Thursday, August 3, 2023



July 2023

Dear Mayor and members of the city commission:

This letter has received input from many employees of the City of Brownsville and from all levels. We represent the finance department, engineering, legal, airport, and the city manager's office.

Our city has seen many changes in the past five (5) years since the departure of Mr. Charlie Cabler to the hiring and exiting of of former City Manager Mr. Noel Bernal.

We have seen good directors and city attorneys come and go, but what we have now is an inexperienced city manager in Helen Ramirez, a CFO from the Dallas area, and a weak legal department actually headed by deputy Jennifer M. Avandado, and not by City Attorney Will Treviño.

It seems that the current city administration is attempting to dismantle all the good city departments one by one. The airport, for example, is is a mess with no direction and an absentee director who pulls in a nice $132,600 salary. His wife, in the city manager's office, pulls in another $140,000.

The legal department headed by Avedano is a major catalyst and willing facilitator in protecting the actions of city manager Ramirez who commits one poor decision after another.

Michael Delmore – at $184,000 – does not understand our city or our culture. and his people skills are dismal and his attitude and actions toward city employees are unprofessional. He fails to understand that the majority of work that is being performed is done by support staff and a few professional who truly care about their city. Employees are intimidated and afraid to speak up at the risk of being silenced or terminated. (It's a management culture of fear and retaliation)

Our legal department is backed up reviewing contracts and other materials and this inefficiency stifles their work. Again, one cannot complain for fear of reprisals.

Many of us observed and waited cautiously for former mayor Trey Mendez and the city commission to recruit an experienced city manager and only one commissioner publicly stated that Helen Ramirez was not ready for the position of city manager.

As employees of th city and residents we see firsthand the mismanagement of BTX Fiber, of the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation (BCIC), the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation (GBIC), the audit reports detailing questionable decisions and due diligence failures that result in the pilferage of public funds with little or no measurable benefit to our city or our fellow citizens. What is being done to correct these terrible issues?

(In fact, it was Ramirez's abject performance as CEO and Executive Director which led to the compliance audit that revealed that it was under her watch that companies were allowed to receive incentives in the $100,000s based on their self-reporting of their track records and bona fides. That money is long gone and not one good-paying job for our city residents was created. Instead, Ramirez was rewarded with being made city manager.) 

Chief Felix Sauceda seems to be the only professional at the top level who is respectful of all COB employees.

Remember we all live here and have to bear the services of our city. Eventually, Ramirez will return to California,  the CFO  will go back to Dallas, Avedano and Treviño will obtain other jobs in other cities. 

Please consider the loyalty and work of all the city employees as you perform your public service tenure and do the right thing for all our residents, and not only for a few.

COB Employees


Anonymous said...

Disgruntled employees again!

Shut up and do your jobs!

Citizens don't want to hear it.

Anonymous said...

Folks stop the press, she was the best candidate of all that applied, how dare you all say she is no bueno for shit? Oh well we all knew the truth except the city commission didnt see it that way, even a blind man saw this coming. Oh well just a small bump on the road, what do you do next? WWJD? She has a contract and cant be fired or can she? Or pay her off like folks over in san Bene did with their last CM? Perhaps send her to Colorado with conjunto Bernal maybe? many options are available but will the city commission do anything? I honestly dont think so. chon

Anonymous said...

If they don't put down their names they are a bunch of pussies. This letter could also be a fairy tale.

Anonymous said...

agree with @5:44 AM

work to better the city. that's why they pay you, you whining wackos.

Barrio worms. Always complaining.

Anonymous said...

Very good letter. Good not to reveal your name or names.

Remember, the rule of whistleblowers....have another job ready because you will never be hired again by the same corporation.

Yep, even with laws, employees will be fired and never hired.

Anonymous said...

That's Total Alignment for you, lack of leadership and always outsourcing work that they supposed to do. And she also learned well from Bernal, parking her personal car on metered parking spaces or city Commission parking spaces. Bunch of lazy people. Besides a hefty salary, a huge car allowance at the expense of taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

talk da talk buy don't walk da walk but pay me a ultra high salary, it browntown where money is given away.

Anonymous said...

Don't know her but this definitely and obvious push to get her fired so police chief to get the position lol

Anonymous said...

Don't know her but this definitely and obvious push to get her fired so police chief to get the position lol

Anonymous said...

Once again this is possibly all smoke and mirrors. The city commission always looks the other way cause they are the ones that enabled all this to happen. They put all these morons in all their high powered positions. The city commission doesn’t need a “ letter of confidence or lack of “ or any other document to see what a disaster the city managers office has become. The problem is that too many members of the city commission are to busy with their own shenanigans to bother to rectify a mess they created themselves. This is the typical Merry go Round of corruption in Brownsville that just seems to endlessly go round and round and round!!(you get the picture).

Anonymous said...

This is another letter written by who? ….. drumroll….. Zeke Silva!!!! Trying to paint another false picture because he didn’t get his way with the City Manager nor the city attorney. Montoya, why do you let this idiot decrease the validity of your award winning blog? Common vato, you know better than this, we don’t believe him anyways…. He is the smoke in the Mirror, his new strategy is, whenever he don’t get something he wants, he starts to biytch and complain and writes false prophecies on El Rrun Rrun….. chingao vato, you can do better than this Monte!

Anonymous said...

Puro pinche Fake News ALV, typical of anything Zeke puts together on Chat GPT

Anonymous said...

Many City Managers have been buried with generous contracts. Normal departure includes the remaining years on their contract paid in full. Severance packages are very profitable. Another page in Brownsville history by the sands of time.

Anonymous said...

Letter of no confidence should be LETTER OF NO COMPETENCE . This Helen Ramirez was a left over of the idiot Bernal regime. If she were to magically “resign” we’d still be fucked cause you know that useless/clueless Sauceda would probably take over. BEWARE OF THE SECOND COMING OF CHARLIE CABLER. History repeats itself. God forbid.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Close the airless port it only rents to UNO duster plane at .60 centavos an hour, and the director there make 250K a year. He supervises the vending machine (only una) which by the way have no peanuts.

Anonymous said...

Cameron County citizens: No confidence in candidate Lil Eddie Garcia

No experience/con artist

Anonymous said...

Former Pres. Trump departs for arraignment
FBI needs to investigate all elected rata officials here!!!


Anonymous said...

If what is written is true Ms. H. Ramirez bit more than she could chew. She could also be a puppet or a "yes" woman.

Anonymous said...

Ramirez and new mayor Cowen are joined at the hip. She says jump and he says how high. This is the city manager that Cowen and Rose Gowen wanted. Now live with the mess.

Anonymous said...

a yesum lady for the gringos. mamona.

Anonymous said...

Very Interesting.

The clown putting you down for this post is, obviously, a Ramirez Damage Control Flunky.

It's sad that these employees had to come forward in this fashion, but it must be pretty accurate for them to send this letter. I hope the Mayor and Commissioners are paying attention.

The Fiber project is a scam (Tenaska 2.0). BCIC AND GBIC are headed for more trouble. Ramirez was warned about Spaced Ventures. Favoritism is rampant in the EDCs, with Trey first in line for the limited assistance grants.

As mentioned by one of the commentors, Sauceda is behind this "movement." It's strange because it would be good to get rid of Ramirez and the other overpaid clown Assistant City Managers. They double up on their "duties," to get more pay, but end up doing less for any of the departments they oversee, since they are inept to begin with.

But what will you end up with. Another sham "search" and Sauceda getting the job. The Commission would have to be crazy to allow that.

I think the one commentator is giving Zeke a little too much credit, even though his analysis is on point for Zeke being a whiny ass bitch.

Anyway, the more money the city takes in the more there is to spend on the crappy bureaucrats. Accountability is what is needed. The Audit Committee needs to be working 24/7 against the mediocre and disappointing performance of these clowns.


Anonymous said...

12:20 close it down…. Not our fault you just stay in your house some of us aren’t mad at the world and go on vacation to and from Bro! Mensa, pestosa!

Anonymous said...

This is the initial push to get Charlie Cabler 2.0 (smh), you guys don’t want Robocop to take the helm, trust me you don’t! Y’all are just a bunch of negative complainers, you have no idea how hard Helen works to keep this city running! Don’t jump on the Zeke Silva mind set where you don’t get your way so you ask chat GPT to write something negative for you. Monte, Neta camarada why do you let them write on her carnal, you’re acclaimed they aren’t! We used to utilize this site as a basis for information, it is slowly becoming a source of entertainment because no one is believing this bologna.

Suerte carnal

Anonymous said...


Aaahhh Mamlouie!! You are the one who wrote this letter! Aaayyy, "Chief Sauceda is the ONLY good choice. He is a GOD in my eyes. I hope he makes city manager so I can keep licking his Payless shoes."

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Chief wants to take the reins from the person who gave him an opportunity. When in Rome stab the person that brought you to the top! Eres gaucho chief!! Does this mean the chiefs body guard takes over the PD?? Ese Louie ne sabe como poner sus pantalones!

Anonymous said...

HELEN no te dejes girl dales en la madre a todos estos cool arrows. If these clowns claim you aint worth a 20 yard line then how come no one sign this paper? son puros cool arrows in my book. firmale guey

Anonymous said...

Elena elena ops its Helen pinche mojada coco.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

August 7, 2023 at 1:15 PM


Anonymous said...

Delmore got fired/force to resign.
