Saturday, August 5, 2023


(Ed.s Note: Visitors to the judicial side of the Cameron County Courthouse in the last week of July  were met by two Cameron County Sheriff Department deputies with canine units (K9) stationed at the courthouse in Brownsville.

There was no bomb threat, or much more going on in the courthouse, since this is about the time that many judges are on vacation and court business lows down.

Still, given the black eyes that Sheriff Eric Garza – who is up for reelection – has received in his term, making a good show is all that he has left. The courthouse is already staffed with bailiffs and security guards galore and all one has to do is drive by the parking lot across 10th Street to see at least five or six sheriff 's units parked there all day. Makes one who's patrolling the county. And why this show of force before an empty courthouse?

For his part, Garza posted that "The presence of the K9 serves as a proactive measure to enhance security and safety for visitors and staff. K9s are trained to detect prohibited substances and assist in locating potential threats. The CCSO is committed to maintaining a safe environment for everyone at the courthouse."

If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit...)


Anonymous said...

another sheriff slam.

what a pussy you must be, Montoya.

write this blog in Spanish, Mexican.

Anonymous said...

and meanwhile patrol only working with 3 or 6 deputies, awesome leadership

Anonymous said...

August 5, 2023 at 6:14 AM
como chingas jotito cuida a tu mama pendejo esta en las cantinas buscando hattians y tu mamando. par de jotos.
pinche par de mojados

Anonymous said...

who are theyt expecting the racist republican texas governor? mamones he hates meskins pendejos specially dogs, but likes maids he married one.

Anonymous said...

Do you bunch of haters have anything intelligent on which to moment?

Anonymous said...

Use those units for patrol Garza. Courts already have bailiffs and security assigned. Be proactive, my ass , you’re trying so hard to create this perception to the public that your administration is working hard . How convenient when elections are right around the corner huh? Your ship has sunk ( with no survivors) , so instead of grandstanding, put those K-9 units to good use patrolling the streets. There’s alot of thieves/rats roaming the streets. Don’t forget to patrol the city hall / COB offices, im sure you can nab a couple in those areas.

Anonymous said...

Garza is more occupied on arresting Valerio for an honest mistake than arresting Charles Hoskins for stealing money from stone garden. Clocking in at "6am" every single day while he still at home or sleeping in the office, guess who has all the pictures charles??? Yes, you guess right Daniel Rodriguez. You to Nereyda don't act surprise. Chuck uses a truck purchased with fund 90 with red / blues and law enforcement radio to go drop off and pick up his kids from the day care (there is pictures and videos).

Do you know where is Gilbert Cisneros all day?? Time to do a open record request on his timesheet. Sucks that the ones who actually work get punish.

Anonymous said...

That k9 officer on the right is probably selling dope there for his brother. Do a little re-search Montoya. And the other brother who is in swat tip his brother all the time what house they hitting. Fed agents have their eyes on them

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Now i know why deputies don't respond to calls. They are busy doing PR

Anonymous said...

More deputies taking a photo for the night out at the SO than on patrol what a shame

Anonymous said...

God bless the K9 dogs

Anonymous said...

August 5, 2023 at 8:48 AM

what, you never went to u.t.? idiota!

"to momment"???? i think he did!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't get why all the trash talking about Dani Gomez he actually takes care of his people not like other sups back stabbers mofo

Anonymous said...

Word is that one of the captain's threw one his supervisors under the bus to save his own ass. Daily business at this place. Garza 2024

Anonymous said...

Those are drug dogs. Not bomb dogs or patrol detection dogs. They can locate any potential suspects don’t Fucken lie Eric.

Anonymous said...

Detect illicit substances

So the lawyers aRe users?

Anonymous said...

What’s up with PCT 3 constables dispatch gives them pussy calls to take and they always say they are 10-6 but in reality they’re at office birthday parties or giving away backpacks. They can’t even back up DPS inside their PCT because they are too busy at the office party bunch of pussies.

Anonymous said...

K onda almansa te enpino guerra o ke?

Anonymous said...

Garza's post only with 1 comment and is the one and only Carlos sucker del bosue com' on bru take a break you leaving dat man dry asf

Anonymous said...

Write in Spanish.
That your mom and daughter give you head.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nice looking K-9s.

Anonymous said...

Captain Guerra no vale v. Desde que estaba en patrol el vato siempre era igual. Anda enojado por que sabe que este bebé que trai la marrana de Karen este si no es de el. Por eso anda enojado

Anonymous said...

POLICE, THE MOST CORRUPT ORGANIZATION IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Is that deputy on the right the pillsbury dough boy? Better watch it , dog may mistake you for a double meat hamburger. LOL

Anonymous said...

Go and solve all the murder cases that have not been solved. Catch a criminal once in a while or a murderer or a store thieve, patrol the highways using a radar once in a while, highway 48 is a traffic jam, traffic doing over 90/100 miles an hour going to harlingen and/or back to browntown.

A new way of thinking at the SO, guard ourselves FIRST, some terrorist or mental retard might invade us. WE ARE MORE IMPORTANT sheriff dept thinking, and the tax payer, citizen and everybody else "FENCE FOR YOURSELF" WE ARE BUSY GUARDING OURSELVES.

Anonymous said...

I hear they ordered WAR uniforms just like bpd. WHERE'S THE WAR AT THE NEAREST BARRIOS???? PINCHES MAMONES

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows that those K9's serve the purpose of only sniffing out drugs and money. Those dogs are NOT trained to detect guns or explosives. This is nothing more than a DOG and PONY show for the citizens that don't know any better thinking that Eric Garza is doing something or actually doing POLICE work. BUT....I honestly believe that Eric Garza does NOT know the difference as explained and actually thinks that those dogs serve a purpose of detecting bombs and shit like that. I forgot that Eric Garza is still a ROOKIE.

All that is is a waste of resources and personnel. You only have 3-5 deputies patroling the streets without supervision because they are all doing school presentations, movie night, Texas Road House and other political events for the Rookie Eric Garza.

I sure do hope people can see through this bull shit.

Anonymous said...

Eddie Guerra se la come!

Anonymous said...

Someone tell little dick Hugo to stand on the side step of the Tahoe next time he takes a picture. If that dog stands up it'll be taller than him lmfao. SAD that he takes more care of that dog than his kids!!

Anonymous said...

I hear they carry a roll of toilet paper for the 4 legged creatures, just in case. Part of their job. Clean up, do your duty!

Anonymous said...

Valerio should have been arrested long ago. His mom even admitted that he used his brothers green card to get hired.His brothers name is Daniel

Anonymous said...

What? no more posting? What hopppon? they turned the electicity off at the SO???
go to work huevones, go look for a viejita to arrest and handcuff and beat the crap out of her and throw her in the execution chamber.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Mingo Diaz!!! Have a great 81st birthday

Anonymous said...

El pinche chocoflan says he’s good at COD but he’s not a team player. He never listens and always wants to do his own thing. That’s why we always lose when we’re on!

Anonymous said...

I went to the swat competition last week and let me tell you there is some shady characters in the Sheriff's swat team the ones you only see in the movies, the crooked cops if you know what i mean. they got 8th place out of 10th

Anonymous said...

crooked swat Fonsi Salinas handcuffed people at Capella apt while on suspension crooked shit he doing

Anonymous said...

Pinche dolido diles en su cara culo ablas nomas de los salinas abla de la cebolla martinez y los culos jefes de la jail division.

Anonymous said...

They do their job. Plain and simple. Hats off to them. The old timers and the young bloods.Good Job!

Anonymous said...

Keyboard warriors, if you have a problem with them, tell them in their face. You throw the rock and hide your hand.
Wait, you can't really tell people things to their face because you are worse off, shitty worker, weak link, flonke, and no one minds what you say.
what a pity individual.

Anonymous said...

Pinche Culos, al rato sale quein es el que pone tantas mamadas aqui. Las mamadas damelas a una cuarta para abajo del ombligo pinche vato joto.
Una feria a Juanito para que me diga quien eres joto bueno para confirmar quein eres porque muchos ya saben que eres tu. El Karma de va a patiar el culo pinche culo.
