 PM

Pobresito SLOW LEARNER, loco moco. get some mental help, now you think you are white and a republican. chiwawa tropico tejas is looking for your ass. get help YOU ARE NOT WHITE. GET IT THROUGH YOUR MENTALLY DISTURBED CABEZA ESTUPIDO.

Acuerdate idiota tu independencia is around the corner el 16 de nunca. Go buy a palomita and light it and hold it with your left hand or sticK it up your rear end, its only a candle better yet light up a roman candle and stick it your rear end... SLOW LEARNER

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

August 12, 2023 at 3:41 PM

Rollicking? Jajajajaja just learned a new word idiota moron. jotito y tu mama en las catinas go join her and go pick up some men. You love men don't you just like your mama..par de jotitos....mental retard GO GET HELP jotito par de maricones

Anonymous said...

August 12, 2023 at 3:41 PM

Why make such a big deal because someone used the word rollicking? Did you have a bad night on the 11th and didn't get any and decided to unload your rocks on someone here? Then you want to use your diesel Platinum to compensate for you small pilongo and shitty blog that you don't tell anyone about because it's shitty? Estas loco.

Anonymous said...

August 12, 2023 at 3:41 PM

McAllen implant mojado mamon. didn't get your check today and you start a baby tantrum? AAh no leche today. pobresito retard bebito. so you want some milky? hint hint.

Anonymous said...

August 12, 2023 at 3:41 PM

So... bullies the idiot with perfect grammar. 🥰

Anonymous said...

August 12, 2023 at 3:41 PM

any bets he's a mojado with a dick ionary in his hand? LAMBISCON racist wanna be republicans they hate your brown ass pinche mojado vendido.

Anonymous said...

At 7:42, 7:43 etc etc, Lol. Thank you for the laughs, I really did enjoy your comments. No, I am not a republican, yes I am white, and straight as can be with my hot wife BUT I do find your homophobia to be very interesting. I never said that rollicking wasn’t a word, I said it was obscure. The dictionary can be your friend. Maybe buddy you should get some mental health issues checked out and sincerely, from the bottom of my Libertarian Heart, STFU

Anonymous said...

August 13, 2023 at 1:13 PM

lier you are brown ass as brown can be, maricon mental retard, you need to check into tropical soon mamon YOU ARE NOT WHITE and never will be a gringo YOU ARE A COCO y a mamon, people briefed on this matter have acknowledged the fact that you are brown but a wanna be white coco.

Why? Because justice matters

Anonymous said...

1:13 PM
You just keep telling yourself that your diesel Platinum satisfies whatever woman you are with. Keep telling yourself you aren't a joto but you are still an idiotic imbecile

Anonymous said...

August 13, 2023 at 1:13 PM
Pendejo, to save face you are explaining yourself. Nobody gives a shit about your blog, hot ass wife, or what ever else wants to come out of your asshole.

Anonymous said...

Isn't is something that some folks' only intent in accessing JMon's blog is to cast aspersions (read up on "cast aspersions" as I'm sure you have no idea what this means, idiots!) on whatever the blogs addresses. The other side, noble as it ma be, shows that JMon, the Blog owner, believes enough on the "freedom of speech" mantra that he continues to include these idiots' negative drivel on his Blog. Does this speak to the Blogs's owner sense of fairness or, as I, as a mere mortal, would say "to hell with it" and not include such negative drivel on MY blog?? JMon, you are a fair man. You handle all this negative, albeit personal, drivel like a pro, a true Journalist. Kudos to you, sir! You are a far better man than I will ever be because I would certainly tell all of these negative shitheads to Go to Hell! And, of course, not publish thier BS on MY blog.

Anonymous said...

comic character coming out soon el loco moco racist.

Anonymous said...

August 12, 2023 at 3:41 PM

Whenever I see your negative comments I am going to think there goes the Dumbass O-head-tee for Ojete again. It's something to see that you writing childish trash like "u lern a espeak ingleetch y usar al espell-cheque pobre vato mongolo!!" makes you feel good.

Pobre Vato Ojete. All because someone used the word rollicking. How smol can you be?
