Friday, August 4, 2023



Anonymous said...

chicano talk?

this blog should move to Mexico!!!


Anonymous said...

veterans are drunks. it's all these local losers do!!!



Anonymous said...

My dad Genaro was there then also, as a marine sergeant. He got back from Vietnam and told us almost nothing, we were way too young.

Our house was a partial nightmare because of it all, way too much ptsd. my brothers and sister would shudder if we accidently let a door swing open or close and make contact that made noise, waiting for dad's frightening loud reaction. We walked on so many eggshells.

Life was so different back then. This war's trauma destroyed normal connections with their kids. My mom saved us from the insanity by being the stable one with so much love in her heart that it even calmed him - at times.

Vietnam is not something to honor.

Anonymous said...

USMC, Hotel Company, 2dBn, 9th Marines, 3d MarDiv, 2/9/3, 1968-69 Operation Dewey Canyon. In memory of 58,281 men including 8 women, all nurses, 16 clergy members and 160 Medal of Honor recipients who served in the Vietnam War and later died as a result of their service. We honor and remember their sacrifice.

Sometimes with a drink.

Anonymous said...

The little Vietnamese girl running with all the napalm burns on her back is now burned into my memory...holy Jesus.

Anonymous said...

In the minds of the VFW boozers, every veteran was G.I. Joe!

if only!!!

Anonymous said...

hey, hey many kids did you kill today?

Anonymous said...

August 4, 2023 at 10:15 AM

otro pendejo mojado y tu que??? baboso

Anonymous said...

Those vets sure love those disability checks.

Anonymous said...

August 4, 2023 at 10:15 AM
typical mojado, si no eres gringo jotito, maybe tu mama es gringa pero tu ni pa cuando pinche mojado escondete mojado la migra te busca. Y tu mami jotiando como siempre baboso

Anonymous said...

August 4, 2023 at 10:15 AM
si me muevo para mexico me llevo a tu mama con migo estupido.

Anonymous said...

boom cha cha boom boom ooops das not conjunto musica. sooorrryyyy....
