Wednesday, August 16, 2023



Anonymous said...

Say what you will, but the economy was better under Trump. We weren't on the brink of WW3. Trump didn't take millions in bribes from foreign entities like Biden reportedly did, but you refuse to write about. In reality, this is Obama's third term. He's really the one pulling Old Yeller's strings.

Anonymous said...

Has it been proven that Biden took that money? You believe everything you read? And if he did , YES he should be held accountable. Don’t forget Trump is the one with 4 indictments around his neck and counting. He too will have his day in court to prove his innocence!! We are to quick to react and point fingers in this new culture of lies/ conspiracies we live in.

Anonymous said...

@8:03 sounds like your talking about the Trump crime family. A reason he's charged with rackateering....

Anonymous said...

Asssssssssshollllllle democrats doing a good job in congress doing what to the majority of taxpayers of U.S. nothing but creating major financial dead beat programs.

Anonymous said...

Enamorado de un idiota sounds about right for racist republicans. SIGE LA MAMADERAS MORONS.

Anonymous said...

@8:03 AM

Idiot, the economy was tanked under Trump by Covid-19, or do you forget all the business closings? You do, you imbecile. Trump sucked Putin's dick so much that, of course, we weren't going to war with dreaded Russia.

Biden take bribes? Prove it, you wifebeater. You'd be able to prove trump's guilt in Georgia way before you got to Biden bribes.

Obama did well by the economy after the mess W left in 2008. But you ignore that, you insolent pendejo.

God will damn you.


Anonymous said...

For: August 16 8:03 A.M.
What freakin' planet have you been on, bro'. The "economy was better under Trump"?! Obama left him a very strong and sound economy. El Pendejo Anaranjado immediately screwed it up royally. He gave massive tax breaks to the rich (of which I am sure, you are NOT one of them). Economics .101: if you ain't got shit, without or without a good economy, you still ain't got shit, idiota. Did you make any money during Trump's disastrous term? Did you invest in the stock market? Probably not! Stop drinking the MAGA kool-aid and read object economic data.
WWWIII? hmmm, El Pendejo Anaranjado would not have gotten us into a war because, being the coward that he has always been (remember "bone spurs"), he would have allowed Putin and China to bend him over and screw him. As long as he got his millions from these Commies, he could have cared less about you and me. Get your head out of your butt and see some light, carnal.

Anonymous said...

Democrats, lost souls who believe in Joe Biden who has done nothing for this country but bring it to ruins. At least Trump didn't steal any money or take any bribes. Thanks to the honest Republicans in Congress the truth on the Biden's will be revealed.

Anonymous said...

Trumputo will go to prison soooooon very soooooon. idiota

Anonymous said...

8:03 Remember to send the millionaire/billionaire, that doesn't pay his bills or taxes, more money. He's laughing all the way to the bank........

Anonymous said...

Trump was the worst president in the history of the USA. Biggest liar and instigator we have ever seen. He almost caused an insurgency or coup to forcefully stay in power, something that never ever happened in our great country. He was a wannabe Putin that dreamed he could stay in power indefinitely. We as a country need to move forward without this despicable and disrespectful person once and for all.

Anonymous said...

August 16, 2023 at 11:05 AM

God is a democrat you are doomed but muskies can send all of you pendejos to either the moon or mars, your choice. Satan rules on those two places and he will welcome your asses with open arms and a big ________.

Anonymous said...

Florida’s Black history curriculum teaches children slavery was beneficial for Black people. It’s creating outrage

SERIOUS? now watch texas start teaching that the robbery of lands in south texas by the gringos was beneficial for meskins. Here it creates a "pasa la tequila, guey".

and the craps are happy

Anonymous said...

1:40 PM
"At least Trump didn't steal any money or take any bribes."

Your inoccence is a beautiful thing to see. Stay golden...

Anonymous said...

Pinche Cheeto president! @8:30 am,, "The Economy was better under Trump",,, pa' pendejo se estudia!

Anonymous said...

O. P. M. other people's money just like welfare, food stamps a rich and famous pidiche. There are quite a few of them all are white
