Sunday, August 27, 2023


(Ed.'s Note: This tragic news item has informed the community of the death of senior athlete and our fellow Brownsvillian Anuar Jobi, a standout basketball and football player. The Bloodhounds handily beat the Lopez H.S. Lobos and two of the people in the  car involved in the accident played prominently in the 60-21 lopsided victory this past Friday.

Early accounts indicate that a drunk driver on the wrong side of the road between McAllen and Brownsville crashed into the car in which the four Brownsville residents were riding at about 3:30 a.m. Sunday. Running back Juan Pablo Vidaurri, another senior St. Joseph Academy varsity football starter, is listed in stable condition, according to the school.

A letter of condolences posted by Betty Beandon Garza said the St. Joe students were returning from McAllen early Sunday and that the driver was not drinking, but that the driver of the other car was also killed. 

She also said that "the driver from St. Joe tried to help his friends to get out of the car without knowing one dear friend had passed away... May Anuar Jobi rest in peace."

 "As I'm writing this my hands are shaking. The other boys from St. Joe are apparently doing fine."

Our deepest condolences to his family and friends. We take them into our bosom and share their pain.)


Anonymous said...

God calls you when he wants you.

Nothing else to read into this.

Anonymous said...

Que triste. RIP

Anonymous said...

Condolences to all who know these young men
This is happening to often in our rio grande valley
There is no excuse for drunk driving

Anonymous said...

Kids will be kids.

sad but true.

RIP, dude.

Anonymous said...

Tough tacos for Browntown.

But we deal with our tragedies.

May these kids find happiness.


Anonymous said...

Condolences to the families of those involved in such a senseless accident.
My condolences also go for the teachers of these young men, for each student is like one of their own kids. I am sure it will affect them for the rest of their life, since I went through a similar experience during my years of teaching. We love our kids and never want any harm to come to them.

Anonymous said...

They apparently were coming out of a debut party. Some saw them sneaking drinks to the back. This is tragic, however, we must stop teaching our children to drink as part of a celebration. Reports must be more hones in order to have more conscientization regarding the problem our society has with alcohol consumption, and those that allow minors to drink and hold them too accountable.

Anonymous said...

No pues asta yo me arrodilló con tal de salvar mi vida ❤ apoco tu no seguramente no rogarias por tu vida 😢 piensa las cosas y verás que cualquiera sabe sus estrategias ya sea para salir de deudas o problemas. Su vida 🧬 no le des muchas vueltas solo pienzalo

Anonymous said...

What were they doing out so late?


Answer that!

tough that he died but those kids should have been home at that hour. Where was the accident? There are 65 miles between Brownsville and McAllen!!!

Give me some facts!!!!

Anonymous said...

A lot of info missing here.

gather the facts, blogger!

You call yourself a newsman, but you suck in this story!!!

Who was driving? Whose fault, according to cops - NOT YOU!

I could kick your ass right now, bro!!!

Anonymous said...

Juan, a news article says the accident took place on Expressway 83. As you know, Expressway 83 is also Interstate 2, your picture shows a street with 2 solid yellow lines and a solid white line. If you are familiar with street signs and lines, this represents a two lane road, and Interstate 2 has 6 lanes 3 going east and 3 going west with concrete barriers between east and west bound traffic.

Id rather you refrain from reporting pictures of a tragic death, but if your vile mind finds itself obligated to do so, abstain from posting pictures that are yet to be confirmed.

Anonymous said...

Once again, thank you Mr. Montoya for publishing all of my comments, even though they get a lot of trash talk. Never mind that this was Saint Joe, we all know this could have happened to any of us. My condolences to those involved, I lost friends at that age. I hope no one tries to make this political and let’s all pray for the deceased and suffering. Signed, San Jose “Rich Guy Coco White Wanna Be”

Anonymous said...

You let your teen drive at 3:30 in the morning?
You let your teen do anything at 3:30 in the morning?

Anonymous said...

Heavenly Father,
Please help us.
Too many drunks.
Too hot.
Lord, please save us.

Condolences to family and friends.


Anonymous said...

What is wrong with you 10:36 am, this is not the time to spew your poison/venom. (or your ignorance for that matter) Have some sympathy/empathy. Oh and lets not forget “ some common sense” this accident/ tragedy just occurred, so all the facts are not out yet. Some young lives were lost and some families lives were changed forever and you are worried about the accident itself??? Im not into violence but maybe you’re the one that needs an ass kicking !! You better pray that nothing like this ever happens to any one of your loved ones!!! Our most sincere condolences to all the families involved 🙏

Anonymous said...


What part of another car with whose drive was drunk was driving in the wrong lane did not understand.?

Anonymous said...

Mixing football scores with tragedies is not good, but what you expect from sanjose people, anyway my respects and rip, at the end we are all from browntown...

Anonymous said...

August 28, 2023 at 10:36 AM

buy a new paper pinche garrunia tight was pendejo or open your own blog jotito. estupido.

Anonymous said...

August 28, 2023 at 10:36 AM

this is a blog pendejo idiota not a newspaper pendejo. stick your hand up your ass and pull out un pinche dolar to buy a newspaper guey

Anonymous said...

The person who caused the accident also died. Otherwise, that would have been manslaughter which is jail time. Wake people, if you drive dont drink and of you drink don't DRIVE. As simple as that, prevent needless and fatal accidents.

Anonymous said...

Beto quintanilla

"Le compre la Muertos a mi hijo"

Anonymous said...

August 28, 2023 at 10:36 AM

como chingas guey quit insulting everybody here and the blog owner. this is a Tragedy pendejo, calls for respect which is something you will never have
nobody here likes or wants your ass here leave!!!

my condolences RIP

Anonymous said...

12:45 PM.. the author of the article wasn't San Jose people. the person mixing tragedy with football is Ed (Ed's Note), whoever the fuck that is. Im amazed how you didn't pick that up, but, I can only imagine your pre-k reading skills.

Anonymous said...

Hey 14:50
Don't drink and blog

Anonymous said...

10:36 chill Katy Presas

Anonymous said...

Rrun rrun broke the news first
Not even valleycentral krgv or nyrgv had it when Montoya published it

Anonymous said...

August 28, 2023 at 4:29 PM moron

those were quotes idiota you need to go back to your teacher and beat her/him up for lack of instructional lessons or you are just a plain pendejo.

Anonymous said...

St Joe has had major financial problems for the past couple of years. Had to lease out their new Jr. High to UTRGV, building projects canceled as students are choosing to go to Veterans and other schools. Academic standards are now below that of BISD and as long as you can afford the tuition, you are in. St. Joe is not the great school it once was. Also has a major drug, alcohol and cheating problem that is kept very well hidden by the board and administration. The school is basically controlled by a couple of narco families from matamoros and their children run wild at all hours of the night. Another problem is teachers and administrators are friends with the parents and there is no accountability. Maybe this party animal kid’s death will force changes. Don’t count on it though, SJA is desperate for money and is barely surviving another school year. And another thing. The parents of the dead kid and injured kids are just as responsible as the drunk that hit them.

Anonymous said...

They were at bars in McAllen. The pictures were all over the kids social media.

Anonymous said...

You do not deny.
Writing skills, excellent!!!

Anonymous said...

You are all talk. Must be from St eoj.
11:03 am.
Everything has been confirmed. Read the letters, look at the pictures.
How much more do you want to see?

Anonymous said...

August 30,2023 at 1:16 PM

Last year I was speaking with a friend's teenage son who goes to Veterans and he told me "en Veterans ay puro mariguano." Your comments about Veterans explains his statement.

We need to be aware that to some people alcohol and drugs are part of their culture. When I was growing up back in the mid 80's we Barrio kids from la Porter knew that it was the SJ students who had the money for drugs. All we have to do is look at the poster child/adult now Captain Bob. BTW, I am not writing this to be evil. What I am stating are my observations.

Anonymous said...

I know of a family from Matamoros who's kid went from SJA to Veterans, now his kid is doing jail for running kilos. Not all Chargers are the same, and not all Bloodhounds are the same. These are individual acts that have no blessing from their respective Schools, there will be people on here smart enough to understand that, and people intellectually challenged who wont understand.

I also went to summer school to every public school in Bville and was offered all kinds of drugs, and was shown a mini-uzi (or mini-semi automatic mini gun) hidden inside a back pack during class. They weren't SJA kids.
