Friday, August 4, 2023


(Ed.'s Note: After 35 years of working as a law enforcement officer with Cameron County, 22 of those with the Motor Vehicle Division of the Cameron County Tax Assessor-Collector's Office, Jose Abel Mireles has retired. A ceremony was held during the county commissioner's meeting Tuesday attended by his family, his boss Tony Yzaguirre, and where he was given recognition for his years of service. On a personal note, having worked with Joe during the time that I was an administrative assistant for one of the commissioners' precincts, I can sincerely say that he was one of the most respectful and upbeat county employees that I met. His daughters attended Hudson Elementary with mine and I often met him when we volunteered to help during some of the open house and carnivals held to raise funds for the school's library and other activities. Congratulations Joe on your well-earned retirement.)


Anonymous said...

nevah hoid a dis guy!

notables only, dude.

Anonymous said...

Quien ese este guey?

Anonymous said...

He was the outside tax collector, and his area was "La Isla" the surf, he has the biggest collection of seashells IN THE WORLD. gracias toni!!!

Your property tax dollars HARD at WORK....

Anonymous said...

Congratulations LT joe mireles on your retirement well deserved.
One of the realest muthafukas you will ever meet/know.

Anonymous said...

Was he not the one who was involved or blamed for what his boss had done?
You know who I am talking about, right? TY -= TAC?

You should have quit then. Your name went down because of this.

Anonymous said...

Who's the fruitcake with the yellow shirt? Masss putzzz...

Anonymous said...

After 35 years he knows where all the bodies are buried.

Anonymous said...

Where's the lady with the bible, where, where???

Anonymous said...

Anonymous--7:19,Am it's some one better than you, stupid jerk!!

Anonymous said...

Didn't work a day In those 35 years

Beat the corruption rap too

Y ahora country retirement papa

Anonymous said...

Jose, donde estan los esqueletos? 😳

Anonymous said...

Just for men hair paint lol

Anonymous said...

Joe congrats and enjoy, el southmost kid de la 17th y harding

Anonymous said...

Good Man, Good Public Servant. Now run for Office Joe. We need you.

Anonymous said...

I like the hot one, the lady on the left, all by herself she looks lonely. POBRESITA. I CAN HELP!!!

Anonymous said...

Those are big shoes to fill for whoever takes over. He or she would only wish they knew all Joe has forgotten. This man would make a great county sheriff.

Anonymous said...

He's a good man and a loss for our County. He was always approachable. Thanks for your service. Enjoy your retirement!

Anonymous said...

August 6, 2023 at 11:16 PM

WHAT??? I heard he uses a size 6.5 shoe. feet size is a true measure of how hard you have worked. small size means you are a flojo.

Anonymous said...

August 6, 2023 at 7:22 PM



Anonymous said...

Lt. Mireles a good man, he was always willing to give you a helping hand didn't matter who you were. He knew everyone in the County and could easily get help for anyone in need. I wish him the best Mr. Yzaguirre couldn't have hire a more loyal man then Lt Mireles. I wish Yzaguirre would have convince him to stay now who do we turn for advise.

Anonymous said...

These two criminals had and demanded their charges to be expunged. Thanks to Corpus Christi Juudge Manuel Banales coming to their recuse. Mireles had already requested retirement compensation for so-call time severed. Is he double dipping for compensation? These are part of Cameron County corrupt political leaders. If the shoe fits, it's all on you guys. This is my opinion.

Anonymous said...

August 7, 2023 at 11:11 AM
That is probably one of Joe's family members. For all we know it is his 17 year old daughter. Be polite and kind

Anonymous said...

August 7, 2023 at 6:10 PM ok
