Tuesday, August 15, 2023


New York Times

Former President Donald J. Trump and 18 others have been indicted by an Atlanta grand jury in a sweeping racketeering case, accusing Mr. Trump and some of his former top aides of orchestrating a “criminal enterprise” to reverse the results of the 2020 election in Georgia.

The indictment, an unprecedented challenge of presidential misconduct by a local prosecutor, brings charges against some of his most prominent advisers, including Rudolph W. Giuliani, his former personal lawyer, and Mark Meadows, who served as White House chief of staff at the time of the election.

The indictment delivered late Monday in the Georgia election interference investigation is expansive and complicated, charging a network of 19 people with 41 counts. 

Trump faces 13 charges including violating the RICO law, soliciting a public official to violate an oath and filing false documents. (You can read the full indictment, annotated by Times reporters, here.)

Here is a breakdown of those charges by type.
The indictment contains some of the most sweeping allegations against Trump yet. It accuses him and some former top advisers of organizing a “criminal enterprise” to reverse the election results in Georgia, where a grand jury handed up the indictment.

The document cites eight ways in which Trump and 18 other defendants allegedly obstructed the election. Among them:

*Lying to the Georgia legislature and state officials
*Creating a fake pro-Trump slate for the Electoral College
*Harassing election workers
*Engaging in a cover-up

The conduct that prosecutors described goes beyond Georgia, incorporating Trump and his aides’ attempts to overturn the 2020 election results in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and other states. The top charge was brought under a type of law originally created to prosecute the Mafia.

“The indictment alleges that rather than abide by Georgia’s legal process for election challenges, the defendants engaged in a criminal racketeering enterprise to overturn Georgia’s presidential election result,” Fani Willis, the district attorney in Fulton County who led the investigation, said at a news conference late last night.

The Georgia indictment is built around the state’s RICO law, short for Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations. This type of law primarily targets organized crime. In Trump’s case, prosecutors argue that he and his supporters engaged in a wide-ranging conspiracy, with more than 160 acts aimed at keeping him in power.


Anonymous said...

I am sooo sick of Trump. A civil war? Just what the f are we fighting for? What does Trump know about war? He is a draft dodger! He is going to get Putin and Kim to come lead his war. When it comes to war he is no Grant.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone noticed how it's these negroe affirmative action prosecutors who are filing these charges? These are boggus charges that criminalize freedom of speech. Meanwhile blacks are being released with reduced or dismissed charges for committing violent felonies. Makes you wonder about what the Democrats have on affimative action prosecutor Willis.

Anonymous said...

@7:08 AM

If you're lover Trump is innocent, he'll prove it in court.

But don't bet on it.

Blacks are as American as you, you fucking infidel.

May God damn you.

Anonymous said...

se la pelan, he will get away with it and win once again just watch, puro pedo.

Anonymous said...

They tried to prosecute Trump 4 years as president with lies, y nada..2 tier system of justice..Im certainly not voting for Biden if he's the nominated..

Anonymous said...

Freedom of speech? You have an ex president who was pressuring Georgia election officials to "Find me 11k votes " that's not freedom of speech, that's called corruption in my book. And don't forget his famous plea to Putin "Russia if you're listening " to help him find Hillary's emails. We didn't need the Mueller investigation regarding Russian collision. And he still wants to be president again? Pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Dont mess with georgia is the message and the other states should do the same thing. For the future of this country, he needs to go to prison, and for a long long time, say like FOREVER.

Anonymous said...

(What does Trump know about war?)

Go to prison, you fat bastard!


Anonymous said...

I can't believe how many ignorant people in this Great Country of ours that are blinded by this Bozo in a clown suit. Trump is a proven Liar and a Crook who thinks he is above the law. He is wanting to be a permanent Dictator to wipe his Ass with the Constitution of our Great Country.
Everything around this Clown seems to be caving in on him. He promotes violence to turn the focus away from all his screw ups.

Anonymous said...

Had to be a bigot to use the race card when talking about Trump. Doesn’t matter what color the prosecutor is when handing out these indictments. If there is enough evidence to warrant these indictments so be it. In this case( the 4th by the way) it happened to be cowardly Trump , again. And if he’s innocent, let him prove it in court, AS SIMPLE AS THAT!!! Enough said.

Anonymous said...

TRUMPUTO the most hated pendejo in el rrun rrun and the whole of the USA usa USA usa machete

Anonymous said...

7:08 - Smith who has indicted Trump twice is Anglo. Your racist mentally keeps you from seeing an obvious problem with the prosecutor in the latest case. She has asked the case be tried within 6 months. Trump and 18 more have been indicted. Such a trial is not possible in 6 months and the request raises serious concern about whether she is seeking justice of vengeance. I am not defending Trump. In a perfect world Trump and Biden would leave politics today.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile blacks are being released with reduced or dismissed charges for committing violent felonies. Makes you wonder about what the Democrats have on affimative action prosecutor Willis.

August 15, 2023 at 7:08 AM

Trump pardoned individuals that committed: mail fraud, health care fraud and murder etc

This makes you think that the criminals favor TRUMP.

Anonymous said...

He'll beat the wrap! All political at tax payer expense.

Anonymous said...

Read the opinions on the charges in the indictment by two liberal law professors, Jonathan Turley and Alan Dershowitz instead of relying on a steaming pile of affirmative action law degree DA who is lenient on black criminals.

Anonymous said...

if they can in-dicked trumputo than WE can in-dicked los enanos.

Anonymous said...

Check out this article by Alan Dershowitz, a liberal Emeritus Harvard law professor who is far brighter than DA Willis in Georgia.


I know many of you hate Trump, but you can't just railroad someone because you don't like him.

Anonymous said...

Re: August 16 8:12 AM
Turley and Derkowitz are "liberals"??!?! They only appear on Fox so, very likely they are just panderers that will do and say anything to get Murdoch's money. And we should listen to them? Ay Dios mio, el pinche Trump has all of you zombies del puro ojete.
Reminds me of the retard that is on Welfare and says that the economy was better under Trump. Did he get an extra pound of cheese a month or what, LMAO.

Anonymous said...

A new one for all of you MAGA retards:
MAGA now stands for "Mamones Al Guey Anaranjado". Pobresitos MAGAistas.

Anonymous said...

Trump will be our next president, thanks to the Democrats. This witch hunt is going to get him elected.

Anonymous said...

Alan Dershowitz has been on Trump's side since day one. No one on the left considers him liberal.

Anonymous said...

Blacks can break all the laws and you democrats feel so sorry for these poor slave people of Africa?? That's a joke! Blacks are always getting into trouble, causing trouble, making trouble and democrats want their votes? Now that's trouble?

Anonymous said...

August 17, 2023 at 2:02 PM
The trouble with you is that you are plain trouble

