Thursday, August 31, 2023


Special to EL Rrun-Rrun

Those geniuses at the Brownsville Metro, or "B Metro" for short, just keep coming up with all sorts of cutting-edge inventions to serve its ridership. 

This year, the National Association of Urban Architects and Planners (NAUAP) has named Brownsville, Texas as winner of its 2023 Creative Urban Sustainable Assets Award. That award is given to the urban area of more than 100,000 population that makes use of existing urban assets to provide a public service. The city has claimed the first prize for four years in a  a row.

In presenting the award NAUAP President P. Uropedo commended the South Texas city for providing local bus stops/shelters "demonstrating a brilliant synergistic creativity" in seamlessly merging the private partner (landowners) with the public multimodal function (bus service).

Brownsville's winning 2023 entry above depicts a couple standing under a citrus tree in 100-plus degree weather abut 25 yards away from the bus stop "shelter." The judges say the strategic placement of the sign to the private landowner's tree induces the bus patrons to jog to the sign as the bus approaches, encouraging wellness and exercise.

And as far as sustainability, well, there will always be trees for shade around.

(That's Rose Gowen, the city commission's hike and bike trail advocate who has steered millions in public monies build the trails that hardly anyone uses.)

"Brownsville enjoys a reputation for encouraging its citizens to exercise and reduce diabetic levels and improve cardiovascular circulation," said  P. Uropedo on behalf of the NAUAP judges' panel. "This is the latest example of the level of creativity and professionalism that BusMetro has demonstrated year after year. Like Brownsville's multi-million investment in hike and bike trails, it has raised the bar and is taking it to an entirely higher level."

Below is last year's entry: 

Using locally-available materials like cinder blocks and a 4 by 4 construction pole, they have provided their often-promised bus shelters to its customers who have to stand in the elements (cold in winter, sizzling heat in summer) waiting for Da Ride. Genius. Sheer genius.

B Metro calls itself the largest mass transit system based in and serving Brownsville and currently the largest mass transit system in Cameron County and the Rio Grande Valley. It is also the only mass transit system in Cameron County. It is also the most shameless, promising the city commission (fill in the number here) shelters during their annual dog-and-pony-show presentations. 


Anonymous said...

Puro Ped0 genius.

Anonymous said...

Gimme shelter. No, not the song. Just a shelter, any damn shelter for these poor people out in the heat.

Anonymous said...

Scared to blame the white mayor, Toya?

you're sooooooo Mexican, ese.

JOE LOL said...

Honeymoon's over for new Mayor John Cowen.

Throw this at his fuckin feet, ese.

Anonymous said...

New Texas bans porn unless owner willing to give their IP address to be tracked by Texas. "Texas’ law mandates “reasonable age verification methods” that require users to provide some form of digital identification, government-issued identification or transactional data (such as information regarding a mortgage, employment or education) before accessing sexually explicit content online." There is nothing wrong with verifying age, but this is clearly too much. Ahead of tomorrow news services are reporting cites are closing down to be accessed Texas.

Anonymous said...

This is as not the current mayor’s doing. Common compas. PiĆ©nselen cuando abran el hocico.

BobbyWC said...

Moments ago a Texas federal judge held Texas law barring viewing pornography as unconstitutional finding the state an protect children, but that the Texas law does nothing to specifically protect children and in fact targets adults.

Texas has been barred from enforcing the law.

Anonymous said...

I like her name.

Anonymous said...

Montoya, how long have you been whining about this?

Shit, ese, you could have built the shelters you want yourself! Taxpayers obviously do not want to!!!

pero es mas facil llorar, Apa.

Anonymous said...

August 31, 2023 at 8:06 AM

como chingas jotito y tu mama anda cuidala anda jotiando en el downtown bars joto. She's so mojada junto con tu hijita bola de jotos...

Pinche mojado ese maricon.

Anonymous said...

Juan, you and the veterans are missing a great opportunity!!

Gather up the potato-peelers and go build a few bus shelters!!!

great P.R. there.

Anonymous said...

Bobby, loves his porn , cochino!!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe wal mart boca Chica can build a shelter for their customers

Anonymous said...

Enough with the bus shelter BS. It is what it is, it will never get resolved. The Brownsville city govt doesn’t give a shit about its low income citizens. The city officials drive around in their Teslas and late model luxury vehicles, so do you think they give a fuck how its hardworking citizens are gonna get to work or home to their families?? “ Let them stand in the scorching sun, we don’t care”. Thats been happening for yrs( doesn’t matter who the mayor/commissioners are) . Remember its ALL ABOUT THEM and their pockets $$$$. Same ‘ol Same ‘ol

Anonymous said...

Yellow belly coward, no chinges..Fucker, putting a recon on your ass..

Anonymous said...

Juan, you are the Al Jazeera of Brownsville blogs!

Put that towel around your head already, ese.

ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Montoya, where did you serve in the military and what was your rank when you left?

or is it all lies, too?

Anonymous said...

There are some general guidelines that should be followed in deciding whether or not a bus shelter is needed. Situations where a shelter is required include the following: neighborhoods where buses run infrequently; commercial areas with frequent service and high levels of ridership; areas where security is a problem; neighborhoods where there are many older or infirmed people; and areas where inclement weather is common.

Anonymous said...

Porta John. Pa que cagen.

Anonymous said...

your wife your two daughters and your mother outgrew the shit house.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is where the grant monies should be allocated for, not for rich real estate investors and corrupt lawyers with a license to enrich themselves.

Anonymous said...

August 31, 2023 at 11:59 AM August 31, 2023 at 6:20 PM August 31, 2023 at 12:17 PM August 31, 2023 at 11:59 AM August 31, 2023 at 8:06 AM August 31, 2023 at 5:36 AM



Anonymous said...

Toya, maybe there aren't bus shelters all over the city but there are some. I have see o e on Barnard Rd in front of St. Mary's and another one in the Milpa Verde area. I am sure that there are more I just haven't had a need to drive on those streets.

Stop letting these people that pull your heart strings affect you.

Anonymous said...

Wrong, all he did was he dug another couple of posos (holes). Pinche jotito mamon coco. Ya meskin idiota not gringo. estas mas prieto que un mallate guey...Now your daughters - well..

Anonymous said...

August 31, 2023 at 8:06 AM

como chingas jotito!

Anonymous said...

To improve the bus system: assess routes, schedules, and ridership data; optimize routes and schedules; set performance standards for drivers; improve bus stop consistency. Involvement of transportation experts and local authorities is crucial for tailored solutions.

Anonymous said...

Texas Law Enabling Citizens to Sue Over Local Ordinances Pre-Empted by State Laws Takes Effect

AUSTIN – HB 2127, a Texas law passed this year to empower citizens to challenge local ordinances pre-empted by state law, goes into effect today, September 1.

Anonymous said...

PINCHE VIEJA BRUJA. RACIST REPUBLICAN don't like meskins nor el pobre. fact

Anonymous said...

juan is BMetro run by a private company? i know it belongs to the city but the folks that run it is a private firm, can you verify that for the public, thank you. Now as i understand it the city has a 4A n 4B EDC corporation that recieve MILLIONS in SALES TAX money every year, these sales tax funds can be used for this bus shelters if that BOARD and the City COMMISSION agree to do that instead of those bike trails ($$$$ MILLIONS SPENT) that hardly anyone uses. Check out the eligble items list in the Texas EDC 4A and 4B EDC guidelines put out by the state comptroller and TML. Helen Ramirez here is some reading material for next time you got to go to the toilet. My guess is that these BUS SHELTERS would have more use, but hey thats my opinion, Y la commissioner Pansona Gowen never lost weight with the bike trails thing, any way puro pedo. El Porter Kid.

Anonymous said...

Current and past elected officials dont care about bus shelters. They are there to get themselves and close friends richer and that's the bottom line. Pura pinche rata de dos patas en Brownsville politics.

Anonymous said...

August 31, 2023 at 5:36 AM August 31, 2023 at 8:06 AM

We all know you are a maricon and you are after the blog owner but don't be so hot in front of the whole town. MARICON. LIKES WOMEN NOT JOTITOS, and me i like your daughter and if nothing else tu mama pinche maricon...

Anonymous said...

Charro Days is where they make la feria bola de RATAS, at 25 bucks a chair they make millions, floats are charged a lot morel, the bands are free, the new cars specially from that RATA dealership are free to advertise their new cars. ITS ALL BUSINESS BUT WHO KEEPS LA FERIA JUANITO WE NEED TO KNOW!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Aren’t the people who run BUS hard core Democrats? Think about who you vote for.

Anonymous said...

All of these pictures are pretty Covid.
