Tuesday, August 15, 2023


By Diana Arevalo
McAllen Monitor

MCALLEN — Josh Mejia, the president and CEO of the McAllen Chamber of Commerce, has stepped down from the position effective immediately.

Mejia’s resignation comes a little more than a year after he left the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation  in order to help guide economic development in Hidalgo County’s largest city.

“I had the privilege to be able to work there (McAllen) for a little over a year to be able to kind of set the ground for our leadership, working with them and our stakeholders,” Mejia told The Monitor late Monday.

“It just gets to a point where you are able to understand when your time is done and when it’s required for the organization to consider somebody else that can come in and just keep driving things forward,” he added.

Mejia has more than a decade of experience in economic development and came to the McAllen Chamber after serving as the CEO of the Brownsville CIC for about three years, but was with the organization for six years.


Anonymous said...


McAllen showed his ass the door.

he knows it.

Anonymous said...

Write the real story… He didn’t resign. He was fired. The real story is in your comments.

Fake Resume
Inappropriate relations with a subordinate
And a few others.

Anonymous said...

bye bye Josh. He lied about having a degree, got caught having an affair and accomplished zero. He claims he brought stability. yeah right!! Anyone in the know can tell you how terrible he was, how arrogant he was, and how the Chamber was willing to buy out his contract so he could go away.

Anonymous said...

The chamber is secondary in the City of Palms.

Republican Mayor Javier Villalobos calls the economy shots. If you'd known that, you'd have known this Mejia clown was a low-level clown not worth the press.

maybe next time, Toya.

Anonymous said...

Juan its simple, resign or get fired.

Anonymous said...

En el suroeste de México hay una diosa que abraza. Cuando uno conoce a Leticia Santiago Guzmán, sus brazos se abren como si fuera un ave que ofrece su cobijo.

Desde finales de junio representa a Centéotl, la deidad mexica del maíz, y es el rostro principal de la Guelaguetza, el evento cultural más importante del estado de Oaxaca. Su rol de las últimas semanas ha sido acompañar al gobernador en los festejos previstos en la agenda y promover su propia cultura.

Todo en ella es color e historia. Su piel canela. El pelo largo — oscuro como fondo marino — acomodado en dos trenzas que remata con listones. Su collar de coral rojo. La pechera floreada que oculta leyendas ancestrales.

Bailarines actúan en el primer día del festival de la Guelaguetza en Oaxaca,
Bailarines actúan en el primer día del festival de la Guelaguetza en Oaxaca, México, el lunes 17 de julio de 2023. En el el evento promovido por el gobierno, 16 etnias indígenas y la comunidad afromexicana reivindican sus tradiciones a través de bailes, desfiles y venta de artesanías.

“¿Quieres que hable en chatino o en español?”, pregunta la oaxaqueña de 35 años antes de iniciar una entrevista.

Alzando la voz en la lengua de su etnia — los chatinos — Leticia arrancó el discurso que hace unas semanas le valió el triunfo en un certamen que allanó el camino a la Guelaguetza, organizada por el gobierno desde hace 91 años para difundir las tradiciones locales. En esta edición participan representantes de 16 pueblos originarios y la comunidad afromexicana.

Las calles del centro se paralizan cada mes de julio, cuando el evento transcurre entre desfiles, bailes y ventas de artesanías. Según el gobierno, tan sólo esta semana hubo más de 27.000 mexicanos y extranjeros que se dieron cita en la capital estatal.

Anonymous said...

Not that many dark-skinned Mexicans at McAllen City Hall.

he wasn't well-liked either.

Especially when it became known that he was from Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

He claims he has more than a decade, that's just over 10 of experience, with six years in Cameron County, six years of stealing from the taxpayers of Cameron. Maybe the reason he lasted that long was because he was allowing the former elected officials leaders such as former mayor Tony Martinez, Trey Mendez and others, to be the first to get to the monies generated by grant money, by purchasing rundown so-called historical property for pennies on the dollar so that they would be the first to apply for the Grant money. Grant monies that are generated every three years supposedly to be used to better the quality of life for the citizens of Cameron County. These grant monies are not just for the elite. That is motive enough to keep a rata for almost a decade. This is my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Why cares?

Anonymous said...

a pawn in the local RATAS scheme. PERIOD!

Anonymous said...

Finally a valid source …. Not just Zeke Silva complaining on hearsay

Anonymous said...

Hope he does not come back to Brownsville...

Sal said...

I feel like he was outed. I don't understand why you would leave that soon. Looking at his statements you can tell there is some resentment and wanting for recognition...

"to be able to kind of set the ground for our leadership"
"can come in and just keep driving things forward"
"...I guess you can call it, chapter that was already established at that point"

No where in the article does it mention what he actually did. Just new branding? I can get AI to whip something up in less than 10 seconds. Brownsville looks like it's innovating but it's thanks to daddy musk's money, not our leaders. McAllen was duped.

Anonymous said...

Face of a poor vato.

Not McAllen quality.


Anonymous said...

cara de raton, ese guey.

Anonymous said...

John Hebert
Nick your comments about police adopting military style dress and equipment and how it affects public perception were on point and quite insightful. Good work!
Not only do they wear military uniforms and equipment they ACT like the military. NEED TO STOP BEFORE IT GETS WAY OUT OF HAND


Anonymous said...

No one uproots their family to a new city and willfully resigns in a year. Its telling that the Chamber hasn’t officially come out with anything. He lied to so many people about so many different things he can’t even keep a story like this from revealing the truth. IEDC? Just looked em up. It’s a VOLUNTEER BOARD with over 50 members…. not so important to resign for. SOMETHING happened.

Anonymous said...

He looks like a black John Villarreal.


Anonymous said...

The nice people in McAllen were just trying to give an underprivileged kid from Brownsville a hand up. Brownsville should try to recruit people from McAllen to work here.

Anonymous said...

Why does Brownsville have so many losers? Is it the water?

Anonymous said...

He still lies even when he’s on his way out. 6 years as CEO? He only last 3 at BCIC. He was a lowly marketing coordinator before that. This man is a liar who cheats on his wife and lives of the stories he can’t keep straight. Good riddance.

Anonymous said...

Looks like he swallowed a big chorizo. maybe he did

Anonymous said...

Juan he got fired period, no excuse, hopefully he will find a way to get back into a nice cushy brownsville job cuz he could not make it in mcallen, he had to work over there. Mala semia, bad seed. o es huevon????
