Monday, August 7, 2023



Anonymous said...

some photos of my wife with her black stockings and undies. these were taken in our living room one Friday afternoon after work. sorry that we cannot show our faces as my wife works in the public sector.

Anonymous said...

Trump is a pussy. He doesn't have the gumption to go to prison or commit suicide. I read of Biden laundering money and of him being senile and wonder which one it i?

Anonymous said...

Puto, deja la botella, mendigo!

ponte a ser reportero, cabron.

esto es una cagada de dos libras, desgraciado.

la cagas, Montoya, la cagas.

Anonymous said...

Trump should have been in jail long ago for all the harm he caused our nation. He was directly responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths due to his lying of how really deadly Covid19 was instead chose to say it will just go away. Lied that Mexico would pay for the border wall, lied that he would replace Obamacare, refused a peaceful transfer of power and instigated his followers who were dumb enough to attack the Capitol. Claimed rigged elections but the one caught trying to cheat was himself "Georgia find me 11k ". Stole top secret documents and took them home. Trump had his chance for four years and never done anything positive, a return of Trumo as president will be a win for Putin and a loss for NATO. The GOP better nominate someone else other than this despicable person in 2024, that is if the intend to win the White House.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The multi-millionaire is running out of everyone's money. Keep sending your funds to the conman. MAGA people are so gullible.

Anonymous said...

Al Bote Puto!! Ya es tiempo, pinche vato mierda.

Anonymous said...

(The multi-millionaire is running out of everyone's money.)

Dude, I've seen him call himself a "billionaire".


Anonymous said...

The real criminals that should be lock up are in Cameron County. Telling the truth gets you into trouble. Telling lies and putting your hands in the cookie jar is ok in Cameron County. Having 3 jobs at the same time and collecting plenty of cash while the poor working class gets higher Property rates while illegals get plenty of help. Open your blind eyes democrats of Cameron County because it's all your fault for the countless lies from the BISD, BND, CC, COB, TSC, BPD, FD and especially the PUB. Lies on Lies that is what Brownsville good for.

Anonymous said...

Lmao democratic retards are obsessed with this man. 2 impeachments 1000 indictments later he still gives you all nightmares. Che liberal mojados. Trump 2024

Anonymous said...

Worry about the pendejo that has the high gas prices and inflation higher than ever you stupid fucking left wing maricones

Anonymous said...

ALL you Trump haters are something else. You live in another world. Our economy was best under Trump. Jealous assholes who are too blind to see.You are full of hate. Trump this, Trump that. Really. Read pendejos. Don't just listen to the bullshit the media says.So are you happy with the pervert demented Biden? He took bribes from China and Ukraine.His son is a crack cocaine druggie, who had sex with his underage niece, lived with his dead brothers wife, fathered a kid with a stripper.Took millions in bribes as well. Ah but they are the perfect family. You would rather eat shit, live in the ghetto but we don't want Trump. He is the only one that can save this country. But all you haters can't see it. Keep living your pitiful life and pretend he lied when we know the election was stolen. We saw it. Para que se hacen pendejos that it wasn't. They are so afraid of him that they have to charge him with bullshit. What about the documents Joe had in his garage next to the corvette. Oh but thats ok. Do you really think Joe Biden is running the show. Wake up. He is demented. Keeps saying stupid shit, falling everywhere and touching young girls. Get rid of him. Ah but you can't see that. No wonder we are all jack ass poor. We vote for the wrong people. Siganle...defiendan a Biden. The worst president ever.

Anonymous said...

Trump for 2024? Must be the joke of the century. After all his lies, attempted coup by instigating his dumb followers to attack the Capitol, claimed stolen election when the one caught trying to cheat was himself "Georgia find me 11k votes " calls himself patriotic but refused to serve his country during the Vietnam war not once but three times, that's called pathetic in my book. I agree 100%, we need someone else as president in 2025 but surely not this despicable, disrespectful person on the ballot. Putin will certainly be delighted to have him back but not most of us. Hopefully, the GOP will nominate someone else, then we will vote Republican again.

Anonymous said...

@ 4:23 AM

Truth can stare YOU in the face and you would not recognize it. Folks like you only see the instant gratification that Trump provides and to hell with everything else..."but I can go buy beans, tortillas, and gas." Pues que triste.

Anonymous said...

The number one thing this blog never discusses is Biden success stories. Because there are not any. Democrats have handed Trump the next election. LATINAS FOR TRUMP!

Anonymous said...

RUSSIAN COLLUSION! All have been lies by the Democratic party fighting to keep their dictatorship alive. At least Trump didn't receive millions from the Chinese and Ukrainian government for selling our country out. Why aren’t the Biden’s being treated the same? Anyone and everyone should be held accountable for their crimes. But it’s apparent that this is no longer the case in our country.

Anonymous said...

I did not know that we had so many millionaires in RGV! Hopefully, you are white because if you are just an ordinary Mexican with little money, why are you are you even bothering to defend the worst person that has ever held the office of president in the USA. I suggest you move to a country like Venezuela, Russia, etc., where DICTATORS rule. Is that the kind of leadership you want for the USA? The only ones that defend #45 are his cult, Qnon, Proud Boys, etc.! Have you educated your self and figured out what his intent for this country is? It looks like you have not. Quit being ignorant and if you approve of a racist, conman, grifter, liar, rapist, cult leader, etc., go for it. That is proof that you too are vulnerable to lies and that you are just a cult follower. May God protect you because #45 will not!

Anonymous said...

What me worried? Na, trumputo will be wearing orange in Georgia real sooooon, and after that in Levenworth Federal penitentiary and after that he'll be in line at a gimmme gimme welfare, asking for food, JUST LIKE YOU AT 4:23AM, if you are hispanic mas triste, racist republicans DO NOT LIKE HISPANICS and that included COCOS.

Anonymous said...

August 7, 2023 at 9:30 AM

If you are coming after me I'm coming after you pendejo.

Anonymous said...

Former Secret Service agent Evy Poumpouras told CNN’s Kaitlan Collins that her former colleagues would likely take no issue with former President Donald Trump being sentenced to prison.

“I actually don’t think it’s going to be very difficult,” Ms Poumpouras said of the possibility of protecting Mr Trump in prison. “He’s going to a very secure location.”

Unless he's sent to a meskin prison. "haste paca jotito aqui esta tu papi".

Anonymous said...

If and this is a big IF Trump goes to he is going to be sent to a place like Mara Lago. He won't go to your regular riff raff prison. Sad but true.

Anonymous said...

gorgia "ray charles" gorgia on my mind. I say it again GORGIA GORGIAAAAAAAAA

Anonymous said...

Fucking dirty democrats! No valen verga!

Anonymous said...

Previously Secret Memo Laid Out Strategy for Trump to Overturn Biden’s Win

ARREST ALL OF THEM AND EXECUTE ALL OF THEM treason is the highest crime in the nation. EXECUTION IS A MUST...

Anonymous said...

"Trump mocks Christie's weight, eating habits " Trump is the Petulant Bully in Chief and yes YOU can kiss his ass all YOU want...but I am not voting for him. I would vote for Pence but not for Trump.

Anonymous said...

its georgia learn to writ ingglis mal educado bisd student.

Anonymous said...

Trump 2024 putos!! Les guste o no!!
Vivek Ramaswamy VP!

Anonymous said...


Yes your wife works in public sector, UGLY and cheap.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

August 7, 2023 at 6:00 AM

Quit talking post them or shut the f*** up. estas poniendo gorro
